"Life's Sweetest Rewards"

Chapter 1

By BermyBye50


Mangoes, oh sweet fruit of the sun,

Ripe with flavor, soft and divine,

Golden and juicy, a taste second to none.

In every bite, sweet summer sunshine.


A fruit of yellow and red so bright,

A flavor that dances with every bite,

A mango's enticing sweet delight,

A tropical treat every day or night.


Juicy and succulent, it's pure bliss,

A taste that can't be matched, I confess,

From the Caribbean this tropical treat,

Mango's a fruit you'll love to eat.


It's eaten as a snack or in a dish,

A treat for the senses, a fruit you can't miss,

So sweet and so juicy, it's pure gold,

Mango's a treat that never grows old.


So if you're ever feeling low,

And you need a boost, don't you know,

Just grab a mango and take a bite,

And savor the flavor, so full of life.


So here's to this fruit, so sweet and divine,

A treat for the taste buds, a tropical sign,

Mango's a treasure, a gift from the sun,

A fruit we'll keep loving, one by one.


Scented honeycombs aviate the tropical air,

Plump juicy orbs dangling from steady arms,

Yummy sugar plumbs fairies dancing appear,

Just waiting to share their magical charms.



Chapter 2
Summer Breeze

By BermyBye50


Sunlight's reflection rests magically,

As gentle ocean waves heed my plea.

The summer breeze, a sweet lullaby,

Softly whispering its slight passerby.

Crystal-clear water shimmers in blue,

  Its tranquil sound eases my soul anew.  

 Soothing Zephyrs comfortably, please,

  Like rainfall falling upon endless seas.

Miming a wind chimes pleasant tune,

Under blues skies, lovingly cocooned.

Chapter 3
Happiness is...

By BermyBye50

Happiness is...

A universal feeling that freely captures the mind,

It’s a moment in time that cannot be fully defined.


Happiness is...

A warm sensation that spreads through the soul,

It’s a magical experience that makes us feel whole.


Happiness is...

A gift of a genuine smile that cannot be compared,

It’s a memory of a fondness that is easily shared.


Happiness is...

A wonderful journey filled with endless inspiration,

It is not a secret place or a special wishful destination.


Happiness is...

A true expression never fleeting, on a stranger’s face,

It’s a joy that can be found in a loved one’s embrace.


Happiness is...

A light that can guide you through life’s darkest night,

It’s an heirloom you hold on to it with all your might.


Happiness is...

A cherished reminder of a life lived that truly matters,

It’s a welcomed sound that daily continually flatters.


Happiness is...

A heavenly gift you willfully let be your special guide,

It’s a life worth keeping filled with joy, love, and pride.

Chapter 4
Midnight's Afterglow

By BermyBye50

nymphs singing
indigo tipped
sprites twinkle

heartbeats rest
softly upon

Author Notes Photo: Midnight Water Lily


Chapter 5
Golden Crowns

By BermyBye50


Amidst autumn hues

Petals unfold in glory

Golden gifts in bloom

Chapter 6
Our Family

By BermyBye50


Our family is a circle of love and strength...

With every birth and every union, the circle grows.

Every joy shared adds more love.

Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger.

A bond unbreakable and pure,

With every member, a cherished gem,

A treasure that we'll always secure.


Our family is a circle of love and strength...

After each new nascency, the chain becomes stronger,

The family tree expands and grows,

A multi-generational legacy of love and kinship,

That forever withstands.

As every joy shared adds more love,

And brings everyone closer still.


Our family is a circle of love and strength...

From the smallest triumphs to the grandest,

We celebrate with all our will.

But when new obstacles come our way,

And we face them together as one,

Our strength is assuredly multiplied tenfold,

And we rise to the challenge, undaunted.


Our family is a circle of love and strength...

Standing on the shoulders of an ancestry bold,

We’re rooted to find the courage to endure,

To weather any and every storm that comes our way,

And emerge victorious, of that we are sure.

For we daily cherish each other with all our might,

For in this bond, we find our greatest joy.

Chapter 7
Sun Infused Thoughts

By BermyBye50


The sun rises, orange and warm,

Stirring my ideas with its gilded charm.

Bringing golden light to my day,

Chasing away the night's heavy sway.


The sunshine illuminates my mind,

With ideas bright, creative, and refined.

At this moment, all is forever new,

And everything feels possible and true.


The sun brings energy, hope, and life,

With its rays feeling larger than life.

It inspires me to achieve every dream,

Tackling the world with certitude extreme.


The sun is my constant source of power,

In its light, I grow ever bolder each hour.

It gives me the strength to face each day,

To embrace the sunbeams that come my way.


My every sun-infused thoughts are bright,

With a heart full of hope, and a spirit right.

Ready to take on the world with a smile,

Bathed in the heat of the sun, mile after mile.

Chapter 8
The Stroll

By BermyBye50


Whispers in the breeze,

the beach sand between my toes -

soul strolling at dawn

Chapter 9
Dancing in the Rain

By BermyBye50


Amid the gentle pitter-patter of rain,

We twirl and sway, free from pain,

Our feet glide, and our hearts beat,

Moving in rhythm, to love so sweet.


The raindrops kiss our skin so soft,

As we dance, with our hearts aloft,

Our eyes lock, and our souls entwine,

Sashaying in rhythm to love divine.


Like rainbows touching the ground,

Our love supreme is forever found.

Tis pure and true, thru thick and thin,

The love story we share is a win-win.


Let us dance between the raindrops,

Wishing our heart song never stops,

For in each other's embrace, we find,

An eternal love, that’s one of a kind.

Author Notes Artwork: Dancin in the Rain, 18x24", oil painting by Nicole Roggeman

Chapter 10
My First Snowfall

By BermyBye50


I feel like a child, filled with glee,

My first snowfall, a memory to be.

The air is crisp, the ground aglow,

The first snowfall, my heart aglow.


The snowflakes dance upon my face,

Each one is unique, with regal grace,

I catch them on my tongue and smile,

A special moment to cherish awhile.


And as I watch gentle snowfall cease,

The world is pure, a blanket of peace,

Its soft tapestry is tranquil and white,

A serene scene bringing true delight.


For my first snowfall, I'll always hold,

Its a warm memory, a story to be told,

A moment of beauty, a moment of grace,

My first snowfall, a moment to embrace.

Chapter 11
Mystic Gaze

By BermyBye50

Upon a bed of roses, soft and sweet,

I lay my heart, a willing sacrifice.

For thee I love my dear, my heart doth beat,

And in thy beauty, I find paradise.

Thine eyes, like pools of liquid emeralds,

Entrancing me with thine deep, mystic gaze.

Thy lips, like rubies, tempt me to be bold

And in thy arms, my fears and doubts erase.

Thou art my sun, my moon, my stars above,

Your guiding steps are lighting up my way.

With thee, my life is filled with light and love,

And in thy presence, all my doubts allay.

    My love for thee shall burn near and afar,

    So bright unquenchable, my fiery star.

Chapter 12
The Wonders of the Night Sky

By BermyBye50


The night sky's a canvas painted bright,

With twinkling stars in colors so right,

A sight to behold, as the hours go by,

Its nightly wonderment truly mystifies.


From the North Star to the Milky Way,

The astral universe's majesty is on display,

A breathtaking beauty, that can't be denied,

The night sky’s aurora leaves one wide-eyed.


The planets swirl, in their cosmic dance,

A celestial ballet, it's a mesmerizing trance,

Its eternal show is performed every night,

The nighttime sky’s promise of joyful delight.


Look up in amazement with eyes full of awe,

And marvel at infinite wonders, without flaw,

For the night sky, holds magic forever bright,

A wonderland of stars, that shines in the night.

Chapter 13

By BermyBye50


In the stillness of the garden fair,

A chrysalis, suspends in midair,

A precious life in slumber, I found,

Its transformation waits to abound.


Within a tranquil caterpillar sleeps,

Wrapped silently, a promise it keeps,

Of wings to come, and colors bright,

Of taking flight, on wings ever slight.


The world outside remains unaware,

Of the wonder waiting inside there,

For its beauty shortly will unfold,

As nature's secrets are simply told.


Days go by, and weeks, and more,

Until the time has come to soar,

The chrysalis breaks open wide,

Emerging a butterfly from inside.


The colors of its wings are bright,

A symbol of its newfound flight,

As it spreads its wings and flies,

It symbolizes life's sweet surprise.

Chapter 14
My Beloved

By BermyBye50


Love conversations in my heart, deep and true,

Are all about my love; my heart belongs to you.

Every beat that it takes, ev’ry breath I breathe,

Is all about my love for you; I will never leave.


Your name echoes in my mind, with ev’ry thought,

Your love echoes in my heart, ev’ry beat untaught.

The words that we share, the moments we spend,

Forever are precious, to me, they will never end.


Your smile ignites my heart touching my soul,

In your arms, I feel complete, my life is whole.

The mediations in my spirit ne’er fade away,

Growing ever stronger with ev’ry passing day.


With you, my love, my heart has found its home,

Together with a future that will be our own.

The musings in my heart will keep going strong,

For in you I have found a place where I belong.

Chapter 15
Isle of a Thousand Sunbeams

By BermyBye50


Where the sky and the horizon meet

Wishes and wonders kiss and greet,

In this special place of golden dreams

Where sunbeams dance and gleam.


An isle of gentle warmth and light,

Where the stars shine bright at night,

Where the fragrant flowers bloom,

Gifting the sweetest scented perfume.


It's a place of beauty extraordinaire,

Where the heart finds comfort there,

Where the skies are painted blue,

The tropical winds are ever true.


Joyful hope wanders hand in hand,

Through the isle of this dulcet land,

Where the sunbeams dance and play,

Joyfully sing and enliven every day.


This lively place is a heavenly treat,

Where waves carry a rhythmic beat,

Where serendipity happily daydreams,

On this isle of a thousand sunbeams.

Chapter 16
Sunset to Sunset

By BermyBye50


As the sun descends in the evening sky

A sensation of peace began to arise

Warm memories of moments gone by

Welcomes hope for tomorrow’s prize


The colors of the sunset paint the sky

In hues of gold, orange, and rose pink

A breathtaking sight that makes me cry

Affirming my soul’s clock is in sync


With all sunsets comes the day’s end

Promising the rebirth of a new dawn

A chance to start fresh with a new plan

And to leave behind the past forgone


As the sun sets and darkness takes hold

I'm reminded of life's fleeting endeavor

But also of the beauty that it can behold

And the memories that will last forever

Chapter 17

By BermyBye50


See the world thru childhood’s eyes,

Through a lens of wonder and awe,

Where dreams soar beyond the sky,

On bold imaginary majestic wings,

And ideas march in festive parades,

Exploring, and learning new things,

For the gift of curiosity never fades.


The world is a magical playground,

Full of innocence and endless glee,

Imbibing Nature’s surround sound,

Where hearts run wild and carefree,

It is a time of pure love and delight,

Jubilant minds, jolly and worry-free,

With exuberant spirits forever bright.


Oh, to see the world thru their eyes,

Childhood purity, a treasure so rare,

Is like magically winning first prize,

With a heart of perfect love to share,

To relive one’s childhood all around,

Singing and dancing without a care,

Is to reawaken life’s beauty unbound.

Chapter 18
Natural Wonders

By BermyBye50


Exploring Nature's awesome unknown,

Every sense is heightened, fully grown,

Thro' well-worn winding trails I roam,

Reverence brings my soul back home.


The rustling leaves, the chirping birds,

Inspires a thoughtful garden of words,

Their melodies create a soothing balm,

A passionate chorus that inspires calm.


On reflection, hope changes my outlook,

The rushing stream, the babbling brook,

The peaceful joy gently flows to and fro,

In awe, my spirit uplifted begins to glow.


Nature's magic, is a gift without compare,

Its vibrant colors inspire heartfelt prayer,

Admiring its beauty is ever fresh and true,

Filling my spirit with wonderment anew.

Chapter 19
The Joys of Childhood

By BermyBye50


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we looked up at the stars,

And talked about what lay beyond,

Wondering if there were other worlds.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we played a game of tag

Chasing each other around for hours,

Laughing until our legs could run no more.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we played jacks, hopscotch,

Skipped jump rope and hosted tea parties,

And hide and seek until the midnight hour.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we built and raced go-karts

Rode in wagons, tricycles, and bikes,

Playing marbles games and spinning tops.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we dreamed up worlds,

And let our imaginations run wild,

Spinning imaginary tales of make-believe.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

We’d play games until sunset,

Sharing special secrets and stories,

Imagining fun games that filled our day.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

When we were free and wild,

Our days were spent in playful bliss,

Of laughter, love, and neverending play.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

Of those blissful days so dear,

When our imaginations ran wild,

And daily worries were not to be found.


Oh, the joys of childhood,

All the fun we loved in our youth,

Precious memories that will last forever,

A treasure we'll always keep close inside.

Chapter 20

By BermyBye50

Toys, toys, everywhere…

Pieces of Lego blocks all scattered here and there,

In the playroom, and proactively climbing the stair,

Fisher-Price fun with stories of endless joy to share.


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Playskool toy wagons and wooden alphabet blocks,

Collections of Matchbox cars mixed in one’s toy box,

Bright yellow Tonka trucks for play in the sandbox


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Hot Wheel sets zoom on tracks and Lionel trains,

Speed boats, helicopters, handmade paper planes,

Endless excitement and fun which never wanes.


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Stuffed animals, and a beloved teddy bear,

Barbie dolls and doll houses that inspire care,

Easy bake ovens and tea party sets to share.


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Assortments of rubber balls for bouncing high,

Colorful kites and space rockets touching the sky,

Model sets to build and display that catch the eye.


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls to snuggle tight,

Creative mosaics and designer art with lite brite,

Solar systems kits that glow in the dark at night.


Toys, toys, everywhere…

Our friends and family by our side, all agree,

Exploring the fun and adventures of what will be,

Special childhood memories we share with glee.

Chapter 21
Butterflies, Butterflies

By BermyBye50

Butterflies, Butterflies…

Boldly fluttering finespun wings with grace,

The beauty of butterflies takes wing everyplace,

In a dance that's both simply intricate and wild,

Traveling freely over floral fields forever mild.


Butterflies, Butterflies…

Elegant and serene, they fill the skies so blue

Rays of sunlight filtering their gossamer hue,

Flying to and fro on zephyrs at a gentle pace,

A wonder to behold, soaring with such grace.


Butterflies, Butterflies…

Pollinators extraordinaire of the world’s food,

With a gentle peacefulness silently subdued,

Sharing their magical touch, bright and true,

Soaring endlessly they have a stunning view.


Butterflies, Butterflies…

Delicate winged elegance of effortless grace,

Taking flight, gliding over wondrous space,

Unique and beautiful, with iridescent wings,

Floating weightlessly as if on puppet strings.


Butterflies, Butterflies…

In the fields and gardens, their colors bright,

Infusing the air with silky beauteous delight,

Pollinating freely new-sprung life everlasting,

Mothering larger-than-life growth in Spring.


Butterflies, Butterflies…

Traveling on the winds of summer's whims,

Wintering in unity hanging from tree limbs,

An awe-inspiring sight uplifting to the soul,

Soothing to the spirit, making all things whole.

Chapter 22
Games We All Played

By BermyBye50


Duck Duck Goose and I Spy,

Simon Says, Mother May I,

Tag, Red Light, Green Light,

Hide and seek till midnight.


20 Questions, Musical Chairs,

Go Fish, War, Speed, Solitaire,

Crazy Eights and Old Maid,

Fun card games we'd played.


Scrabble, Ludo, Monopoly,

Snakes and Ladders, Sorry,

Treasure Hunt, Tug-of-War,

Fantastic board games galore.

Tea parties and playing store.


Marbles, jacks spinning tops,

Racing fast Go-carts, non-stop,

Paper planes, high-flying kites,

Radio Flyer wagons, riding bikes.


Jump rope, and Double Dutch,

Carefree high-energy hopscotch,

Creative  fun with made-up names,

Enthusiastic hand-clapping games.


Dots and Dashes, Cat's Cradle,

Jenga blocks that become unstable,

Fortune Teller and Tic-Tac-Toe,

Chinese Checkers, Chess, and Ludo.


These are the games we all love,

Not including those we’d think of,

Timeless hours of mirth each day,

The endless joy of childhood play.

Chapter 23
Sunset's Lullaby

By BermyBye50


The sky at sunset

Golden hues light up the world

Restful, sleepy tranquil scene


Birds fly to their nests

As the day comes to a close

Nature's gentle lullaby

Chapter 24
Rainbow Dreams

By BermyBye50


Rainbows daydream in technicolor hues

Hues splashed color enchanting the skies

Skies full of kaleidoscopic light on high

High above where flocks of red ibis fly


Fly to partake of sweet savoring fruit

Fruit of yellow-gold bright as the sun

Sun that enlivens green newborn life  

Life in oceans where fish swim as one


One dreamy twilit indigo sleepy night

Night wherein purple violets go to sleep

Sleep rebirthing new beginnings fresh

Fresh promises of quietude skin deep


Deep swirls of colors delightfully new  

New memories of sunshine ever bright

Bright beams of happiness ever serene

Serene whispers arousing dawn’s light

Chapter 25

By BermyBye50


yet slumbers distantly,
Geisha stands gazing
in silk kimono
under scarlet umbrella,
nearby pink cherry
blossoms silently meditates…
overlooking tranquil lake,
signaling Spring’s arrival.

Chapter 26
Hand in Hand

By BermyBye50


As we stroll along the sandy shore,

Hand in hand, with the waves at our feet,

My heart feels so full, I can take no more,

My love for you is so pure and sweet.


The sun sets low, painting the sky,

With hues of orange, pink, and gold,

Our love is so strong, it can never die,

Our hearts are entwined, forever bold.


The salty breeze whispers in our ears,

A melody of love, so pure and clear,

Our souls soar high, without any fears,

 As we bask in love's sweet atmosphere.


The ocean whispers, a symphony of sounds,

A rhythm to which our hearts beat,

Our love, like the waves, knows no bounds,

Ever flowing, ever true, and ever sweet.

Author Notes Artwork: Beach Lovers Kiss

Beach lovers kissing as they walk oil painting by Vickie Wade

Chapter 27
Airborne Waltz

By BermyBye50




petals bloom,

butterflies and

honey bees carol Spring’s colorful gift

Author Notes Verb

Carol - To engage in a joyous activity, usually in appreciation of an event

Chapter 28
Laughter's Smile

By BermyBye50


Life's sweet merry tune

hilarity fills the room -

humor's sweet perfume

Chapter 29

By BermyBye50


Nature's artistry

Beauty blooms in simplicity

Chapter 30
Majestic Cranes Rising

By BermyBye50

twain Japanese cranes

in synchronized formation

slipstream golden skies

crossing a symmetrical

scarlet-crimson rising sun

Chapter 31
Wonder's Light Show

By BermyBye50


the night

skies infinite

whimsical wonderment

Nature's Aurora borealis

sky glow

Chapter 32
Spring's Reawakening

By BermyBye50


Soft breezes whispers in the air

From winter's lair

Birds chirping sing

Hope’s joy of Spring


Life’s desire ever shines anew

Rouse rebirth signs

Trees fix attire

Beauty admired


Sunlight lightens a golden day

Drives gloom away

Time celebrates

Summer’s soul mate

Chapter 33
Spring's Arrival

By BermyBye50

under fuchsia skies
tulips spiritedly dream
beauty rekindled

Chapter 34

By BermyBye50


On the island, life is complete,

The pace of life is hard to beat,

The ocean breeze, the sandy shore,

A paradise that I adore.


The sun shines bright and warm all day,

As palm trees gently sway and sway,

The sound of waves a soothing score,

A paradise that I adore.


The sea is crystal clear and blue,

A peaceful haven tried and true,

The rhythm of life, evermore,

A paradise that I adore.


Chapter 35

By BermyBye50

Sunset illuminates the ballroom

Twilight sashays elegantly in gold, the horizon shining

ubiquitously, adorned in unequaled splendor,
valiantly swaying to time’s memorable melody

moonlight’s leading man of the dance

Author Notes Artwork : Moonrise Over Ocean High-Res Stock Photo - Getty

Chapter 36
Skipping Stones

By BermyBye50


aerodynamic discs


skim the surface

Author Notes Artwork: Skipping-Stones-Rock-Boy-Watercolor-Illustration-4118829295

Back when I was a little kid and loved skipping stones across the water. It was a game of taking a flat stone and flinging it into the water to watch it bounce across the surface. The goal, beyond just having fun and killing time, was to get the stone to skip several times before sinking. I would be happy with just a handful of skips and it was just cool to see the stone gliding across the water.

Chapter 37
Spring Arrives

By BermyBye50


Birds chirp in the trees,

Blossoms bloom on the branches,

Spring awakens fresh.

Chapter 38
Island Life

By BermyBye50

seashores roar
seabirds soar
on cool windy boisterous winter days
land crabs scamper in morning rays
island life
wonder’s wildlife
gleams larger-than-life

inviting springtime
magnificent showtime
the circle of life fully renewed
arrives ready with a new attitude
forever loved
truly beloved
never disapproved

summer’s readmission
finished transition
fun and laughter bind family togetherness
freely gives way to cheerful happiness
fully grateful
loyally faithful
forever praiseful

Chapter 39
Sunflower Love

By BermyBye50


Golden hearts praying,

Bathing in sunlight's embrace,

Nature's vibrant love.

Chapter 40
The Gathering

By BermyBye50


Wisdom’s sisterhood yearly reunion,

of Matriarchs, daughters, and nieces

happily sharing their true stories.

Time-tested  triumphs and failures

of enduring love and lifelong tales,

Womb to womb among warriors of

ancestral matronhood’s continuum.


A gathering of motherly intimacy,

womanhood’s cherished inviolable

sacred vulnerability’s infinite hope.

A readapting intergenerational gift

of lifelong learning’s manifestation,

The central link in an unbroken chain

between the known and unknown.


Motherhood is the wisdom of the past

the hope of the future and the nexus

of today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

An unbreakable bond through time

embracing the world that once was,

the world that is, and the one to come

It is the key to the future of mankind.

Chapter 41
Love's Floral Tribute

By BermyBye50


elegant gifts,

Symbols of love, so bright…

scented tokens of love we send.



stand tall and proud;

A garden of pure love…

as tulips dance in spring's embrace.



art, heaven sent,

A symphony of grace…

symbolizing love's gentle call.



whispers in bloom,

Carnations and daisies…

a pleasing delightful surprise.



elegant displays,

A tribute love endowed…

a blessing to a Mother’s heart.



delicate hues,

A bouquet of celebration…

for you, dear mother, I hold dear.

Chapter 42
Whispers in the Breeze

By BermyBye50


A warm summer breeze,

Dances through the fields of gold,

Happiness whispers.

Chapter 43

By BermyBye50


Cousins, we share a bond like no other,

Beloved siblings born of other mothers,

Our family tree branches far and wide,

Together we’ve grown up side by side.


Connected by blood, thru thick and thin,

Our joyful laughter, a never-ending din,

This family tie is one we can never sever,

Through all of life’s challenges, forever.


Over the years becoming best of friends,

A familial connection fated never to end,

We share our secrets, hopes, and dreams,

A bond as cousins is closer than it seems.


Shared memories of laughter and tears,

Always supporting each other o’er years,

Together we’ll remain, come what may,

In each other’s lives, we’ll forever stay.



Cousins we are, one fellowship so true,

Our love for each other is forever new,

We’ll be there, no matter the distance,

In an especial bond of loyal coexistence.

Chapter 44
Honeycomb & Nectar

By BermyBye50


Honeybees, forever busy as they can be,

Flitting from flower to flower with glee,

These faithful stewards, larger-than-life,

Manifesting colorful gardens true-to-life.


With a buzz, they welcome the day anew,

Nature's little workers, so brave and true,

A rhythmic dance of life they help create,

On sweet familial routes, they’ll navigate.



In colorful fields of every awe-inspiring hue,

Their buzzing song continues, forever true,

Their busy wings a harmonious symphony,

Within their hive’s busy honeyed sanctuary.


They gather nectar from each lovely bloom,

A savory taste of a blended syrupy perfume,

And from their toil, comes a golden prize,

Honeycomb filled with a sweet surprise.


Honeybees, and the honey they do bestow,

Nature’s gift of life’s splendiferous flow,

Their enterprising romance is a sacred art,

A world of wonder they do freely impart.

Chapter 45
Wisdom's Light

By BermyBye50


Wisdom's gift, so precious and rare,

A treasure to cherish, beyond compare.

Guiding us through life's twists and turns,

Of life lessons learned, one never spurns.


It brings peace and light to the mind,

And wisdom shared, is always kind.

It helps us to see, what's truly right,

Igniting our soul and spirit with insight.


In wisdom's light, we find our way,

Guiding us through night and day.

Its glow illuminates the path ahead,

As a guiding beacon of truth, it embeds.


Let’s cherish this gift forever profound,

And value it with unblemished renown.

For wisdom's light, shall always shine,

A guide to our hearts, and the mind.

Chapter 46
The Harmony of Nature

By BermyBye50


In fields of gold, the sun does shine,

A gentle breeze sighs a peaceful time,

The birds sing, the flowers bloom,

A sight so bright, an endless room.


The sky was so blue, the clouds so white,

A peaceful scene, an endless sight,

The world is so vast, the earth so round,

The beauty found is truly profound.


The rivers flow into the oceans wide,

The mountains are tall, the valleys bright,

The creatures great, the creatures small,

The balance is of the essence above all.


Harmony is an endless guiding spark,

Where love and peace are the places to be,

Where unity is the universal benchmark,

Creating a magical world forever free.

Chapter 47
Neptune's Delight

By BermyBye50


Coral gardens thrive,

beneath the ocean's embrace,

vibrant masterpiece

Chapter 48
Spring's Symphony

By BermyBye50


Birds chirping, spring blooms

Nature awakens love zooms.

A hummingbird's true delight

Sipping nectar, taking flight.


Tranquil butterflies flutter by,

Their wings take to blue skies.

Under the golden light of dawn,

Birds' wings awaken adorned.


Sparrows follow one another,

Wings flap, chirping together.

They sing and dance with glee,

Nature's symphony sets us free.

Chapter 49
Oh, Play-Doh

By BermyBye50

Oh, Play-Doh, oh Play-Doh,

The squishy stuff we love, and know!

With colors bright, and shapes so fun,

We can make anything, one by one.

A snake, a cake, a castle tall,

A flower, a tree, that's not so small.

With rolling, patting, and squishing, too,

The possibilities are up to you!


Oh, Play-Doh, oh Play-Doh,

The fun never ends, as you know!

So grab a handful, give it a squish,

And let your imagination make a wish.

With Play-Doh, the fun's never done,

It's the stuff that makes our day so fun!

And when we're done, we can start anew,

Modeling new creations slightly askew.


Oh, Play-Doh, oh Play-Doh,

A world in your hands daily will show,

With delight, we mold and we shape,

Inspiring creativity to mold and reshape.

From whimsical marshmallow treats,

And tasty pretend candy-like sweets,

With your vibrant hues, and smooth feel,

Oh, Play-Doh, the joy you bring is all surreal.


Oh, Play-Doh, oh Play-Doh,

With every squeeze creativity does flow,

With you, imagination soars to great heights.

Every colorful creation born of curious delight,

Molded into shapes both wild and grand,

In a magical world created by young hands.

From squishy balls to snakes that twist and bend,

Oh, Play-Doh, you are a child's truest friend.

Chapter 50
Crayon Artists at Work

By BermyBye50


Crayons and coloring books spirit children away,

In a world of colors, where creativity models play.

With crayons in their hands, to brighten their day,

With crayons in our hands, we'll brighten the way.

Upon blank canvases, their imaginative tale is told,

With a vibrant array of crayons and dreamings bold.

In red, yellow, blue, and green they’ll have their say,

Creating masterpieces with new ideas to display.

With a crayon in hand, drawing blue  skies so high,

A beautiful backdrop, where fluffy clouds float by.

Let them color the sun in every dazzling yellow hue,

Radiating warmth, spreading cheer from me to you.

They'll draw a sun so bright beaming pure delight.

With rays of spectacular yellow, a wondrous sight.

And with their crayons, they'll share a winning smile,

On every face, a sense of joy that will last a while.

Oh, the wonders they'll create, the stories to tell,

Thru color and play, their imaginations will foretell.

Colorful leaves, like confetti blowing in the breeze,

A masterwork of nature’s true beauty, if you, please.

Let them color the flowers, instinctively and grand,

In purple, pink, and a plethora of colors unplanned.

They'll draw their beauteous petals  soft and round,

In gardens of exquisite wonder, where joy is found.

With every stroke, the bloom of youth will thrive.

In kaleidoscopic colors vibrant, that’ll come alive,

With crayons as their magical wands, forever free,

Let their creativity soar oh, how wonderful it'll be.

In a world of colors, to eagerly explore and design,

With ev’ry individual colorful stroke and ev’ry line,

Let their box of crayons weave its magical spell,

Painting each page in colors as their hearts compel.


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