"The Poets Menagerie "

Chapter 1

By Lea Tonin1

Burnt almond trunks pierce the sky with bony limbs

Crooked fingers pointing in accusation

Scratching aching woodland cracks in nakedness

Skeletal arms crying in the bend


Shrinking roots beg the soil for moisture declined

Creep not the green life once attending

Earths bed running from chalky roots deathly release

The mountains wash takes life remaining


Thunderous revenge for injustice wrought, the small shoots demise

So they hack the human invasion meant to cure

Orange peel Earth surrounded in charcoals coat thick without air

The page ends, script no more as the paper dies


Chapter 2
The Shadow Man

By Lea Tonin1




Two steps in my heart

Shadow man comes with the melt.

Brisk staccato beat


Chapter 3
The Decision

By Lea Tonin1

tepid entanglements hold no hearts desire

like the ocean without tides so the beating stills

warmth absent the promise of fire corrupts

carelessly passed the hopeful without glance


slipped flaming tendrils - fingers deliciously burn

her desired remembrance of the given collides

twist and turn mixed tepid and burn in battle

flipping the choice from safe to exquisite crash 


tug and tear in stunning anguish to decide

traitorous body in defiance against decision

bear the pain of frantic needs or return to neutral

Cryptical eyes cry no more, her shadow drifts relentlessly...back

Chapter 4
The Wisdom of Old

By Lea Tonin1

Loudly the youths clumsy naivety crashes the world

Marvel the glowing spectacle of sponge gripped minds

Nectar of new energy overflows to times aged bodies

Observe that which slipped ancient bones decades gone

Pleased the circle has closed with wisdom's cape in wrap


Chapter 5

By Lea Tonin1

THe burst
shakily waits
for the climax of time
realization of grey eons

Chapter 6
Lamp Post

By Lea Tonin1

Dancing in the dark - Spirits magnet

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