By thoughtgame2
Author Notes | I cant wait tail I'm allowed to write by writers. I am a writer, and I will be heard, by any ear near. |
By thoughtgame2
GREATEST GENERATIONS !, Gone forever. Sad but true. I don't believe its normal for the majority of this worlds inhabitants to wake up sad about waking up, yet, my heart tells me this is more than the truth for most of us (here) on this planet right now!.
How can any of us be happy about where we are in this social, economical, or financial, spiritual realm for that matter,- if this world does not bother your heart- you have no heart to bother. (My simple truth). -Only one type of person can plan, (a better tomorrow), in these terrible times.!!- Terrible people !. I do not want to be in that group. -Do you ?
Seems as if we have no choice, we either in or [eradicated] by any means.
They leave us no choice, than to jump off this world,
into a abyss, of uncertainties, and endless drifts.
Taking everyone, with any hope, or heart, left inside.
Hurling them into all the miseries, that we missed.
Passing the lords immense, pools of plenty, with tears...
poisoned, by ignorant war mongers, and power seekers,
positioned, purposely in pararell, parking structures, made,
up of puppets, and pliable, personalities, pinned, perfect.
They changed the intentions, of their, god given gifts, for there
own intentions ,[waking] the error, in their ways for all of,
humanity, to be exchanged, in a game of, give and take, for,
all to be, forced to be, there and show, no care!!!
While all of us are tortured, in so many unspeakable ways,
by untouchable, tutors, who channel, all their energy in the,
direction of unprepared, suitors with no, need or, reason
to believe, tomomorow is necessarily, necessary today.
They don't know love !!!
Author Notes | If I cant say it ,who can ? |
By thoughtgame2
I have tried over and over to expel most of the horrors I witness in the media. Unfortunately its to much for me to digest at this time. I will be the first to admit that I am not the best at explaining the unexplainable, yet I have this burning desire to do so.
Not only;has it gotten to big to ignore. It has also caused me to think another direction altogether.Instead of using fascinating lines and patterns, all I have to do is write my truth on these pages. While the reader sorts them out. Right now all of us on this planet are plagued with the same horrors, happening around the globe. 5/29/2024 is the date these truths were exposed to me. This is the day I found myself not believing in Eden anymore...and I'm not alone!!!
What you, the reader takes from this is not my concern...I only need to put it in the universe, which I am right now. The rest is not up to me. It will be up to you (the reader)...keep it simple,
read on,please.
Fortunately,I have lived long enough to see
many facets of living.
Also I have learned in this lifetime, a truth,
is not a luxury that death believes in giving.
The lies were found first, through miracles
so grandiose!!!
We were taken by surprise, while treating God
like a ghost.
We would cling to worldly things made by paupers
and sinners.
While they served lies and conjecture of how we
soon will be winners.
Not concerned with the facts that poured red from
our hearts.
We would settle for memories, from other wars we
watched start.
We believe we are different, than those who are tortured...yet-
an apple is still an apple,way before there is an orchard.
We watch the child sift through rubble,for a parent gone to soon.
While a parent starts to shovel over earth covered cocoon's.
I have but one truth to tell,for all this mess in my mind.
To all the eyes,that watch daily. We are so fucking blind!!!
Judge not,and be judged now, stand down, they seem to say.
How awful this will be,when all nights become day.
Author Notes |
Words have power, that's why the founders call it spelling. Spell-eng.
Thank you fan story for reacting. Keep up the good work. |
By thoughtgame2
6/17/ thirty four am. Small quiet breeze coming in my room, carried by invisible rain merchants that no one really pays attention to [smiling]. Its actually very pleasant when you allow it to consume you. I believe I'm not alone when I say, this world just needs to stop spinning for a moment. A complete pause would be great! Give everyone a chance to identify the dusted parts, so the universe can shake them off, completely. Of course its a dream worth dreaming, that will never be anything more. Most of the magnets I see from my minds eyes are trained on a large array of messed up stuff. Pestilence is a word that comes up, which means; deadly disease. Then the other is anomaly, which means; abnormal thing. So here we have a deadly diseased mindset brewing on this planet, causing abnormal things to happen while we do nothing about it...why Is that ?. The killers are still killing with no end in sight, while the so-called super powers are power-less. If I did not witness this atrocity first hand with the rest of the many numb ones around the globe, I would never believe it could happen again, and again. Only this time in my life time. Nothing new to the monsters. When chaos is not happening, they hibernate with their loved one's...who dare seek salvation.
Carry me away lord,
to a place unfamiliar,
to the savages I have met.
I am hoping, their will be no boredom, or mischief,
while I sit, and re-educate myself, on the things,
ill never forget.
Terrible people, have been given second chances,
to do terrible things. All in the name of responsibility.
It seems,you have let them...reject their need,
to be loved by you.
( So please,with all respect,
do the same for me ! )
Author Notes |
Questions asked by those left to evolve, parent less!
They knew nothing of war, until now. Watch out! |
By thoughtgame2
7"2624 hello;again. I really don't know if I still have an audience for my banter,and yet; my heart tells me I must, keep it coming,for all of you that visit these thoughts of mine.I truly appreciated it, in the most honorable way possible. A thousand thank u's, is no way, near enough.
Moving on; I named this book, powerful pages, because its being written during a very unpleasant time in all our lives. Our planet is crying out for change, and no-ones listening.(My present feelings).no Matter how hard I try to change the reality I see and feel around me, I fail horribly. The world is on soaked drift wood in hot lava. Yet nothing can be done to stop it. (Or) is there? What is one to do? Will doing anything make a difference? So far I have not been led to believe this is Stuck just like the rest of gum on your favorite sneakers.
while taking a break from everyday hassles,
from a life savored for successful sinners...
I find myself determined to push the pressures,
of my mind...straight out! Of life's open window.
Challenges compounded daily, in so many mediums,
I can no longer gage the significance of a worthy reward.
All that's is left from my grandiose obedience in this arena,
of hatred, blindly rejected by everyone that mattered.
When the spirits of people speak clearly through
our hearts. We once gave all that we had to aid them.
[Yesterday's hypothesis]
now;so much carnage continuous to stack all over the globe,
uncontrolled, yet, allowed to be branded as the, new order of things,
(said but not heard). Imagine that?
Because the whisper is to loud. That's why?
To much noise,not enough knelling.
So much death, every ones killing,
three's a numbness occurring while,
we watch it take its form.
Soon, all will see what, (we) allowed...
when every raindrop, becomes a storm!
Author Notes | I will be the first to say to all of you, writing for the future, when you don't see one, is very difficult. But ill keep trying. Thank you fan story for the strength in numbers. |
By thoughtgame2
Waking up to a rainy quiet day in my birth place, [Detroit,mi]. Sitting here wondering how special we humans are to one another. Lately for me, I feel we are not that special, maybe to the creator, which also is questionable at this time. But definitely (not) to one another, this I don't believe at this time, at all! Hence fourth the title of this chapter;fairy tales. Let me attempt to explain.I remember a time long ago when I, with several friends, would walk in this heavily treed park called (Belle Isle). We always entered where the( no tress passing) signs were posted. Of course we would get lost, while doing so. My reason for playing that time in my life,at this to prove a point, to you the reader,about my chosen title...(fairytale).
Every time we would walk, through those forbidden woods,we would get Time ,we would find a way back to our starting position, and scurry out in delight. Now that I'm older and not as naive as back then. I believe we are never really lost. Or found. Just here,until we are not. So what does this mean? We are all, that we are...period. Never really amounting to anything we can really call ours. Nothing leaves here, everything Be witnessed over and over again and again. Why?
Stare closely at the lines and circles that intercept
each other in your hands, what do they say?
How long did it take for the patterns you feel
to remind you of many places...far far away?
Theirs a vastness unseen,yet dangerously near,
to all with a breath or a pulse.
We chose to engage, with vainglorious fear,
that lacks vision, or favor, from hospes.
To say all life was born from a lie,
can only mean,truth, must first die.
Dirt back to dirt is our task in the present.
Souls back to spirit,we become omni-presence!
Seek knowledge were told, by every vibration we pass,
to what end is this task, when we all turn to ash?
Wind will be wind! Water will be water!
Life never needed, father!Mother!Son! Or daughter!
Just ring worms.
Author Notes |
Ringworm; is an itchy contagious fungal infection that
we must strive to mimic for our survival, quickly! |
By thoughtgame2
I must say, I have to believe that I am one of the many, forced to endure so many points of views on our current world affair's. Far too much for me to deduce, in any kind of accurate way. Just by looking at the horrors in the media, and listening to the whys, and why people around me, it's heartbreaking to say the least.
Most say the acts are reactions, from actions taken against innocent people. I can't and won't dispute that. But I will say, with all my heart, we are all (innocent) people...are we not?
where is the line?
Some say the monsters, who live in tunnels, under their land (has no sense of humanity in them). They are only here, to destroy all caring and God-fearing people. I can't believe this Rederic either. I also, for the record, will say, I am not an authority on monsters... {yet still}, to lash out in the manner that they have, can only come from a place of pain. (Festered and taught) by other monsters. How long has this cancer been growing? I don't know. what I do know, is no one could have would be this horrible. Some say its biblical, and it's been growing for over a thousand years. I just say it's immoral and can only lead to one end. Complete annihilation of all involved. No one will applaud or commend these acts, why? because by doing so they also become a part of this grave mistake immediately. So... what do we do? as humans...sharing this one planet? STOP! before there is no one left, to destroy but self. Everything here LOST except LIFE. It continues as always, just like before US.
the body count no longer matters,
every head wears a dot.
senseless slaughter just gets fatter,
while all remains turns to snot.
now they die! and die! and die,
in the absence of all beliefs.
someone stole our need for forgiveness,
and gave awareness to a beast.
we cannot kill it, or make it stop,
because it has no form to chain.
it moves around inside our minds,
using anger to tame and gain.
be it just, or be it certain, death for,
death is not the way.
who will applaud this closing curtain.
when only ashes take the stage?
Author Notes |
Raw; definition. noun.
unbridled talks at one extreme. total silence at the other. why? is not an answer. |
By thoughtgame2
Four days before Christmas and all I see is madness in the world. So transfixed on this war going on abroad I'm actually [shamed] to even call it that anymore.
There is a difference between war and slaughter. Ask any adult who loved, and they will-but now I don't agree. For me, I saw the war side of this first. But know I don't, All I see is the herding of humans to be destroyed by other humans.
Where is the valor in this? Can anyone see it? Only cruelty and mayhem are evident throughout. I don't understand the end game...if there is one.
I guess we will all soon find out, after it pours into our yards and streets.
A time when the television, radio and cell phones won't be necessary.
A time when we will be pulling strangers, with a clear message [ kill anything that does not look like you] ... off of our children, and elders.
A time when, while pulling back our kitchen curtain, the sunshine is interrupted with muskets and flame throwers. How could we let anger, take a front seat to love? Shame on us all. We allowed this to happen, now we call it human nature. Not I, there is nothing human about what's going on, nothing.
The body count no longer matters
every head has a dot.
Senseless slaughter just gets fatter
while all remains, turns to snot.
No need to tell yourself or them,
you'll be back to save the child...
from a horror you knew existed.
It's far too late to convince this crowd
to think different from the words,
your mouth has often twisted.
Now they die! And die! And die!
In the absence of all beliefs.
Someone stole our power of {forgiveness}
and raised from scriptures, a treacherous beast.
We cannot kill it, or make it stop, because it has no
form to chain.
It moves around inside our minds and anger
is its aim.
Be it just or be it certain, death for death
is not the way.
Who will applaud or close the curtain
when only ashes take the stage?
Author Notes | If it is not love that we strive for, then what is it? |
By thoughtgame2
7;am new day.
I Woke up feeling released from the tentacles of world affairs.
Especially the ones that have allowed me to interact with my own...
allow me to explain.
Since the wars,sufferings of our species have made it's way into,
my minds eye.It Has become almost impossible to write about anything else,
no matter how much I try.The Horrors do not allow me a victory.
If I am to survive, and strive in this writing arena...I must first break free from,
limited thinking.AWAKENENING! The teller of tales I once was.
For this to happen, I must take front seat to my own idea of truth telling, while staying
chained (literally) to all other issues.
This way, when you reach for my words, you get my reality...I hope. Thank you.
Terrible times will always be plentiful, when I need to write about sure.
But today, I would like to talk about the brilliance, of believing.
Everywhere we turn, nowadays, we are confronted with believers, becoming achievers,
teachers, mighty people. All self made winners.
Then what?
Do we ask ourselves, what's next?
How many stumbling blocks must we remove?
How many oceans have been tainted?
What is this odor, that replaces fresh air in our nostril's ?
Why have all the privacy fences been removed ?
So many eyes,everywhere...who's ?
Thoughts of dungeons and demons parade themselves through,
my mind as if they belong here.
I can only sense, pictures of dark places, while smoldering flesh enters
my fragile reality...leaving me with lions {eating} other lions and spiders
overcoming mountains.
Toady's children smile far less,than the ones of my youth.
I believe there happiness is unimportant to them [far] to soon.
Take a look at (yours)...please !...tell me, I'm wrong.
The disease hides within the desire,
ill call it...(if you believe).
Used by paupers, and some we call, Sire's,
who could not, have known, what words, could achieve.
Spoken into existence, by those who care less,
about the coming of Christ, or the end of our test.
Only now, they pay attention, because they feel,
true intentions, with the thumping in their chest.
No one wants to achieve, what god alone, believes.
We have forgotten, to achieve one must first be-relived.
Page one, so it is written...
and then there was light!!!
This happened in darkness,
for a reason,without sight.
Before u know it, you see red, and your house
becomes infected.
You feel lousy, some things dead !,
And you never even suspected.
This could happen to you?
Author Notes | Sometimes the words just come out .Because they must. Thank you for giving me this platform to share them. |
You've read it - now go back to to comment on each chapter and show your thanks to the author! |
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