"Rambling Thoughts "


By Monica Chaddick

I don't have a specific genre that I write in. I write based on my life and what is moving me at the time. I allow my mind to wander and I just write down the thoughts that I am given.

I look forward to this writing challenge and hope that it helps me to grow as both a poet and a person.

Chapter 1
The Public School Zoo

By Monica Chaddick

Feeling like a total fool
Thought my calling was teaching school

I was good at it, no doubt
Although some students did sometimes pout

Politics, lack of discipline, admin
Called my teaching career to an end

Found a better j-o-b
One that was much more suited for me

More fun, more freedom, more money, too
That's what I found after leaving the public school zoo

Chapter 2
Sadie's Spin Class

By Monica Chaddick

Sadie steps out on the floor
She calls the class to join
Gathering all her faithful 'round
She prepares her dances

Sadie flashes wide her smile
Welcoming all who see her
She greets all her students proudly
Then begins her prances

Sadie starts to spin around
Her speed is quite unmatched
Of course, with four feet on the floor
This dog is hard to catch

Author Notes This is about my very active 3-year-old pit bull, who is extremely sweet and loved.

Chapter 3
Hopes & Prayers

By Monica Chaddick

Sitting, watching my tv
Thoughts are running wild and free

Not real sure what I should do
My little granddaughter is only two

Parents should keep her safe and sound
But there is abuse ~ no other family around

Here mom and dad have shut us all out
But I tuck no tail between my legs in a pout

To get her to safety I will do what I must
Her mother is driven by lust and mistrust

She "loves" this man and will not part from him
So on her own, sadly, she must sink or swim

The baby is what is most important here
I pray that God doesn't leave her in fear

I hope that my daughter gets help that she needs
And the powers that He will work with great speed

Author Notes My daughter and granddaughter are in a very abusive situation. She is doing nothing to protect the baby, and has isolated herself from the entire family.

Chapter 4
My Pets

By Monica Chaddick

My doggy and my kitty
Sitting on my bed
If I pet one, the other one sees red

Both my hands are busy
So I've no time to write
Even though, in my head, my words are in my sight

Fingers tired of scratching
Hands are going numb
Catering to these two can sometimes seem so dumb

Sleep is dragging on my eyelids
My brain is very tired
Why is this the time of night that these two get so wired?

Okay, I've had enough of this and I am going to sleep
Making me pet them isn't right
When it lasts all through the night

Chapter 5
Major Storms

By Monica Chaddick

Listening to the thunder crash
Watching to see the lightning flash

Floods of rain are pouring down
Covering over half the town

Winds are causing damage, great
Work enough to fill our plate

Discouraging, to say the least
Nature had itself a feast

Sun will shine brightly once again
We will no longer see the rain

The damage will be cleaned and cleared
Nature no longer will be feared

Until one day we will see more
of what Mother Nature has in store

Chapter 6
Too Much To Do, Not Enough Time

By Monica Chaddick

Watching tv with my son
Dinner time over and done

Another day is over now
Tomorrow will be better, I vow

I am weary to the bone
Not much accomplished, though day is gone

Heading to my bed to sleep
So tired I hang my head and weep

Too much to get done in a day
I try and try but there's no way

Tomorrow I will once more wake
Look at things and my head I'll shake

Too much to do ~ can't focus my mind
Everything is so far behind

That includes writing for this contest
When I'm caught up, I'll try to rest

Of course, by then I'll be in my grave
Then I won't care about time I'll save

Until then I will struggle on
To see another day has gone

Chapter 7
More About the Baby

By Monica Chaddick

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

My granddaughter isn't doing well
She smiles in her pictures, but is going through hell

I've mentioned before, she's already been hit
This weekend I found out there's even more shit

She's two, yet she broke her foot "just running around"
But knowing her parents, lies will abound

This injury sounds very fishy to me
I'll tell the authorities, then we will see

I'm seeing a lawyer on Friday morn
Over reporting my daughter I am quite torn

I've discovered that she is a sociopath
Two and two equals four ~ it's not difficult math

I want what is best for my daughter, you see
But keeping the baby safe is my priority

If her mother won't do it, I'll do what I must
I trust that the system will be swift and just

Author Notes I spoke to a medical professional today, and she said there is no way that a healthy two year old would break her foot "just running around".

Chapter 8
Missing Mike

By Monica Chaddick

I miss my husband, he was so dear
I miss him being here ~ holding me near

Mind you, there are things I do that are fun
Things, if he were here, I wouldn't have done

However, I would trade it all in a minute
If he were still here, and my life, he was in it

I miss him so much that I can't even say
It's been more than five years, but feels like a day

I would give anything to have him back
I would live in my car, on the street, in a shack

I miss my hubby each and every day
I wish that he wouldn't have gone away

Chapter 9
My Dilemma with My Mother

By Monica Chaddick

My mother is driving me quite crazy
At ninety her memory can be a bit hazy

Of course, to this she will not admit
It's easier to argue, to fuss, and to quit

She will quit conversations when being proved wrong
No matter how much you point out each prong

Once she knows she's beat she will turn it around
And to make you look dumb she will make every sound

She will repeat everything you just said
And twist it to sound like it came from her head

She knows that she does this, believe me it's true
She does it to me, she would do it to you

She must always be right, there is no doubt
She will argue, scream, curse, and shout

Now, this isn't new and it isn't her age
This is not a senility stage

She has always been this way, now please see
She has always done this sort of thing to me

The difference now is that others are seeing
I am trying to look for her well being

She fights me every step of the way
But I must see about her each and every day

No one else will, because she can be a pain
Your will and emotions she will quickly drain

A nursing home would be of no good
With her behavior, they'd kick her out, and they should

I do love her dearly ~ she is my mother
Sometimes her arguments, though, I wish she would smother

She says she needs help, and gripes when she gets it
Then gripes if the help slacks off just a bit

I'll admit that sometimes I do lose my temper
Of course, at these times she will pout and simper

Light is now dawning on a new morn
And I must see about her though my nerves are worn

Chapter 10
Why I Need Naps

By Monica Chaddick

My dog and my kitty, both snug in my bed
My dog by my side, my cat on my head

I try to sleep, but it's not a done deal
To say the least, the struggle is real

I try many ways for the night to go well
But try as I might, it is usually hell

The cat cries and howls at the door to get out
Once out, she's not happy and of course cries and pouts

She then howls and meows to be let back in
Once she's in, the process starts over again

My night is ruined, my sleep disturbed
This restless cat gets me very perturbed

During the day I may get a nap
Because that's when she falls asleep in a snap

Author Notes I have had pets my entire life, and I know that this is just typical behavior. However, as I was attempting to sleep last night, I decided that I could make it a bit amusing by putting it in poem. No animals were harmed in the making of this rhyme - LOL. That's what you get when I need sleep - ha ha.

Chapter 11
The Kitchen Mess

By Monica Chaddick

I walked in my kitchen and looked around
I thought to myself, "What a wreck!"
Dirty dishes (and clean ones) abound
My next thought is, "What the heck?"

I cleaned it yesterday, of that I am sure
Now, yes, I did cook us some dinner
But the mess in there is just so much more
Than what was left by one sinner

As I look at all of the work to be done
I breathe deep and let out a sigh
If the battle of dinner is to be won
Then I guess I'd best stop asking why

Get straight to work cleaning this mess
Put everything where it must go
Now as the pile gets less and less
The cabinet's starting to show

When I am finished with scrubbing and cleaning
I would like to take a break
But sadly there is no time for leaning
I must cook, then clean again when I wake

Chapter 12

By Monica Chaddick

The ghosts are back, that is for sure
Tonight just like the night before

Rapping, tapping on my brain
Like drops of gently falling rain

What they want I cannot say
They speak to me both night and day

I want to hear them loud and clear
Of them I absolutely have no fear

These voices whisper 'round my head
We talk of things I've done and said

These voices are of those I love
Gone on ahead to Heaven above

I hope they don't ever go away
I want their comfort 'til my dying day

Chapter 13
A Bit About Wrestling

By Monica Chaddick

My favorite show comes on tonight
I settle in to watch Owens fight

Randy hears voices in his head
The Undertaker claims he's dead

John Cena you can't even see
R-Truth in Judgement Day can't be

"The Man", of course, is Becky Lynch
Rollins helps Cody in a pinch

The Usos are in a family feud
Logan and Theory are quite rude

The Rock is cooking ~ can you smell it?
Solo, with his Samoan Spike, will hit

My favorite, though, is Roman Reigns
Although Paul Heyman can be a pain

Oh, tonight there is a title match
Wrestling Fever it's time to catch

Author Notes My dad introduced me to professional wrestling as a child. At first, the only one I wanted to see fight was Junkyard Dog. My dad took me to a live event to see him wrestle, but explained that I had to sit through the entire show because he was in the main event. By the time that came around, I was hooked and have been ever since. Thanks, Daddy. RIP

Chapter 14
Real Friends

By Monica Chaddick

Friendships come and friendships go
Some people just put on a show

Some grow slow, and some grow fast
Most aren't really built to last

Loyalty is a two - way street
In the middle friends should meet

Some friends give more than others do
Some will take advantage of you

If you find a friend that's real
Hold on to them, they're the deal

A friend supports when you're in need
A real, true friend is a treasure, indeed

Chapter 15
Problems of the Day

By Monica Chaddick

All the clothes are piling up
Both the dirty and the clean

I need to cookour dinner
But the cabinet can't be seen

The dog needs to go outside
She really needs to pee

The cat is making noise someplace
But where I cannot see

I need to take a shower
I need to comb my hair

I feel a migraine coming on
Oh ~ no, wait ~ it's here

I need to wash the dishes
But I'm out of pods, I fear

There are so many things to do
They cause me great despair

What job shall I tackle first?
You know, I just don't care

I'm turning on the tv
And relaxing in my chair

Chapter 16
Noise From Above

By Monica Chaddick

Kid running around upstairs
Making me want to pull out my hair

All the racket and the noise
From just one tiny little boy

The parents never make him stop
He just runs and stomps and hops

However, I try to not complain
Although the racket's a total pain

He's just doing what kids do best
Playing hard in his happy nest

I won't complain, I'll let him play
For he will be an adult one day

Then his time for play will be done
So for now, let him frolic and have his fun

Chapter 17
My Computer Situation

By Monica Chaddick

I need a new computer
This poor thing is shot
The built-in keyboard doesn't work
And memory it has not

I'm afraid to turn it off
It may not start back up
I can turn it on at breakfast
And it won't boot up by sup

I've looked at prices for them online
And also in the store
They have some really nice ones
But sadly, I am poor

I will have to get one soon
I need one desperately
My arthritis won't let me write
So it's a necessity, you see

Hopefully, I can purchase one
I'm shooting for the end of May
I will just have to deal with it
Despite the price that I must pay

Chapter 18
Traffic Problems

By Monica Chaddick

As I'm cruising down the street
I've no idea who I may meet

One is speeding, one is sitting at the light
Some of these drivers aren't too bright

Cops are out all over the place
But don't seem to see drivers invade my space

If I didn't have errands to run
I would stay home and this poem would be done

Sadly, I must go out in this traffic
I try to make a good attitude stick

However, this becomes really hard
When people drive up into yards

They don't move when the light turns green
Turn signals ~ those are hardly seen

Some creep along just like a snail
Others will just ride your tail

However you drive ~ whatever your age
Know that your actions may trigger road rage

People are crazy ~ be careful out there
Keep your eyes open ~ be always aware

For safety I keep a bat in my car
When I am driving both near and far

Be careful out there ~ whatever you do
I wouldn't want anything to happen to you

Chapter 19
Simple Solutions

By Monica Chaddick

Watching a show about murder and lies
My, how the stories do fly by

Excuses certainly do abound
In every single little town

It happens too often in real life
When people are under stress and strife

On television, solutions are easy
But in real life it can make one quite queasy

If only we had the ultimate power
To solve the mystery in less than an hour

Or better yet, for there to be no crime
Then wouldn't our lives all be so sublime?

Chapter 20
Issues with My Mother

By Monica Chaddick

My mother is getting on my nerves
Her errands and appointments are absurd

She refuses to stand in line
My making an extra trip is fine

Everything must be done her way
Each and every single day

When I reach my limit and tell her off
She whines, complains, and scoffs

I am never to complain
Although she can be a total pain

I do love her and try to help
But all she does is gripe and yelp

Then she complains that her feelings are hurt
And makes me feel like total dirt

I wish on day she'd appreciate
To me, that would be totally great

Chapter 21
A Complete Waste

By Monica Chaddick

Sitting at the doctor is never any fun
But when it takes the entire day, one can come undone

The appointment was at nine
We arrived at eight fifteen just fine

They called her back to run a test
We thought that they would do the rest

But, no ~ we sat in the waiting room
And soon we realized we were doomed

To be sitting there all day
We griped, complained, and had our say

Of course, there was no one that cared
In fact, they seemed surprised that we dared

It took forever to see the doc
In fact, until almost twelve o'clock

When he finally opened the door
His very short visit was a bore

He barely spoke to her or me
He didn't even take time to see

She told him that she would need new glasses
So he quickly to the nurse passes

Has her print out the same prescription
Now she has to make a decision

Should she go ahead and fill it
Or just give up and call it quits

I mentioned this problem to the nurse
As my mother grabbed her purse

The nurse quickly gave her the test
Said her vision was twenty / twenty, the best

So why then should she get a new pair
I don't think she needs to go there

What a completely wasted day
I couldn't wait to be on my way

When finally I was able to walk through my door
I couldn't rest, I had to do chores

If you go see docs you don't need
It will be a wasted day indeed

Author Notes This happened today at my mother's eye doctor appointment. A true story. Sadly, this isn't the first time this has happened at this same doctor's office.

Chapter 22
How Long Does It Take?

By Monica Chaddick

Shopping in the Dollar Tree
Is such a quick trip for me

It probably is for most of you
I mean, we all have other things to do

Not to mention it's usually hot
Famous for the a/c they are not

However, yesterday we brought my mother
She can shop just like no other

It was supposed to be in and out
Just a quick trip, no need to pout

About how much time it may waste
Just grab cleaning supplies in haste

That's what she said she needed to do
This would take ten minutes for me or you

It would take longer in the check out line
And about that most of us would whine

But not her, absolutely not
We were sweating in there because it was so hot

She insisted on strolling down every aisle
Nothing she did in there made me smile

It took two hours for her to shop
I promise you ~ I kid you not

At least thirty minutes to pick out drinks
Her shopping ways make me need a shrink

Then as if that wasn't bad enough
She comes out empty handed in a huff

She doesn't have her debit card
Keeping track shouldn't be that hard

She left it sitting back at home
So back in the store she goes to roam

While we drive all the damn way back
Because her card she can't keep track

We go get it and return
While our moods and tempers burn

Of course, she must get back in line
Which wastes even much more time

Once she is finally done
Her basket is full ~ it's overrun

We load it up and buckle in
Then, we find, more fun begins

She wants to go to ANOTHER store
Another two hours to explore

At least thirty minutes to look at pots
At least in this store it wasn't so hot

I tried to get my shopping done
But at this her mood came undone

Never mind, I will return
Some other time to take my turn

By the time she's done, my back is screaming
I'm thirsty, I'm hungry ~ but she's not done scheming

For now, she will go home for the day
But tomorrow, another store if she has her way

Chapter 23
Laundry Day

By Monica Chaddick

Another day, another pile
I must go the extra mile

Throw some laundry in the machine
Wait for it to get real clean

Go back and toss it in the dryer
Hope the prices don't go higher

Haul it out and haul it in
Drag it from the laundry bin

When it's done it isn't through
It must be sorted for me and you

Fold it, hang it put it away
This stupid process takes all day

Soon it starts all over again
Once more there is a full laundry bin

Chapter 24
Chillin' with My Cell Phone

By Monica Chaddick

Sitting, chillin', with my phone
Spending time alone at home
This is my favorite way to be
Spending time with myself and me
Other people cause me stress
I like my company the best
Unless, of course, it is the grands
Then I don't mind and will make plans
Besides myself, they are my favs
Always will be 'til my grave
But for now it's just me and my phone
Playing games while sitting home
Until it rings with someone's needs
Then I must move with great speed

Chapter 25
My Very Busy Day

By Monica Chaddick

Sitting in my living room
Watching shows of doom and gloom

Sorting clothes to put away
It has been a hell of a day

Supper waiting to be cooked
I check my phone to take a look

Laundry in the dryer still has time to go
So I can watch a bit more of my show

My dog is punished in her cage
She pooped in the house and put me in a rage

The cat is chasing after a fly
She is so funny she makes me cry

Once I eat supper I'm going to bed
I may read a few more pages in my head

I am truly enjoying my book
I took a chance when I took a look
This book is called Eyes of a Child
The story is just a little wild

Although I am thoroughly enjoying
Where this story seems to be going

I love books like this, you see
They always truly appeal to me

I think I would like to be a private eye
I can't afford the license, I think with a sigh

At any rate, I plan to chill
When laundry is done, before I get ill

Twelve loads have been washed, with four still drying
It's all I can do to keep from crying

I'm so tired, and my feet and back hurt
I did laundry, and trash, and swept up the dirt

Next I will reheat the dinner I've cooked
I stand in the middle and take a long look

I'm satisfied that I did my best
But there's clothes on the bed, so I'll handle the rest

Chapter 26
Chaos Abounds

By Monica Chaddick

So many things in this world are wrong
Why can't people just get along?

Parents are fighting at tee ball games
Attacking the coaches and calling them names

Shooting each other for no good reason
It seems that chaos is definitely in season

Old women are getting shot in their houses
By people driving around being louses

Random attacks happen all over town
It isn't safe to be driving around

Of course, staying home isn't much better
Chaos abounds in all types of weather

I have no idea what this world's coming to
I don't know how to solve it ~ how about you?

People are crazy, events are absurd
People should realize MLK's words

If everyone would just mind their own business
Things would straighten out ~ it's sickness

All of the shootings, attacks, and the like
Kids can't even go out and ride bikes

I remember playing in the streets until dark
But now you can't even go play at the park

Danger abounds each and every day
Peace needs to be practiced ~ we must find a way

Chapter 27
Internet Issues

By Monica Chaddick

We definitely paid the internet bill
With all this lag I've had my fill

My show is skipping scenes and words
Trying to watch this is absurd

I can't believe with all we pay
That there is this lag in the way

I just want to watch my show
I don't know which way to go

Should I simply restart the machine
Or call them up and get really mean?

I'm trying to relax and enjoy
But it's hard to do when there is no joy

I would be happy if things would work
But no, instead things have to lag and jerk

My show froze on a very bad scene
To say the least it was very obscene
This show is supposed to be a comedy
The laughs are not in quanity

I don't find sex scenes to be funny
Even if the people are covered in honey

Shows should be as advertised
And not pornos as comedies disguised

Then when the internet lags
It really puts my mood in a bag

Fix this lag for the price we pay
Or we may find a new provider one day

Chapter 28

By Monica Chaddick

I count, and count, and count ~
I lay beans out on the floor

Count like Kindergarteners do
This is one ~ one more makes two

I've counted out the papers, and I've perused the tech
I still thirty, but oh, what the heck ~

They say I am short, so I won't cry and pout
I'll sit at my keyboard and type more poems out

Chapter 29
Equally Alone

By Monica Chaddick

See that little brown boy with the ball
Kicking it back and forth at the wall?

He's all alone ~ he has no friends
Just because of the color of his skin

He was sent to a new school
Where he doesn't know anyone and feels like a fool

Every day he wants to run and hide
Before taking that long bus ride

Move forward six or seven years
Government once more changes gears

Now bussing not only the skin of black
But now kids paler must pick up slack

Swap out their schools for "equality"
But was this really the way it should be?

I was one of those "fairer of skin"
At least according to my kith and kin

However, in summer my skin grew very dark
From being out in the sun in the pool and the park

I began in sixth grade with no one that I knew
Except two girls who across from me grew

One wasn't with me ~ she was in seventh grade
The other was only one of two dark friends ever made

Thankfully they helped watch out for me
As a large and a shy child I tended to be

I was horribly, terribly humiliated
When a teacher asked me with which race I was weighted

The way she worded the questions, I never will forget
I was so embarrassed that I would cry, I did fret

I didn't understand the question or it's meaning
Although I do know to me it felt demeaning

There was another girl whose skin was whiter than mine
Although she was African-American ~ we got along just fine

Although I must admit at first, I felt a bit intimidated
But as I got to know these kids, I understood we should be equated

To one another, not through our skin color
But rather through our connections as sisters and brothers

We are all of the one race that we call "humankind"
It's so sad that even to this day everyone can't be of that mind

Instead of killing one another in the street
We should agree to gather and meet

All together as one unified voice
Then I feel God, in Heaven, would rejoice!

Author Notes I want everyone to know that I am absolutely in complete and total equality among the entire population of the planet. I was in a neighborhood that was zoned "low" due to its proximity to a majority "black" area of town. Therefore, although my neighborhood was majority "white", we were bussed to the school in the majority "black" area. Before they re-zoned, I went to a school that was all "white" with the exception of one little "black" girl, whom I quickly became friends with. Her skin was so dark that it was almost blue, and I was fascinated by it, while she, on the other hand, was intrigued by my below the buttocks length, soft, brunette ringlets that could be maneuvered however she pleased.

Chapter 30
Limits Reached

By Monica Chaddick

Sitting here, feeling alone
No one to talk to on the phone

Even there was I couldn't
Because complain ~ I shouldn't

I feel like no one is there for me
I mean, it's pretty easy to see

One has to work more than he should have to
Because the other one seems to think staying home is his due

I understand the former's frustration
Some people seem to want to live about their station

However, I feel that I am being used
I feel my kindness is being abused

Although I dare not say a word
For me to complain, that thought is absurd

Everyone has it much worse than I
I dare not complain, because then they deny

Let me say once more that I feel taken advantage of
I think that it may be time to implement some "tough love"

There is only so much I can take
Before my temper takes over and makes the earth quake

I think it is time for an intervention
Before I break ties with the best of intentions

Chapter 31

By Monica Chaddick

I would like to thank the person that created the writing prompt that pushed me to create this book.

I would also like to thank all of the wonderful writers on the Fanstory website that took the time to read and review these poems. Their suggestions helped to make these poems better than they were originally.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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