"2016 GYPSY's HAIKU"

Chapter 1
haiku (tree frog lies low)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

tree frog lies low

beneath umbrella leaves

a sheltered life


Author Notes -Tree frogs, live most of their life in trees, are generally found in tropical regions in southeast Asia.

4/6/4 syllables
kigo = summer/tropic raining season

Chapter 2
haiku (dust clouded road)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

dust clouded road
to town on a summer day

man's hot wheels


Author Notes 5/7/3 syllables
Kigo = summer

Chapter 4
haiku ( sitting across the lake )

By Gypsy Blue Rose


sitting across the lake

while chestnuts roast, hawk calls mate

dinner’s ready


Author Notes

Dedicated to the one I love

6/7/4 syllables
kigo= autumn

Chapter 5
Haiku ( crisp breeze carries )

By Gypsy Blue Rose

crisp breeze carries

aroma through old orchard

 apple of my eye


Author Notes fanstory classic version

Syllable: 4/6/5
Kigo: Autumn
Haiga: Pinterest

Dedicated to my man who loves autumn

Chapter 6
2/4/2 ( Basho )

By Gypsy Blue Rose



laughs sad poem



Author Notes
Painting of Matsuo Basho

Chapter 7
haiku ( amber light over )

By Gypsy Blue Rose


fragrant lilies
in the back yard

captive audience


Author Notes syllables: 5/7/5
kigo: summer
haiga: google public domain

Chapter 8
haiku (quiet peace amongst)

By Gypsy Blue Rose


quiet peace amongst

swamp creatures that never sleep

crocodile’s dream


Author Notes Inspired by Dean Kuch's poem 'Aghast' Excellent octogram, I recommend it.

Chapter 9
Haiku (coward crows)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

coward crows

fortified in clusters

murder awaits


Chapter 10
haiku (lotus blooms above)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Notes The lotus flower has great significant in Buddhism. It grows in the mud and murk and raises above towards enlightenment.

Chapter 11
haiku (fisherman's plentiful)

By Gypsy Blue Rose


fisherman’s plentiful

catch to boast tonight

seagull’s shame


Author Notes haiga (picture) from the shogun movie

Chapter 12
Haiku (cold evening)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Notes syllables: 3/5/3 = 11
kigo: winter
haiga: artist unknown, Geisha

Chapter 13
3/7/4 haiku (barren land)

By Gypsy Blue Rose


barren land 

of splendid isolation 

woeful howling 


Author Notes 3/7/4 syllable count
kigo=summer (desert/drought/tornado)
haiga=picture from google public domain

Thanks to Dean Kuch for teaching me how to insert a link for vocabulary definition (he did not help me in the making of this haiku)

"Splendid isolation" Great Britain's foreign policy click here for definition

Chapter 14
haiku (strawberries grow)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

strawberries grow

abundantly in April



Author Notes For information on Strawberries-click on this link strawberries harvesting

Chapter 15
Haiku ( black hawk and two crows )

By Gypsy Blue Rose



Author Notes Haiku composition

syllables: 5/6/5
kigo: winter
haiga: painting by Yosa Busob, ''A black hawk and two crows''

Yosa Buson, 1716 - 1784, was a Japanese poet and painter of the Edo period. Along with Matsuo Basho and Kobayashi Issa, Buson is considered among the greatest poets of the Edo Period.

Chapter 16
haiku (empty canvas)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

empty canvas 

promises earth's creation

His masterpiece


Author Notes *Art has been an important part of haiku history, since the 17th century. Haiku Art is called HAIGA

*HAIKU doesn't have to be 5/7/5 as long as it is under 17 syllables it is alright.



Chapter 17
haiku (red poppies grow)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

red poppies grow

free on fruitful soil

Samurai' s blood

Author Notes syllables= 14
haiga=unknown found on google public domain


Chapter 18
haiku (wild horses graze)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

wild horses graze

on green pasture at twilight

freedom prevails


Author Notes SYLLABLES 4/7/5

Chapter 19
Haiku ( fanstory kingdom )

By Gypsy Blue Rose


FanStory’s kingdom--

where pregnant sunsets reign

birth of kindness


Author Notes Haiku ( Fanstory's ream kingdom )
Haiku 29 - Last for Nationwide One Haiku a Day Challenge


-I am participating in a nationwide challenge of writing a haiku a day for the month of February.

HAIKU COMPOSITION - If you have any questions, please read bellow.

-- 17 SYLLABLES or LESS-- this one has = 5/6/4
-- A SATORI LINE OF REFLECTION (an aha moment)
-- A KIGO REFERENCE= sun = summer
--HAIGA -Painting by Gypsy Blue Rose- watercolor with Paint program

Thank you, my friends! I appreciate the loving kindness you have all expressed to me during this month. Everyone was encouraging and supportive of my goal. I could not have done it without you.

I have many special memories, but these are a few extraordinary reviews:
"Go get them, Tiger!" Dean Kuch
"Gypsy Queen Haikuist Extraordinaire. You are the best haiku poet in Fanstory. ~ MichaelCahill
''You are so especial and talented, Sister Gypsy. I love you!
Sister, Cat''
''I never liked haiku before but reading your haiku this month has changed my mind and now I appreciate their beauty. Holy crap! You can also paint??'' Mark Valentine
''Seize the day!'' Judiverse

These are just a few and I don't want to make this haiku so damn long. Thank you for putting up with my �¢ smart-assness and assumption that EVERYONE in the world are as passionate about Haiku as I am and I HAD TO share the little I know. LOL

I like to say more but I am late for a dentist appointment. God bless you!

*gypsy hugs*

Chapter 20
Haiku ( fragrant lillies )

By Gypsy Blue Rose

fragrant lilies

in the back yard at dusk

crickets serenade


Author Notes HAIKU NUMBER = 27

-I am participating in a nationwide challenge of writing a haiku a day for the month of February.

HAIKU COMPOSITION - If you have any questions, please read bellow.

-- 17 SYLLABLES or LESS-- this one has = 4/6/5
-- A SATORI LINE OF REFLECTION (an aha moment)
-- A KIGO REFERENCE= Lillies of the Valley = late summer
--HAIGA -Painting by Gypsy Blue Rose- watercolor, Paint program

Thank you, my friends! For your ongoing support, kind feedback, and encouragement. This month has been a great learning experience and I could not do it without you. The one haiku a day is almost over! I can�¢??t believe it. I will continue to write haiku, maybe not one a day but they are my favorite type of poem.
*gypsy hugs*

Chapter 21
Haiku (Love Birds)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

love birds

headed for the sun in sync 

match made in heaven 


Author Notes HAIKU NUMBER = 26

-I am participating in a nationwide challenge of writing a haiku a day for the month of February.


-- 17 SYLLABLES or LESS-- this one has = 2/7/5
-- A SATORI LINE OF REFLECTION (an aha moment)
-- A KIGO REFERENCE= Cat Bird = October (mating season)
--HAIGA -Painting by Gypsy Blue Rose- watercolor, Paint program

Thank you, my friends! For your ongoing support, kind feedback, and encouragement. This month has been a great learning experience and I could not do it without you. The one haiku a day is almost over! I can't believe it. Some of you ask me if I will continue with haiku, the answer is Yes! I love writing haiku and painting haiga. I will continue to write and paint. Maybe not one a day but it will be my main focus. Thank you :)
*gypsy hugs*

The love birds are called Green Catbird- You can't tell by the haiku, but take my word for it. LOL These birds mate for life.

Green Catbird - Lamington NP -Queensland
The green catbird is found in subtropical forests along the east coast of Australia, It is named for its distinctive call which sounds like a cat meowing, although it has also been mistaken for a crying child.

Chapter 22
Haiku (wheat waits)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

wheat waits

in somber silence

hindered wheat 


Author Notes HAIKU NUMBER = 25

-I am participating in a nationwide challenge of writing a haiku a day for the month of February.

HAIKU COMPOSITION - If you have any questions, please read bellow.

-- 17 SYLLABLES or LESS-- this one has = 3/8/5
-- A SATORI LINE OF REFLECTION (an aha moment)
-- A KIGO REFERENCE= wheat harvest = June
--HAIGA -Painting by Gypsy Blue Rose- watercolor, Paint program

Thank you, everyone for your loyal reading and reviewing, I am very grateful for your kindness.

Chapter 23
Red Ink

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Drops run down my face, arm, hand ….and his letter’s drenched. I can’t tell if the ink ran from my tears or the drizzle. Does it matter?  He’s never coming back. It doesn’t make sense. Why, God?  A second ago the world was perfect. The sun was out and the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. Now all’s changed but not even a torrent will wash your memory away.


officers carry
his last letter to me
rain drops bleed 


Author Notes HAIBUN is a form of Japanese poetry that combines prose with haiku to convey a moment in time. It should be done in present tense and as brief as possible, somewhere between 100 to 200 words. The HAIKU portion is three lines and less than 17 syllables. The haibun and the haiku must be related, the prose portion gives some background information that makes the haiku more meaning full.

The Narrow Road to the Deep North, is a major work of haibun by the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, considered -one of the major texts of classical Japanese literature.

Chapter 24
2/4/2 Haiku ( Midnight )

By Gypsy Blue Rose




Author Notes Haiku Composition

Syllables: 2/4/2 Why No 5/7/5?

Kigo: long night (yonaga, all autumn) Season Words

Haiga: "Geisha" Art Print by Elvin Tattoo on

Chapter 25
Grandpa Cook

By Gypsy Blue Rose

spooky campfire tales

with grandpa and his banjo --

engraved horror 



Author Notes -picture by Silos Manhood

thank you for reading

Gypsy Blue Rose

Chapter 26
Haiku (twenty one thousand)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Notes The potlatch challenge this week is to write any kind of poem thanking someone who made a difference in your life.

I thank my mother for giving me life. She died when I was ten years old but in the short-lived time I had her in my life, we loved each other very much. She was the sweetest, kindest, most loving mother I could ever want.

Gracias Mama, te quiero mucho y nunca te olvido.
(Thank you mom, I love you very much and I will never forget you)

Chapter 29
3/7/3 haiku ( spirit soars )

By Gypsy Blue Rose

spirit soars 

above cypress as wolves cry

brave ashes


Author Notes ART has, literally, saved my life. For years, I was so depressed that getting out of bed was almost impossible. Bathroom trips and making a dry sandwich was as much as I could manage for a whole day. ART has given me a reason to get up in the morning, and now it helps me keep my depression at bay.

ART is the language of my soul and I use ART to express mySELF. My words, my paintings, my music ... they are all part of the beautiful message I am trying to convey. Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do you feel me?

Why art with poetry? Why not?

I don't owe an explanation of why I use ART with my poems. It's what I do and those who do not like it may skip my work. I am here to improve my writing, to review, to read, and to express myself with any media that feels right to me.

Pictures and Haiku go hand in hand. They have been presented together for hundreds of years. The name for a haiku picture is called HAIGA. The great haiku masters, like Basho, created their own haiga. It was a natural thing and never questioned.

My interpretation of this haiku:

Imagine a silent night up in the hills of a native American reservation. The cremation fire is almost extinguished and the smoke from the embers rises over cypress trees. The fire engulfed the remains of a brave soldier. Wolves cry in the distance.

That was the picture in my mind when I wrote this Poem but different people see different things and that's alright. Art is in the eye of the beholder.

why no 5/7/5?

Chapter 30
haiku (beneath bronze armor)

By Gypsy Blue Rose



Author Notes syllables 5/7/5
kigo (season word) spring orchids ~ mid spring
haiga (art) pinterest

Click Here For Haiku Information

Click Here For Season Words

Chapter 31
Tanka (His voice plays my heart)

By Gypsy Blue Rose



Author Notes Tanka is non-rhyming Japanese poetry form composed in five lines, in 5-7-5-7-7 format, 31 syllables in total. It consists of two elements. The first three lines (5-7-5) is called kami-no-ku (literally upper phrase) and the last two lines (7-7) is called shimo-no-ku (literally lower phrase).

For more information Click Here

Chapter 32
haiku (black hole chokes)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

black hole chokes

on sexy supernova

deep throat 



Author Notes *A black hole did choke on a star, I didn't make it up. You may check cited work below~

*3/7/2 haiku ~ Haiku is derived from Tanka. These poetries are spiritually inspired by Zen Buddhism. Nature is the essential part of Haiku Poetry, but in Zen Buddhism the definition of nature is not only about trees, forests, mountains etc. Everything in this world is part of nature, so you can write haiku on anything. Even, the greatest Haiku Poet, 'Basho', said that anything can be the subject of Haiku.

Chapter 33
Haikuish (Ziggy Stardust)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

  " David, This one is for you! "




Ziggy  Stardust
colors the universe and smiles
u  c  k     C  a  n  c  e  r !



Author Notes DAVID BOWIE died of cancer on January 10, 2015, two days before his new album release-Black Star. The news stunned me and breaks my heart. I grew up listening to his music. I have always admired him for his awesome creative talent and his rebel spirit. His style was unique, there is only David Bowie, no one even comes near to his creative and flamboyant fashion. He lived in Style and he died in Style. He knew that he was dying of cancer but nobody else did, other than his close family. His last album was a spectacular goodbye that has no equal. The songs are all about his pain from the relentless cancer diseases, his feelings, his thoughts, and his legacy. If you haven't listened to it, do it. You can watch the awesome video, like a short science fiction film; and listen to the music *free* on youtube. I realize that if you are young, maybe you never heard of him and this haiku doesn't make any sense, but I trust you can google the information. If nothing else, I hope this poem and the artwork will please you.

Lyrics for David Bowie's new song - Lazarus, from his last album released 2 days before his death ~ Black Star, David Bowie's last album.
video below and lyrics below

In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen
Stands a solitary candle, ah-ah, ah-ah
In the centre of it all, in the centre of it all
Your eyes

On the day of execution, on the day of execution
Only women kneel and smile, ah-ah, ah-ah
At the centre of it all, at the centre of it all
Your eyes, your eyes


In the villa of Ormen, in the villa of Ormen
Stands a solitary candle, ah-ah, ah-ah
In the centre of it all, in the centre of it all
Your eyes

Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried

How many times does an angel fall?
How many people lie instead of talking tall?
He trod on sacred ground, he cried loud into the crowd
I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar, I'm not a gangster)

I can't answer why (I'm a blackstar)
Just go with me (I'm not a filmstar)
I'm-a take you home (I'm a blackstar)
Take your passport and shoes (I'm not a popstar)


And your sedatives, boo (I'm a blackstar)
You're a flash in the pan (I'm not a marvel star)
I'm the great I am (I'm a blackstar)

I'm a blackstar, way up, oh honey, I've got game
I see right so white, so open-heart it pain
I want eagles in my daydreams, diamonds in my eyes
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar)

Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
(I'm a blackstar, I'm a star star, I'm a blackstar)

I can't answer why (I'm not a gangster)
But I can tell you how (I'm not a flame star)
We were born upside-down (I'm a star star)
Born the wrong way around (I'm not a white star)
(I'm a blackstar, I'm not a gangster
I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar
I'm not a pornstar, I'm not a wandering star
I'm a blackstar, I'm a blackstar)

In the villa of Ormen stands a solitary candle
Ah-ah, ah-ah
At the centre of it all, your eyes
On the day of execution, only women kneel and smile
Ah-ah, ah-ah
At the centre of it all, your eyes, your eyes

-DAVID BOWIE, WHO died Sunday at the age of 69, released more than 20 studio albums (and dozens of singles) during a decades-long career that found him infatuated with everything from starry-eyed space-folk to guitar-hero glam-rock to gurgling electronica. HE released more than 20 studio albums (and dozens of singles) during a decades-long career.

David Bowie was the original pop chameleon (although he said he was the opposite-he never fitted in with the crowd--he was a unique individual and a social rebel since the 70s). He's been everything from inoffensive pop singer to the glam icon to white soul man to art-rocker and more in the course of his long prolific career. He was bisexual but was married to the famous model, Iman for many years.

Born 1-8-1947 in Boxton, London England UK
Died 1 10 2016 in New York City cause of death cancer
Spouses Iman, and Angela Bowie
Parents, Margaret Mary Jones and Hawood Stenton Jones
Children, Duncan Jones and Alexandra Zahra Jones

Interesting Trivia~

~He suffered from heterochromia- two different color eyes
~Dark star (Newtonian mechanics), a theoretical star that has a surface
escape velocity that equals or exceeds the speed of light

Chapter 34
Follow on Mom's Steps

By Gypsy Blue Rose

 Following mom's steps

Is hard and painful--

Binded soul 


Author Notes Contemporary haiku
Less than seventeen syllables
Kigo is humanity: source William Higgenson 500 seasonal words

Chapter 35
haiku (river runs)

By Gypsy Blue Rose

river runs

where left-leaning trees expand

ex-stream equality 


Author Notes Haiku is a type of Japanese poem about nature, usually 17 syllables or less, with two lines connected grammatically, a satori line that can be on the first or the third line, and a kigo. The point of haiku is to offer the reader a mental picture in words. I love the simplicity and beauty of haiku, it's my favorite form of poetry.

-Satori- is a Zen word of sudden enlightenment, an AHA moment in time.
-Kigo- is a reference to a season of the year.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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