"Tales Of Darkness And Light"

Blankness Dreamed

By The Death

The dusty break of dawn inclines sun rays
toward each lifeless nook in this dull house
where only silence drifts across the air
to mock at dreams I lost along the drag
of life – too young to apprehend its tricks.
The freshness of this light surrounds my soul
and pulls it within whirlpool of bleak thoughts,
inside which stillness suffocates the sense
to feel what golden glow around may bring;
for changing shadows’ play reminds me of
the time I spent in reveling across a world
not fated to explore the land of truth.
It's odd how hopes so false leave fast, just as
they come – like waves that fondle lonely shore
for seconds...then abandon it to grieve
for loss of touch not meant to favor some
relief but constant pain that never ends…
by stealing visions drawn across grey sand.
When nothing’s left, regrets resound a tune;
unheard before, it haunts my sullen heart
until the day surrenders flames against
familiar darkness, calling me to fall
along the lap of night whose lullaby
will steal all obscure views, for when I sleep,
I slip into a realm of blankness dreamed...


Chapter 1
Come Mourning Night

By The Death

"Come Mourning Night"

Come mourning night, no star will grace the sky,

and moon will drape himself in cloak of black.

Devoid of light, my dreams are bound to die.

The requiem of darkness makes me sigh –

my life’s like smoke, where hopes begin to slack.

Come mourning star will grace the sky.


In sorrow, thoughts turn vague, and tend to fly

away with shadows sly...thus fall on track

devoid of light – my dreams are bound to die.


The time is still, its sound appears to lie

in wait – this sudden silence hard to hack.

Come mourning night, no star will grace the sky.


My soul is lost somewhere, I can't deny –

the will to search its spark is what I lack.

Devoid of dreams are bound to die.


With nothing left, I cease – the end draws nigh;

null eyes now sleep, too scared of looking back.

Come mourning night, no star will grace the sky.

Devoid of light, my dreams are bound to die.

Author Notes The Villanelle is a 19-line fixed form poem with repeating lines, composed in five tercets with a closing quatrain that ends in a rhyming couplet. The villanelle is categorized as a modern classic form. It enjoyed a resurgence in the 20th century thanks to Oscar Wilde, Edwin Arlington Robinson, W.H. Auden, Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Bishop, Theodore Roethke, Seamus Heaney, and others.

The rhyme scheme is: A1bA2; abA1; abA2; abA1; abA2; abA1A2, where A1 is the first line of the first stanza and A2 is the third line of the first stanza.
Structure: 19 lines - five tercets and a closing quatrain; 6 to 11 syllables per line
Measure/Beat: Iambic trimeter, tetrameter, or pentameter
Common Themes: Love, loss, and challenge

RE-kvi-EM: 3 syllables

Chapter 2
The Grave Of Time

By The Death

"The Grave Of Time"

The waves of loneliness have dragged ashore
my soul, where mournful echoes lurk below
soft glow of silent moon, as dreams explore
the grave of time to seek existence's flow.

While roaming 'cross these dismal sands I see
my footprints getting washed by silver tides.
Entrapped amidst this void I cannot flee
the layered shambles which the darkness hides.

But time revolves the life through black and white--
unveiling plays this mortal being must face.
A dream is like the moon which changes sight.
It fades, then grows, thus lightens up the space.

In time's abyss, each dimension seems dead.
To crave for now, will spin my orb ahead.


Chapter 3
Tanka(an owl's hoot echoes)

By The Death

an owl's hoot echoes
beneath the moonless sky
silence shatters
my heart searching for dreams
amid darkness all alone


Author Notes Tanka is a Japanese form of poetry, written over five lines using 31 syllables OR LESS, in short/long/short/long/long format. I haven't used the usual 5/7/5/7/7 format here.

Chapter 4
In Light Of Day

By The Death

Sometimes, in light of day, I feel
an urge to dig my hidden fears
from graves inside my barren heart,
now left too cold for hopes to thrive.

The sound of time, I can't resist...
sometimes. In light of day, I feel
like screaming at my shadows that
are meant to trace my silent breaths.

As sunshine casts a lucid world,
my eyes are lost in dreaming dark;
sometimes, in light of day. I feel
like shutting them, so as to sleep.

The day's a drag, night seems a null;
across its stretch, I lie and lie
to make my numbing self believe--
sometimes, in light of day...I feel.


Author Notes A Quatern is a sixteen line French form composed of four quatrains. It has a refrain that is in a different place in each quatrain. The first line of stanza one is the second line of stanza two, third line of stanza three, and fourth line of stanza four. A quatern has eight syllables per line. It does not have to be iambic or follow a set rhyme scheme.

Chapter 5
When Death Comes

By The Death

When death comes,
it approaches me without 
making any sound--
like a sooty flame
waltzing with waves of air--
to embrace my vulnerability
through silent diffusion
of inner shrapnel.

When death comes...
nothing else sums,
as shadows of repentance 
become the undesired acquaintance,
screaming about what has already gone,
still...stuck deep within the heart--
the lasting ache yearning to be healed.

When death comes,
I look upon my life,
like a child witnessing an eclipse 
of the full moon--
eyes wide open in amazement,
breaths too calm to hear--
not out of fear but relief...
this final ride toward a new life.

When death comes,
the clock stands still to let 
me enter the realm of darkness,
where uncertainty waits 
to be felt and explored--
and there...I walk without any worry,
as the music of my footsteps
guides me through a timeless passage
of memories and dreams.

When death comes,
it endows me a chance to
reminisce my deeds, words,
unsaid thoughts--
all enveloping their light around me
in this world devoid of ifs and buts;
and all this repletes my hollowness
with a sense of contentment--
that everlasting feeling
every being longs for.

When death comes,
I gather all my shattered pieces,
assemble them as an imperfect whole
so as to prepare to be sculpted again--
and I finally dare to break free from
the web of earthly griefs, and look forward
to this new opportunity--
wondrous, undefined, and without
any expectation.

When death comes,
it brings along the break of dawn...
another possibility of finding peace
in this transient sleep...
only to wake up to infinite horizons
waiting to be discovered.

When death comes,
it doesn't appear in
shades of black but white--
it wants nothing from me, you,
or anyone else...
instead, it delivers the ultimate
truth of existence...
and this realization radiates
the essence of living--
thus life reciprocates light...
when death comes.


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