"Leslie Ann's Exploits"

Chapter 1
Leslie Ann the child

By Titanx9

These days, she would look around and wonder,
Why wasn’t she happy and loved with her largesse?
Why wasn't the love her parents gave her enough?
They'd said, "defeat your rivals, you'll find happiness."

When Leslie Ann was old enough to understand,
her parents treated her like a star, their true delight.
She was coddled and taught to use her feminine wiles,
Causing her to believe; this was where to set her sight.

Leslie Ann soon discovered even when in first grade
that to be popular, she would need to plot and scheme.
There were many girls who were prettier than she,
but none had her smarts, her charm or her means.
All through high school by guile she reigned supreme;
she chose for her regal court ten delightful consorts.
When with Leslie Ann they'd mocked the lesser ones;
They'd demeaned, and denigrated all for daily sports.

Her cohorts got bolder in their quest to please her
For Leslie Ann never tired of the hurts she imposed.
Her parents tried to control her wayward behavior;
Her teachers conspired jointly to get her deposed.

Leslie Ann was clever, wily; she knew a skeleton or two
That afforded her the freedom to plan her next assault.
At heart, all she ever wanted was love and to be missed,
But behind her back jeers, or sneers were her usual exalt.

While driving under the influence, she wrecked a car or two,
As no one dared to challenge, her delinquencies accelerated.
At eighteen, the day arrived and the town danced with glee.
Leslie Ann was graduating; all knew her GPA was inflated.

It was one day-after graduation that Leslie Ann finally knew.
Her court didn’t like her, and none bothered to wish her well.
Alone she packed for college as tears spilled down her cheeks;
She felt betrayed and wished them all a wretched time in hell.

Determined, she declared she would make college her paradise.
Why mingle with turkeys when she could soar with an eagle?
When she flipped her thongs, the English professor had winked,
He sized her up, and she sized him down with an air fit for a regal.


Author Notes Thanks MKFlood for use of your artwork.
This is a story poem. I hope you like it.

Chapter 2
Leslie Ann goes to college

By Titanx9

Alone, Leslie Ann takes a more subtle approach,
Since high school, she’d learned her lesson well.
There she believed she’d acquired loyalties for life.
Now on this journey; all friendships she would dispel.
Her parents kissed their only child a woeful good-bye.
And watched rather sadly for not a tear did she shed.
She smiled, revved her engine and shifted into gear,
She thought about the possibilities that lay just ahead.
Like a whirlwind, the first few months flew by calmly.
That gave Leslie Ann time to consider her terrain.
When several girls merrily offered their friendship,
She smiled weakly; she’d not travel that road again.
Guys pursued her and made their intentions known;
But Leslie Ann ignored them as she awaited her fate.
Six months later, she found him, handsome and alone,
Waiting at a bus stop just outside the dormitory gate.
He was waiting for the bus that long and chilly night,
Wearing  an old coat whose elbows were threadbare,
Most of his money supported his wife and two children.
Earnings from two jobs was barely enough for their welfare.
Leslie Ann parked her red Mercedes-Benz slk 250 roadster,
And walked through the University’s gate as the bus nears.
She wants him badly, so she pulls out her personal card,
And sticks it in his book that was hulking with rabbit ears.
Dumbfounded, the young man timidly fingered the card
As his thought ran wild, the University was letting him go.
He didn’t understand; he'd given his all to his students,
They even called him at home; he couldn’t take much more.
Jonathan and his wife sat brainstorming way into in the night.
No matter how they squared it the money just wasn’t there.
Five more months of work and six months of severance pay,
Then they’d have to pack and move to find work elsewhere.
The next day while leafing through his class’s chemistry book,
A card fell out with photo and phone number of a Miss Mill.
He stared at the beautiful face for a few minutes, wondering
Did he owe her? His life seemed defined by tears and bills.


Author Notes Google photo.

Chapter 3
Leslie Ann tackles Chemistry

By Titanx9


It was a restless and sleepless night for Leslie Ann
As visions of a captivating man stirred in her head.
She imaged it wouldn’t be difficult to rein him in;
If she played the ingénue, he’d chase her instead.

With iPhone in hand, she looked at all the pictures,
She’d taken of him as he strode around the campus.
She thought of myriad ways to get him in her bed,
Without raising eyebrows, or causing a major fuss.

The next day she made several discreet inquiries
about the handsome professor on the second floor.
She didn’t realize there were so many others
Scheming to get inside the professor’s lab door.

The competition made Leslie Ann more determined
to win his affection over all the moon-eyed stunners.
The following week, she planned, and she plotted,
Finally deciding she rather liked the Bunsen burners.

If the truth was told, Leslie Ann hated life sciences,
but in the pursuit of love, this was a price she’d pay.
Many eyes crossed over when she entered the lab
Sat up front and crossed her long legs in a special way.

Leslie Ann believed chemistry couldn’t be too difficult.
She knew she could ace it as she’d done in other classes.
But six weeks into the course and many sleepless nights
Wonders of wonders, she thought she might need glasses.

Sometimes when alone, it upset her, she had no real friends
Other than Thomas, her assigned chemistry lab mate.
Thomas grew to love her, and he ignored her greedy ways;
In the midst of molecular structures, he asked for a date.

Leslie Ann was annoyed and had no feelings for Thomas
It bothered her little; she took from him all she could learn.
He knew she was using him and could not seem to fathom
His need for her, and rationality, he could no longer discern.

Nothing was going according to Leslie Ann’s meticulous plans
Jonathan discussed her grades, but ignored her ample charm.
This caused her to work harder than she’d ever worked before
To learn his inner convictions, to determine how she’d disarm.

She spent hours contriving tactics and places they could meet;
His aloofness aroused a desire to be his only need, all his life.
She longed to be the object of his great smile, to be his everything.
She faced her greatest challenge; she’d have to depose his wife.

Author Notes In Chapter four, Leslie Ann comes face-to-face with Jonathan outside class.

Google photo

Chapter 4
Will Leslie Ann Score?

By Titanx9




Leslie Ann’s patience was running quite thin, all
Her efforts to snare Jonathan were proving in vain.
She aced all her tests in his chemistry class, and
All she had to show was a heart full with pain.

Then it happened quite late in the lab one night;
Thomas avowed to Leslie Ann his eternal devotion.
She sighed, looked off into space before declaring,
“Why don’t you concoct  a don’t love Leslie Ann potion?”

Her cruel words hurt Thomas James to his core,
So for spite he told her of Jonathan’s despair.
So absorbed with herself, she’d never fathomed;
There could be trouble in the Dewar’s perfect lair.

All his life, Thomas knew all the Dewar family
And toyed with the idea of calling Mary Ann.
He had believed if he kept Leslie Ann’s secret,
She’d realize it was he, who was her ideal man.

Leslie Ann beamed, believing she’d found a weapon,
To rein Jonathan into her bed, maybe into her heart.
The possibility of love was alien; she mused for days,
The wisdom of allowing such a relationship to start.

As always, Leslie Ann could never deny her whims,
So stalking Jonathan became her daily quest.
She located him in the park one eve near a grove,
And during wordplay, she hoped to make a conquest.

Now Jonathan was aware of Leslie Ann’s intent,
So he sighed rather long, and asked her to sit.
He was surprised; the vixen only talked about class,
And before lunch was over, he thought her a wit.

Smiling to herself, Leslie Ann knew she’d scored,
But the matter of Thomas threatened her escapade.
She was now in the top five in her chemistry class,
And thought it was about time to end the charade.

Several days later, she pondered her next move,
Of bailing Jonathan out of his financial distress.
Snow-white teeth, vast chest, and muscular thighs,
Tormented her dreams, causing her physical unrest.


Author Notes Google photo

Thanks for reading this one. It's a bit of a challenge, but I am enjoying writing it.

Chapter 5
Jonathan's dilemma

By Titanx9













Jonathan no longer slept, he merely existed
Items that once brought joy had become chores.
If not for his family he’d put a gun to his head,
But thought suicide even in death he’d deplore.

All his years he’d faced his many challenges,
Never did he use his good looks to advance in life.
At six foot two with bold, chiseled features,
His lot should have been easy, not rife with strife.

He was a simple man from the wrong part of town,
Who believed honor was what defined a man.
He was a sophomore at USC when he met Mary Ann,
And thought for once, God dealt him a winning hand.

Six months after graduation, they said their I dos.
Five years, two children later, their lives were bliss.
They loved each other with a raging intensity,
And chances to touch her, he would never miss.

Her long legs wrapped around him after a hard day
Was as close to heaven he could ever hope to come.
Mary Ann set a fire burning down deep within his soul,
She was his everything, his peace, his joy, his balm.

Now the university Dean's dubious competency
Was toying with his career, his life, and he felt lost.
He knew eventually he’d find a sustainable solution,
But he shuddered to think of the price it might cost.

To him, life wasn’t measured in games and conquests,
Though around him women seemed to lurk, seductively.
Many promises of bedroom gymnastics came his way,
But it was Mary Ann who satisfied his needs completely.

No other woman could put the extra spring in his steps,
Or the joy in his heart Mary Ann’s smile could cause.
He was not blind to the women who sought after him
But none, yet had ever made him stop or even pause.

Mary Ann’s said she wanted all his attention and love,
And he showed her his devotion again and again.
He wanted her to know beyond a shadow of doubt,
Despite everything they faced, he was forever her man.


Author Notes Google photo.

Jonathan hadn't thought about cheating, yet.

Chapter 6
Leslie Ann's millions

By Titanx9











Leslie Ann’s nights were interminably long
In her dream, she could feel Jonathan’s heat.
Her traitorous body longed to be joined with his
In love’s dance, again and again they’d repeat.

Her parents lavished her with gifts and bribes;
They bought her new cars, always one of a kind.
She planned, but didn’t want to raise their ire,
Knowing a married man they’d draw the line.

At nineteen, Leslie Ann truly was an exotic beauty
Who learned from her parents the ruses of charade.
She learned early the effect of tears and sniffles,
And on her parents, she could always persuade.

She decided she’d try another tactic this time and
Ordered red roses and dinner for their anniversary.
They were happier than they had been in a while
And laughed out loud as they recounted old memories.

Leslie Ann was all charismatic and solicitous to boot.
“Mom, Dad, you look like you haven’t aged in years,”
She cooed. Her mother beamed and kissed her cheeks.
“We love you, sweetheart; you've been such a dear.”

Between the white bean soup, the entrée and the dessert,
Leslie Ann cautiously mentioned her ample trust accounts.
“Dad, I’ve been studying mergers and acquisitions lately.
I want to learn how to maneuver between large amounts.”

Adoringly, Jason Wall accepted his daughter’s invention,
“I will increase your allowance from one million to two.”
Leslie Ann was so happy she squealed with delight
Thinking how she’d get Jonathan and have money too.

Her parents were happy to see she'd  finally settled down,
And listened eagerly as she discussed her investment plan.
She related how she learned stocks and knew about bonds,
And to watch in a few years, her portfolio would expand.

Smiling wickedly, Leslie Ann’s mind moved to high gear,
Thinking in a day she would have the money in hand.
Her heart throbbed and her mind cried Jonathan’s name,
And she knew in her heart, she’d finally get her man.


Author Notes Google photo.

Leslie Ann dresses and acts like a nice sweet young lady and really wins her parents over with this apparent transformation. She's really wily and smooth, and they believe her lies.

Chapter 7
Thomas's revenge

By Titanx9


Now Thomas James was not about to run and hide,
He’s spent many sleepless nights tutoring Leslie Ann.
For her to think she could utterly toss him aside,
He’d show her she can’t just order and demand.

When he met her, she couldn’t identify the periodic table,
And now with all his help, she ranks third in their class.
Yes, he’d fix little “use and leave them” Miss Leslie Ann,
And while he is at it, he is going to have a blast.

In the lab, she deliberates and tosses her arrogant head,
Thinking Thomas would simply bury his head in the sand.
Smirking with suppressed glee, he heads toward the door,
To place a much-needed call to the easygoing Mary Ann.

Mary Ann listens as Thomas tells her what’s been going on,

She thinks of the women who admire Jonathan’s sex appeal.
Her mind races wildly, this one seems more determined,

But there is in her serenity, a will made of steel.

She knows her husband’s confidence is at an all-time low,
And the wretched wench somehow must’ve figured it out.
A surge of anger rages through her, but she breathes in
And smiles. It’d been a while since she’d engaged in a bout.

Thomas, believing he is vindicated, heads back to the lab,
But one look at the vixen, his heart she continues to hold.
Her fine skin, spiky eyelashes and beautiful flaxen hair
Play havoc with his mind, how can she be so cold?

Thomas doesn’t know how much more of her he can take,
So goes home and sits, hoping he can devise a plan.
True, Leslie Ann is conniving, malicious and often cruel,
But he believes she is no match for the sweet 'lil Mary Ann.

Mary Ann, loved by many in the small university town,
Volunteers at St. Luke’s and clerks at the City Hall.
She's a queen of a woman if certain lines aren’t crossed,
But if you toy with her family, be prepared to take a fall.

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Chapter 8
Leslie Ann makes a move

By Titanx9

It was a hot summer day, and the birds were all atwitter,
When Leslie Ann decided it is time to make a play.
She eyed Jonathan all morning and knew he planned,
To eat lunch in a nearby park, so it had to be her day.

She went earlier to his favorite spot and waited in a thicket
Until Jonathan appeared with a folded newspaper in hand.
Before he could speak, she walked up silently and said hello.
Perturbed, he said hello and then noticed it was Leslie Ann.

He sat down and opened his paper, and cast her a smile.
She eased in near him and eyed the paper’s business page.
Nodding her head forward and flaunting her long, slender neck,
She pointed to a pharmaceutical stock that was all the rage.

Jonathan was astonished that one so young could be so smart?
He proceeded to discuss blue-chip stocks and a cash commodity.
Leslie Ann sat not uttering a sound, and she stared into his eyes,
Which made him feel tall, not like some broken-down oddity.

When he paused, she smiled and made one tiny suggestion,
To meet her at the library, perhaps they could compare notes.
Jonathan thinks for a moment and finally decided, why not?
His routine of school and home was becoming a kind of rote.

Leslie Ann continued apprising him of her market successes.
Nearby, pictures were being taken of them with a mini binocular.
Leaning in close, Leslie Ann revealed her most fervent desire.
To win a Nobel Prize in chemistry or become a Rhode Scholar.

Suddenly, arising from a thicket came a loud cough and snort,
Thomas meant to keep quiet, but could barely suppress his disdain.
Jonathan smiled at the winsome Leslie Ann, sweet and all innocent,
And promised to meet her at five sharp, providing it didn't rain.

It was past two, and long after the striking duo left the park
That Thomas emerged from the woods, miserable and forlorn.
He was not given to bouts of self-pity and feelings of isolation,
Though he knew the next step, yet he felt conflicted and torn.

He’d talked with Mary Ann, and together they'd formed a plan.
What if it hurt Leslie Ann? It was a thought he could not endure.
Mary Ann soon determined altruism was not Thomas’s motive,
Though she liked him, she vowed their plan she would pursue.

Author Notes Google photo.

Thomas is hiding in a nearby thicket at the park. He has a camera and he's taking pictures of Leslie Ann and Jonathan, hoping he'll catch them in a compromising position, which will further bolster his and Mary Ann's plan for revenge. He's desperate and conflicted.

Chapter 9
Leslie Ann's misstep

By Titanx9


It was five o’clock, and on the steps she waited,
Wearing a halter top that barely covering her asset.
Her midriff bared, her mini skirt short and sparse, as
She pirouetted about, perfecting seduction’s etiquette.

Jonathan arrived late and took two steps at a time, and
Walked pass Leslie Ann before he did a double take.
He was nonplussed. What happened to his ingénue?
He looked at the vixen that was clearly on the make.

Leslie Ann quickly realized she’d made a tactical error.
Jonathan needed gentle inducement, perhaps cajole.
She tugged at her skirt and allowed a few tears to fall
When that failed, she talked hurriedly becoming droll.

He smiled, but the evening she planned was ruined.
They never discussed acquisitions, or stocks and bonds.
Each was uneasy, and her portfolio lay between them.
She looked doleful, and he was enraged at being conned.

Leslie Ann fled to Thomas; she'd no place else to run.
He opened his arms to her and gladly welcomed her in.
So soft she felt, he forgot to ask why she was there,
As he plied her with his libation of bitter tonic and gin.

Leslie Ann began to disrobe, telling Thomas she was hot.
Stunned and dry-mouthed, he dared not question his fate.
She said she wanted him, and it was making her insane.
He sat speechless, his feelings changed to lust from hate.

She pulled him against her and gave him a sobering kiss
That made him rapidly rise like yeast in a  braided bun.
He stood, unbuckled his belt and pulled his zipper down,
As she smooth-talked him to party and have a night of fun.

Thomas kissed her sensually, sending thrills to her toes.
 He kissed her lips, ears, and moved down to her neck.
Her hands were all over him as she spread herself wide.
She felt his firmness and cooed, for he was solid and erect.

They used their hands and lips to touch all the right spots.
Thomas refused to accept, she may be there on the rebound.
He sighed with pleasure and sank into her velvety sheath,
And rode her high and hard and relished in her love sounds.


Author Notes Google photo.

Leslie Ann made an error in judgment. When her plans backfires she runs to Thomas and he takes her in.

Chapter 10
Leslie Ann meets Jonathan's wife

By Titanx9


Sated, satisfied, and pleased, her nerves were now less tense.
Leslie Ann focused her efforts, her heart she would re-claim.
Though she wondered why she had such love for Jonathan,
When images of Thomas’s maleness set her blood aflame.

She had never once had to focus on anyone but herself,
Now she felt a fleeting anguish for giving in to weakness.
In Thomas’s arms, she felt something she’d never felt before.
In distress, she stumped her foot for getting in such a mess.

She knew he’d think he owned her for one night of pleasure.
She had to nip-it-in the bud, or he’d fancy himself in love.
Leslie Ann was enthralled by Jonathan, or so she believed
She wasn’t about to give him up for some love-sick dove.

Admiring her soft luscious body, and the feelings he evoked,
She tries to forget him, and his hungry whispered need.
A surge of passion overcame her as he recalled all they’d done,
But she’d forget her feelings, and common sense she would heed.

She dressed carefully and decided to set the record straight,
And hurried to the lab, where she saw a woman kissing her man.
Without thought, she flung her books aside and charged ahead. 
She realized too late, it was Jonathan’s wife, the charming Mary Ann.

Leslie Ann was aghast; her rival’s face was both sweet and impish,
As she cast a look at Leslie Ann and dismissed her like a toy.
Jonathan stood on shaky legs as he looked from one to the other.
Surprised, Leslie Ann looked wretched; but his wife was full of joy.
Mary Ann turned around, “So you’re the tart tossing money about,
Trying to buy my husband's love, you miserable, undisciplined brat.”
Pointing a finger she warned, “Little girl, you’d better leave him alone,
Because if you don’t, I’m going to swat you like I would a pesky gnat.”

Leslie Ann not used to put downs, shook with unbridled hate,
“Why you old witch..."  But at Jonathan’s scowl, she backed away.
Mary Ann was wound up, but she smiled playfully up at Jonathan.
She knew there would be no regrets, when she made the vixen pay.
“Don’t you even care that I am better for you than this plain Jane?
I've loved you since the night, I saw you outside in the freezing cold?”
Mary Ann looked from Jonathan to Leslie Ann and breathed a sigh.
Leslie Ann stood motionless, waiting to see how things would unfold.
“Jonathan, we’ve been through many good and bad times together,
But if you want this over-sexed, arrogant little twit, I’ll step aside.
“No,” Jonathan pleaded. “I’ve done nothing wrong, you must believe me.
No one can ever take your place in my heart, there’s nothing to decide.”

A happy Thomas entered the lab and took in the scene before him.
His heart plummeted; he knew once again, his heart been betrayed.
He followed Mary Ann out and stood mutely as she handed him a note.
He couldn’t think of their plan - his nerves were jumbled and frayed.

Author Notes Google photo

Chapter 11
Has Leslie Ann nabbed Jonathan?

By Titanx9

For weeks, Leslie Ann worked long hours in the science lab,
And that afternoon she was tasked to make invisible ink.
She measured baking soda and an assortment of materials,
Allowing her mind to race as she mixed them over the sink.
A quandary she was in over her feelings for Jonathan.
Groveling over him made it appear she was the lesser one.
Heck, the man was handsome, but he was barely eking by,
But trying to get into his arms was turning into a marathon.

On the counter before her, she eyed acids and chemicals,
Visualizing the effect of arsenic over parmesan cheese.
She’d fix Miss Mary Ann for making her look the fool,
With the right concoction, she’d think she’d caught a disease.

For the first time in days, Leslie Ann was intensely polite.
She shooed her team out and promised to clean the lab.
Alone, she switched labels and cleaned off her prints,
And slipped into her purse a mixture with a mislabeled tab.

Smiling she prepared to leave and noticed a wrapping,
Lying on her book that was addressed to Leslie Ann.
She picked it up, laughed out loud and did a victory dance.
Jonathan had just placed his future into her capable hand.

She decided she’d make him grovel. He'd play it her way,
And they’d flaunt their affair before the sweet Mary Ann.
So he thought he loved her - well that was his rotten luck.
She would taunt him, and keep him under her command.

Across town, Thomas sat drinking and wishing her to perdition,
He couldn’t forget the ardor of their pornographic mating.
How could she forget their passion and the unbridled lust?
He knew her heat for Jonathan showed no signs of abating.

Mary Ann was all charm as she fixed Jonathan’s dinner,
Sighing deeply as he pulled her close for a sensual hug.
She thought of Leslie Ann and her soft heart hardened,
In a day or two, the little sexy siren wouldn’t be so smug.


Author Notes Google photo

Chapter 12
Leslie Ann goes to room 10

By Titanx9

Leslie Ann felt superior, believing she held all the cards.
She laughed at her cunning; things were going her way.
Jonathan had declared his undying love in three notes,
She smirked, and thought of ways to make them all pay.

Leslie Ann reasoned she’d given Jonathan her heart.
 It was a part she’d never granted to any other man.
He stomped on it, ignored her and caused much pain,
Just to be with his plain wife, mousey little Mary Ann.

Many thoughts assailed Leslie Ann about the Dewars.
They’d declare before witnesses for better or for worse.
She’d checked and knew their favorite restaurant, and
Discovered the pair liked salads and German liverwurst.

She fingered the envelope, she’d gleefully secreted away
Grinning with delight, imagining them in the throes of death.
Maybe she should choose Thomas; he wanted her so much,
But that would be after her revenge; or to her dying breath.
The university was quiet, students were out for the holiday,
Leslie Ann wasn’t leaving until she’d done what she decreed.
It didn’t occur to her that she and Jonathan had never kissed,
It didn’t matter - he’d rebuffed her; she just had to succeed.

The note said to meet him over by the quad in room 10,
She didn’t know that locale, but it didn’t seem far away.
She dressed modestly, this once she’d play Mary sunshine,
Bemoaning her simple dress, she vowed he'd rue the day.

The building looked isolated as Leslie Ann walked near,
But nothing sinister crossed her mind and she ambled on.
She entered room 10 slamming shut the door behind her.
Engulfed in total darkness, she pulled out her cell phone.
She whispered Jonathan’s name as fear started to rise.
Her phone had no power; there was no one around.
The building was eerily quiet, and the walls kept closing in
As claustrophobia overcame her, she heard not a sound.
She discovered the  door was locked from the outside, but
Ahead, she saw a sliver of light, and she ran in that direction.
Letting herself in and looking about wildly, she halted in fear.
20 c
adavers lay on tables, eyes staring and ready for dissection.

She cried for Jonathan in her mind, though uttered no sound,
Catatonic with fear she thought she heard hearts throbbing.
Leslie Ann was so frightened, she thought she
would surely die.
She fell upon her knees, shook, hiccupped, and started sobbing.

She never prayed, and laughed at the weaker ones who did,
But before the long night was over; she’d made several oaths.
She cowered in terror at the screeches, jangles and rattles, and
Stupefied at dawn; she swore she’d seen a room full of Ghosts.

Author Notes Google photo

Leslie Ann is intent on making Jonathan pay for rebuffing her advances although he has never done anything to make her think he wants her. She received several notes asking for an assignation, but were they from Jonathan? Will she survive a night in the gross anatomy lab surrounded by cadavers?

Chapter 13
Leslie Ann goes mad

By Titanx9

Mary Ann was very much beloved in the university town.
She visited the sick, and for many charities she volunteered.
No one ever uttered a bad word about the beautiful lady,
For her impeccable manners and charms always endeared.

She’d grown up surrounded by riches, but didn't want that life,
Deciding early on, life was meant for more than possessions.
The six-year rift with her parents for her unsuitable marriage
Was about to end; it was time they make a few concessions.

Dressing that morning, Mary Ann knew what she’d do, and
With a heavy heart sighed as she thought about Leslie Ann.
The hospital was quite a buzz when she walked in that day, but
Her thoughts were elsewhere, as she pondered about her plan.

The little spoiled brat had caused  disharmony between her
And Jonathan, though he’d maintained she was a horny liar.
They’d always gotten along and on each other they depended,
But now it seemed their very existence was twisted in a mire.

She mused whether or not to axe plans to scare Leslie Ann,
But conceded the crafty vixen needed a lesson in humility.
Maybe a few hours alone in  the basement with cadavers
Would help to create in Leslie Ann a better sense of civility.

Down in the gross anatomy lab there was quite an uproar,
They'd found a student deranged and sputtering delusions.
The TA took the purse the student clutched to her breast,
And the white powder he assumed causing her confusion.

The professor took the package and gave it a long sniff.
His face turned gray, for he expected some wicked intent.
He looked around and tried to surmise what happened, and
As he called the police, she sank further into her torment.

Leslie Ann was locked away in a nightmare all her own;
She heard all they said, but her mind would not respond.
Somewhere tiny voices drown them out as they taunted
In ghostly heckling, not earthly, but from a world beyond.

Later, the  police escorted her  to up to the mental ward,
Where she was assigned a room with a guard posted outside.
Catatonic, Leslie Ann’s mind was held hostage in a place
Filled with dead bodies and there was no place for her to hide.

The police asked the hospital to call Leslie Ann’s next of kin,
And the doctors ordered their staff to perform a brain scan.
Leslie Ann stared blankly and humbly as they moved about,
But recoiled in fear when she saw above her lurked Mary Ann.

Author Notes Google photo

Leslie Ann's night in the gross anatomy lab had injurious consequences. Something went awry with Mary Ann's and Thomas's plan to have Leslie Ann spend only an hour or two in the gross anatomy lab.

Chapter 14
A new reality for Leslie Ann

By Titanx9

Leslie Ann cowered beneath the covers in fear.
As she gazed into the green eyes of her nemesis.
No words were spoken as Mary Ann stood erect,
Not moving as though she was in a state of paralysis.
Leslie Ann looked and discovered they were alone.
 She feared the virtuous woman would do her some harm.
“You really are afraid aren’t you? You're a pitiful little twit.”
Mary Ann hissed quietly like an overwrought schoolmarm.
She’d lain awake most of last night, thinking
Of notes she and Thomas left for Leslie Ann.
The little minx had insinuated herself in her life
That for the last five years had been truly grand.

It started out as fun, as she and Thomas conspired
To teach Leslie Ann a lesson she’d soon not forget.
But as she’d stood watching Leslie Ann's torment
She’d an upwelling of repentance, possibly some regret.
She had moments of unrest when apprised of the facts.
That Leslie Ann was locked in the lab the entire night.
Thomas wrote love notes pretending to be Jonathan,
But all they ever wanted was to give the vixen a fright.
Leslie Ann flinched when Mary Ann raised her hand,
But it was a gesture of anger and not to strangle her.
“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me,” Leslie Ann cried aloud.
A nurse ran to Leslie Ann's room and it became astir.
Mary Ann smiled sweetly, “She’s reliving her horror;
It seems she’s retreated into what transpired last night.”
A nurse looked upon Leslie Ann and sighed, “Yes, poor
Dear, from what I have heard, she had quite the plight.”
Mary Ann touched Leslie Ann’s head and smirked
As she pretended to coo and soothe her to peace.
She held Leslie Ann's hand until she quieted down
And watched her grasp for something out of reach.
“I promise. I promise, never again,” Leslie Ann sputtered.
Leaning in Mary Ann mocked,” Didn’t I tell you not to mess
With my family, little girl?” Seeing the nurse, she smiled
at Leslie Ann. "It seems she’s still under some distress.”
Leslie lay quivering, quite sure Mary Ann would return.
She’d time to think, and admitted she might be wrong.
The long night at the lab with dead bodies all around her
Had awakened in her a humbleness that might be lifelong.

Mary Ann called Thomas and told him what they’d done.
He raced into the hospital and stayed by Leslie Ann’s side.
She woke up that night to see Thomas and her parents,
But turned away contritely, their faces she couldn’t abide.
Thomas looked upon the face he’d loved to distraction.
He had drunk himself into oblivion the night of their scheme
Mary Ann wanted Leslie Ann locked in the lab for two hours;
But Thomas drank all night, loathing his lack of self-esteem.
Leslie Ann promised one night to change her evil ways.
The love her parents showed her, she could not explain.
When they ask why she wanted both the Dewars dead,
She said she loved Jonathan, they thought her very vain.

She knew she had looked for love in every man she met.
She’d fantasized Jonathan was all she would ever desire.
It mattered not he’d never held her, or spoke to her of love.
She believed if not for Mary Ann, him she could acquire.

Her parents cried softly as they comforted their only child.
They regretted teaching Leslie Ann to disarm and charm.
Believing the powder, when tested, would bring her to ruin,
But Thomas said the material would have caused little harm.

He came back to the lab that night and watched from afar.
The next day he’d taken the arsenic from Leslie Ann’s bag.
He relabeled the arsenic vial and filled it with talcum powder,
Which he thought to retrieve later that night. It was all a gag.
Leslie Ann never knew what happened that fateful night.
She knew if Mary Ann was charged, she’d also be detained.
Thomas wanted so much to resurrect his love for Leslie Ann
But each time he touched her, he would remember her disdain

Mary Ann told Jonathan everything, hoping he’d understand
He listened quietly, and aghast he eyed his pretty young wife.
He knew she was fantastic, but never loved her more
For putting it all on the line to save their marvelous life.

He thought about being angry that she kept such a secret,
But he was delighted when at last he spoke with his in-laws.
He felt it was a new beginning, a dawning in all their lives.
Tears threatened, he was emotional, and his throat felt raw.

He could finally leave the university and start his own research,
Now that his wife had reunited with her family after many years.
Time and distance had changed their perspectives, it seemed.
Jonathan thanked God daily for removing his in-laws fears.

Leslie Ann knew she loved Thomas, but knew it was too late.
She moved to another campus and tried to start life anew.
Old memories would haunt her often in the dead of night
When all was quiet. The loneliness would twist and screw.

Seven years later, Jonathan and Mary Ann were still in love.
Thomas found love with a woman of similar temperament.
Leslie Ann still had her possessions, but remained alone.
Neither happy nor sad, she lived in affected contentment.

Author Notes Thanks, Kitchen.Warrior for allowing me to use this photo, "You're lighting up my world."

This is the end of my Leslie Ann's saga. I appreciate all who have encouraged me in this effort to rhyme a story poem and make it into a book. It has been fun. I hope everyone who read it, enjoyed it!

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