"some of Dawn's Favorite Poems,Vol.2"

Chapter 1

By Dawn Munro


I've loved and lost, then loved again,
but romance is a fleeting thing -
a mother knows there is no pain
to equal what a child can bring
when death seeks out a soul to strip.
My treasure gone eternally!
Lest madness hold me in its grip...
exhibit naught externally.
The scent of babe remains with me -
that tiny hand and trusting gaze!
I die with every memory,
and live with sorrow all my days...

Author Notes This was a difficult one to write. I am requesting that you please do not comment on content (though I trust and believe your heart's intention is pure).
Thanks very much.

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Chapter 2
A Dog's Preference

By Dawn Munro

A Dog's Preference
by Dawn Munro

A pot of stew sits boiling on the fire,
and you, my friend, will guard it as it cooks.
Oh, beef and veggies! Surely dog's desire,
and better it is never fare for crooks.

Your loyal service must reap some reward...
Perhaps a heaping bowl that's all your own?
Those pesky raccoon bandits won't award
a puppy any rest - leave you alone.

But birds and squirrels - chubby chipmunks too
all gather 'round the campfire to await
the tasty bowl that I'll prepare for you.
So hurry to my side - now don't be late!

Here, Jessie, I have served you kibble now.
What's that you say? You'd rather have some cow?

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