"Lipstick Murder "

Breaking Chains

By Mistydawn

Tess Caldwell stands frozen at the iron gates surrounding what used to be the place she called home. The once magnificent  mansion now seemed more like a fortress from which she was so violently evicted.

The gray February skies are blanketed by the thick storm clouds. Their mass presence compresses against the earth, making it feel more confining than what it is. An icy rain steadily pierces through the frigid air. The pavement reflects the dim, overcast of the late afternoon skies. Oddly shaped puddles are scattered across the sidewalks and across the yards. The gutters are overflowing from the overabundance of rain causing the roadways to flood. The barren trees drip with moisture, looking forward to warmer days ahead. 

People hustle down the sidewalks, huddled beneath umbrellas while others had coats pulled up around their heads. Their shallow breaths are visible in the bitter air.  

You’re not getting away with what you did to me, she thinks, hoping to summon up enough courage to continue with her plan, but her body refuses to budge. 

Her horror began on a cold evening in late December, a similar day as this.The soft pitter patter of raindrops against the  window sill was lulling her to sleep, when her husband came stumbling inside reeking of liquor and cheap perfume, his nightly routine these past few months.

Their marriage hadn’t always been like this. The courting, the wedding and honeymoon all  felt like a dream come true. After a few months of marriage, Steven dropped his charming facade. And soon after the beatings began. It started out simple at first, a push here, a slap there but over time they became increasingly intense. Just like my mother, she’d sob, picking herself up off the floor. Unlike her mother, she was determined to make it work.

She did what she was told, waited on him hand and foot. She often felt more like a servant than a wife, but she kept telling herself it’s worth it.

“Let me get your supper, " Tess says, jumping off the couch. The book she’d fallen asleep reading falls to the floor.

 “I know about you.” He slurs.

 “You know what, Steven?” She asks, stooping to pick up the paperback.

He  grabs a handful of her dishwater hair and pulls her up. Leaning down he glares into her eyes and says, “I know what you’ve been up to these past few weeks.”

“You’re hurting me, Steven.” She cries, reaching for his hand as tears swell in her hazel eyes.

 He pulls her in closer and growls, “No wife of mine is going to be out sleeping with every man in town.”

 Her face loses all color when she asks, “Where on earth did you hear that?” 

“Everyone in town says you’ve been spreading your legs for every dude around.”

“I’ve never cheated on you Steven, never. I swear.” She’s scared to even look at another guy after what he did to her the last time he thought she was looking too long. He apologized for losing his temper claiming it’d never happen again. He’d bring her home presents, cater to her every whim. A few weeks later it happened again claiming that a woman should know her place in the house. She quickly learned to keep her head down, and speak only when spoken too. Of course she has to be amiable when his  friends are around. Tess despised having to act as phony as them, but knew the consequences if she didn’t comply.

“So everyone in town is lying to me?”

“You must’ve heard them wrong.”

“There’s not a damn thing wrong with my hearing.” he says, grabbing her arm, he drags her to the entryway.

“What are you doing?” She asks, her body trembles as fear swells in her eyes. 

“I’m done with you, Tess, done. ” Moving closer to the door, he throws it open.  

“No, Steven, please don’t do this.” She begs, glancing out at the pouring rain.

 “You did this to yourself.” He tosses her out.  “Don’t bother coming back for your things.” He throws her purse out beside her and slams the barrier too. 

The icey rain chills Tess to her bones as she pounds on the wooden door. “Please let me in, Steven, Please. This has to be some sort of mistake.” 

 When he wouldn’t answer, she decided to ask her friends if she could spend the night, hoping that it’ll all blow over once he sobered up. That idea was more humiliating than getting kicked out of her home. 

 She can still hear the whispers of her so-called friends echo in her mind, How their fake smiles and insincere sympathies were all a mirage for their repressed contempt. The same type of fate her mother had to face day after day.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but we’ve known Steven a lot longer than you, and we wouldn’t feel right about taking your side over his,” She’d hear over and over before the door slams in her face. 

Tess glances at the house and says, I wouldn’t have had to go through all that if  you hadn't changed the lock, With the beatings becoming more violent, Tess knew Steven would eventually kill her if she stayed, so she started stashing money so she’d have a small nest egg to move on. She tried to come back for what she had the next day only to discover the locks had been changed. Foolishly signing the prenup means she wouldn’t get a thing. 

Fury builds inside her, recalling what she was forced to endure. “I’m going to get what’s rightfully mine whether you like it or not.” 

 This plan wasn’t just about getting revenge, No, it’s also about reclaiming her dignity, finding her true self again. Something that slowly dwindled away as she pretended to be something she’s not. More importantly, righting a wrong that was done to her and her mom. 

 I’m going to take back what’s rightfully mine today, she thinks, pushing through the gate.


Author Notes I do hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please let me know what you think, anything I need improvement on. Your honest reviews is how I'll learn and grow. Take care everyone. Talk to you soon.

Chapter 1
Price of Betrayal

By Mistydawn

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Tess draws her hood tighter around her head then adjusts the latex mask on her face as she sloshes towards the house. Her employer, Ms. Myers, a retired makeup artist, has several disguises in her studio. So Tess decided to borrow one for the day.

Nervously making final adjustments, she presses the doorbell and waits. Tess takes a quick look to find no one around. She didn't think there would be, seeing how cold it is, and being so late in the day. She starts to press it again when the door flies open. Startled, she yelps as she springs back a step. I can do this. She gulps. Ignoring the inner voice in her head telling her to run. I've got this, Tess thinks, returning to her place on the porch.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Steven grumbles. He had gained a few pounds, and his features had become more rigid since she left. His formerly sandy hair has turned completely grey, and his once smooth skin is now etched with numerous wrinkles, making him appear much older than he truly is.

Time can be cruel, she thinks, smiling inwardly. "I'd like to show you something, I know your misses would love," Tess says, in a slow southern drawl. Something she's been practicing for nearly a month. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out a small black box.

"I'm not interested." He says, reaching for the door.

"Oh, but your lovely wife, Lisa, was eyeing it at my shop just the other day. Penelope's Jewels over on Main. She said she wanted to buy it but was afraid you'd be upset with her for spending so much on herself and that maybe she'd hint about it for her birthday. It is today, right?" She sees his face and says, "Oh, please tell me you haven't forgotten her birthday." Knowing Steven as well as she does, she's sure he has.

"It's today?" he asks, scratching his head.

"That's what she told me at the shop." Actually, it's what her research said. Seeing the fear in his eyes she adds, "It's a good thing I came when I did."

"She really liked it?"

"Fell in love the moment she saw it. It looked so good on her too, a perfect fit. She'll be the envy of all the women in town, and so will you for having such extraordinary taste." Tess quickly adds, knowing appearance means everything to him.

"Let me see it." He huffs, holding out his hand.

Flipping the box open, she grabs the tube of lipstick and thrusts it against his arm. Positioning her thumb on top, she presses the button.

"What the hell?" He asks, jerking his extremity away. Glancing down he sees a small dot in the center of his arm. With fear in his eyes, he looks up and asks, "What did you do to me?"

Years of rage boils inside her recalling what he put her through. She clenches her teeth and says, "Nothing you didn't deserve."

Feeling light headed, he stumbles back. Reaching over, he grabs the newel post for support.

She steps through the door, and says, "That's from me and all the other women you've wronged through the years."

"A puzzled look crosses his face when he asks "Tess?"

"Who else would it be?" She smiles and adds, "You honestly didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?"

"I ought to." He yells, taking a step towards her. His head feels woozy, his world begins to spin. He grabs the banister again.

Pushing her fear aside, she raises her head and asks, "You ought to do what, Steven? Beat me, like you have so many times in the past?" She steps closer, stopping when she's a short distance away. She glares into his soleless brown eyes and hisses, "I'm not that defenseless little girl anymore. So if you want to take a swing go right ahead, but I guarantee that it won't end well for you." Tess moves closer and then continues, "You are an entitled SOB who deserves to rot in hell for everything you've done."

"How dare you speak to me that way." He slurs, taking an unsure step towards her. Wobbling, he grabs hold of the consol.

"I've come back to take what's rightfully mine, and there's not a thing you can do to stop me."

"Like hell there's not." He lunges forward. With every bit of strength Tess can muster, she shoves him away. Losing his footing, his large rounded body stumbles backward, collapsing against the grand staircase.

"Now, to take care of your better half." Twirling the rectangular object around in her hand, Tess makes her way through the house.

This tube of lipstick is unlike the others she owns. It has a hidden poison dart gun inside its tiny black case. She bought it for protection after four Atlanta women disappeared without a trace.

Tess finds Lisa gasping for air on the kitchen floor. Bruises in different stages of healing across her small, frail frame. The sight takes Tess back in time to the terrifying nights she'd begged her drunken husband to spare her life. "You got more than you bargained for, didn't you? You little homewrecker, you." During her research, Tess discovered Steven's nights at the bar were always spent with her.

Lisa glances up at her through swollen eyes. Her bloody lips move but she's unable to utter a sound.

"You'll be happy to know Steven will never hurt you again."

"Help me," she finally manages to gasp.

"Of course." Tess smiles, reaching for the woman's arm.

A short while later Tess walks out of the house to find the rain has stopped. The sun is slowly setting in the hazy horizon. With a suitcase full of money on her right and an overnight case filled with trinkets on her left, she glances up at the sky, smiles and says, "On to the next."

Chapter 2
Unraveling Shadows

By Mistydawn

The sun shines brightly through the eastern window. A welcoming sight after the past week of cold blizzardy days. Toni and her detective Jamal are chatting about the new cop show while waiting for the crew.

"Did you see that shoot out at the end? And what about the chase?" Jamal leans forward in his chair and continues, "I don't know who's writing that shit, but whoever it is needs replaced."

Laughing, Toni nods and adds, "they couldn't even get the Miranda warning right for gods sake."

Jamal chuckles and says, "I caught that too. I think we should give them a few tips on what police work is really like. Maybe bring them on a ride along or two, give them a taste of what we do."

"They need all the help they can get, that's for sure."

Toni graduated from the police academy ten years ago. She became a detective in four years and a sergeant five years later. She cut her teeth in narcotics then switched over to homicide after her sister's demise. She continues to work on her sister's case in her spare time.

"If we searched the house in real life, the way they did on the show we'd all be dead."

"I know." She looks over to find the captain heading towards their desks. "What's up captain?"

"We have a double homicide at the Cadwell estate. I need you two out there asap."

"We're on it, sir."


The two arrive to find rookies stringing crime scene tape across the iron fence. The forensic and ME vehicles are parked along the curb.

"Who was first on scene?" Toni asks the first officer she sees.

"We were, sergeant," a buff man says, stepping up beside her. "My partner and I were responding to a follow up on a domestic call. He points to a petite woman beside him before he continues, "yesterday evening, a neighbor claimed she saw the couple arguing on the lawn. The owner of the house, Steven Cadwell grabbed the lady by her arm and dragged her inside despite her begging him to let her go."

"And you're just following up today?" Toni asks, shocked by the lengthy delay.

"No, no. Another officer came out last night, but didn't find any reason to arrest. Both the homeowner, and the woman, Lisa Moore claimed they had a small disagreement but that it's settled now. The same lady called again today, saying Lisa, who is also her sitter, didn't show up for work this morning. The neighbor says she went to check on her, but she didn't answer the door, or her phone, and that Mr. Cadwell's car was still in the drive."

"What did you initially see when you first arrived?"

"The gate was standing open so we proceeded to the house to find the front door was slightly ajar. We called out and no one answered so rang the bell, and again there was no response. My partner pushed the door open and that's when we saw the homeowner Steven Cadwell lying unresponsive on the stairs. We went in to check on him but he was already gone." His face pales, shifting his weight, he nervously glances up and asks, "exigent circumstances allowed us to do that, right? Enter the premises without a warrant."

Toni remembers what it's like when she first started out, always having a superior breathing down her neck. She places a hand on his shoulder and says, "I'm not looking to jam you up. I just want to know what you saw."

"Right." he says, relaxing a bit.

"So you found the homeowner and then?"

"We decided to check the house for the woman and that's when we found Lisa Moore on the kitchen floor. She has fresh bruises on her arms, legs, and face. She also had a handprint around her neck."

"What about him? Did he have any wounds?"

"His knuckles were bloody, and his face was scratched, but that's about all."

"Did you check the security footage?"

"The system was never set."

"Check the neighbors cam's see if they have anything."

"Yes, sergeant."

She turns to find the ME stepping out of the house. Walking over, Toni asks, "What can you tell me, Bill?"

"My educated guess is that he strangled her to death. I found petechiae in her eyes, on her scalp and face. She also had bruises around the mouth and a swollen tongue."

"And him?"

"I couldn't find an apparent cause of death on my initial exam."

"What's the approximate TOD?"

"According to their body temperature, I'd say it happened yesterday evening between four and six."

"Let us know the minute you know more."

He nods. "I will."

"Here's something interesting," Jamal says, glancing up from his phone.

"What did you find?"

"Steven and his first wife Tess had their divorce hearing last Friday."

"Do you have an address for her?"

"Her last known was here, and her employment record only shows one job. A dinner she worked at five years ago."

"I think we should see if anyone at the restaurant can tell us anything."

She and Jamal are walking across the yard when Williams and his partner steps in front of them. "Sergeant, there's been a report of another homicide. A man and his wife, three blocks from here."

Tess sees happy children playing in the park. Their mother's have them so bundled that they can hardly move, but the kids don't seem to mind as long as they can be outside. She's watching the children when a snowball smacks her in the face. She turns to find a chubby, red faced child being dragged across the park by his infuriated mom. Her faded tan coat, scarf and gloves look like they'd seen their better days years ago.

"You apologize to this nice lady, Henry." She says, letting go.

He kicks at the snow around with the toe of his boot, looks up and stampers, "sorry ma'am."

"I'm sure you didn't mean to hit me."

"No, ma'am." He glances around the park, points to a kid around his age and says, "I was aiming for him."

Seeing the kid sticking out his tongue Tess says, "I understand."

"Can I go now, mom?"

"Go have fun."

"Hey Henry," Tess calls out. A snowball smacks him in the face as he turns. "Now we're even."

Chuckling, the kid runs for his friend.

Tess starts to walk away when the woman asks, "do you have any children?"

"No, not yet."

"Oh." Tension builds between them as the mother stands at the edge of the park trying to find more to say.

"You have just the one?"

"No, I have two boys, Jack and Henry. Jack is the one standing by the swings," she says, pointing to an older boy talking to a group of friends.

"They're both very handsome."

"They look like their dad."

The woman nervously watches the growing crowd, clearly wishing she were anywhere but here.
She glances over at a group of parents cackling, knowing they're laughing at her. Straightening her coat. With teary eyes, she turns and says, "It's sure been cold these past few weeks."

That subtle act of swallowing her emotions, and that resolute grasp on inner strength reminds Tess of her mom. The way she, similar to this woman acts so out of place, uncomfortable in her own skin. How the townspeople belittle them, making both feel unworthy of the tiniest things. It was their harsh criticism that caused mom to end her life. Tess thinks. She glares at the cackling hens, and says, "I can't wait for winter to be over."

"Me either," the woman shivers.

As worn as her clothing is Tess doubts it could be very warm. "I better get going before my employer sends a search party for me."

"Nice talking to you."

"You too." Tess starts to walk away when a thought suddenly comes to mind. If someone would've been kind to mom maybe she'd still be around. Turning she asks, "Would you like to grab a cup of coffee, sometime?"

"I would love to, but I don't know when I'd have the time with the boys home from school and all."

"Tell you what, I'll give you my number so we can meet up some other time, alright?"

The lady smiles. "I'd like that."

Tess sees the group laughing as they point to her new friend. She glares at the snobby group and thinks, you won't be laughing when I get through with you.

Chapter 3
Doubts and Dead Ends

By Mistydawn

The sergeant and her detective pull up to the three story mansion, a home very similar to the one they'd just left. Some rookies are interviewing the onlookers. Others are doing their best to hold the crowd back while the third sets up a perimeter.

Toni climbs out of the car to find Jack standing by her door. "What can you tell me, Monroe?"

"A maid found the husband and wife slumped over at the kitchen table. She said she came down to make their breakfast when she found them sitting there."

"She lives here?"

"The top floor, but claims she didn't hear anything out of the ordinary."

"What is your take on the maid?"

"She's an elderly woman, mid eighties I'd say. Has been with the family since the Missus. was young." 

"Has the ME determined the Cause of Death?"

"He said it's pending an autopsy, since there doesn't seem to be an apparent cause of death."

She thumbs towards the crowd and asks, "Did they report any unusual activity?"

"They claim they didn't see or hear a thing."

"Are there any cameras in or around the house?"

"The security system has been disarmed since five this morning. The maid said that Russ disarms it before he goes for his run."

"This is a daily routine for him?"

"According to the housekeeper it is."

"Check the webcams from the surrounding houses, and see if there's a connection between the two couples."

"Yes, sergeant."

She turns to Jamal and says, "Why don't we see what we can find out about Tess."


The sergeant and her detective pull up to a small older brick diner on the corner of Reed and Georgia Avenue. The Summerhill district is one of the first neighborhoods established in Atlanta, redeveloped in 2013 after the Atlanta Braves found a new stadium to call home.

"I haven't been on the south side since I was a kid," Jamal says, climbing out of the car.

"What, a few weeks ago?" The sergeant grins. Tony often teases him about his age because he's the youngest detective on the force. Jamal started in the academy fresh out of high school working his way up to detective in a little less than five years. He's twenty four but could easily pass for sixteen which is sometimes an advantage but more times than not he finds it to be a curse.

"You're not funny, sergeant." 

They step in to find a few waitresses are filling the condiments while the others roll silverware as they chat.

"We open at five," the waitress says, moving to the next table.

"We're not here to eat, we're here on business." Toni holds out her badge as she continues towards her.

"What can we do for you, sergeant?"

"I need to ask you about a former employee, Tess White."

"Tess White, I'm sorry but the name doesn't ring a bell."

Toni looks over to find the others shaking their heads.

"She worked here five years ago, Jamal adds."

"We've only worked here for two years so we wouldn't be much help," she says, scooting the salt shaker across the table.

"Is there anyone we could talk to that would remember her?"

"The manager might."

"Is she here?"

"She's in her office." She points to the back.

"Can we talk to her?"

Plopping down a tray she pushes a lose hair away from her face sighs and says, "Follow me." The woman leads them down a long dark hall. Knocking on the door, the waitress steps inside. "These officers are asking about Tess White."

The tall, lanky woman stands. "Tess White? I'm sorry detectives, but I don't remember her."

"She worked here five years ago." Jamal repeats.

"I've had a lot of waitresses come and go since then." Plopping down at her desk, she taps a few keys, glances at the picture on the screen, looks up and says, "Oh yes, I remember her now. She quit a few weeks before her wedding claiming her husband didn't want her working outside the home."

"Does Tess have any emergency contact?"

"Her mother died when she was young and she never mentioned any siblings." She glances at the screen again, looks up and says, "I don't see anyone listed on her resume."

"What about friends?"

"All the waitresses I had back then have moved on."

"Can you give us a list of names?"

"I can, but I'll tell you right now it's a waste of your time."

"Why's that?"

"Tess didn't bother to stay in touch. We tried calling a few times, but she never answered, or returned any of our calls or texts. I figured she thought she was too good for us now she's living in a mansion at Tuxedo Park." Tears swell in her hazel eyes. "That hurts, you know, being snubbed by a friend like that. Especially after everything we'd been through together." She wipes away a tear, and adds, "I thought we were besties to the end. That's what she used to claim anyway. Then she met Steven and we were a thing from her past."

"I imagine it was very upsetting."

"We pick ourselves up and move on, right?" She dries her face again and asks, "Can I ask what this is all about?"

"We have some bad news to tell her about her ex."

"She and Steven split?" Regaining her composure the manager says, "Tess is better off without him."

"You didn't like the man?"

"Everyone here loathed him. Controlling Tess the way he does, trying to turn her into something she's not. She's a simple girl detective, not some affluent woman that he tried to make her out to be." Her face angers when she adds "I overheard him tell her once that she'll be better off not having a bunch of losers like us dragging her down." 

"And she believed him?"

"I don't know, maybe probably hanging on his every word the way she did. Tess is a free spirit, so full of hopes and dreams. So when she met Steven she thought all her wishes were coming true. Steven took full advantage of her infatuation. Telling her what she should wear, how to act, and when to speak. We could see he was breaking her spirit, but Tess with her rose-colored glasses didn't have a clue." She shakes her head and continues, "She told me once that she felt like Cinderella and he was Prince Charming. I guess her storybook romance didn't have a happy ending the way she hoped it would."

"Sounds like you cared a lot about her."

"We all did. That's why it hurt so much when she didn't return our calls."

"Maybe it wasn't her fault."

Her eyebrows raise as she tilts her head to the side when she asks, "What are you getting at, Sergeant?"

"By what you told me, I'd say it's very likely Steven had something to do with her ghosting you."

"She didn't even answer our text." Not a single one."

"Steven might've gotten rid of them before she even saw them," Jamal adds.

Toni nods. "True, and since she didn't know that you tried to reach out, she probably thought you guys were mad at her because she left."

"We could never be mad at Tess."

"I'm sure Steven made sure she thought you were."

"That bastard," she says. Daggers shoot from her eyes as she clinches her jaw.

"Do you have any idea where she might go?"

"She doesn't have any living relatives, well none that I know of. Her mom died when she was young, and she never mentioned anyone else except for her foster family but they've been estranged for years." She rolls her eyes and adds, "Once her state checks stopped they didn't want anything to do with her."

"I'd still like a list of waitresses from back then, in case they might remember something she might've said on a whim, a place where she'd like to go someday."

She taps a few keys, pulls a piece of paper from the printer, hands it over and says, "If you find her, tell her I'd love to see her again."

Nodding, Toni smiles and says, "I sure will."

Chapter 4
Revenge in Disguise

By Mistydawn

Now that Steven’s sister Marsha and his brother-in-law are out of the way, it’s time to go after my supposed friends. The ones that hurt us both." She glances over at her mother's picture as she is putting the final touches on her disguise.

Tess is dressed in a chic, low-cut red dress and red stiletto heels, one of the few outfits she took from her ex’s house. Her strawberry blond wig frames her rose beige mask. Her once hazel eyes are baby blue. Tess takes a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline surge through her veins, ready to confront those who betrayed her trust. “I couldn’t do anything then, but I sure can now.” 

Tess suddely recalls her mother crying over a comment they made. How one deplorable remark made at the most vulnerable time caused her mom to end her life. These next three are for you, Mama, for all the hardship they caused you when I was young.” Grabbing her purse from the vanity, she glares at their picture a final time. "I'm coming for you," she growls. With a determined glint in her eyes, she steps out into the night, each click of her heels echoing her resolve to reclaim the power she'd lost.

Emily, the leader of the snobbish bunch, was throwing a soiree. Tess figures that the others would be there supporting their friend. She hopes that Emily’s passing will unsettle them, not knowing who is doing this and, more importantly, if they’ll be next.


Tess's eyes sparkling with genuine recognition as she spots familiar faces in the crowd. A sly smile curls her lips as she greets each person warmly, using affectionate nicknames that bring laughter and nods of acknowledgment.

“Tom, Maggie, it’s been so long. How are you two doing? How are the boys? I bet they’ve gotten big.”

“Tom Jr. is in college now, and Theodor is in the last year of high school.”

“That doesn’t seem possible.” She glances across the room, waves at no one in particular, and says, “I’ll be right there.” She turns, smiles, and says, “It’s been so nice seeing you again.” 

This is how her conversation continued throughout the night. She'd inquire about them and their families well-being before slipping on to the next. Her presence is so magnetic that the guests are drawn to her charisma and charm, hanging onto her every word as she recounts amusing past encounters. She continued to stroll through the crowd without a single hint of tension or deceit. Her weapon is cupped in the palm of her hand, waiting for the right time to strike.

Seeing Emily excusing herself, Tess casually makes her way across the room. Nervous tension suddenly builds as she closes in. This is what I’ve been waiting for, she reassures herself, taking a deep breath as she continues on.

Painting a fake smile on her face, she pushes through the swinging door. Tess takes a brief look around to find she and Emily are alone. Perfect, she thinks, stepping further inside.

“Emily, darling, it’s been far too long,” she cooed, her voice dripping with insincerity, her stomach tightening into a knot as she recalled what all the superficial women had done to her and her mom. “Your party, it is such a hit.

“You really think so?” 

“I know so. I don’t know how you manage to throw such exquisite parties the way you always do.” 

Emily turns, a guarded smile on her face. She takes a step back, tilts her head, and asks, “Do I know you?”

“It’s me, Julie. We met when you and Tom were on your second honeymoon in the Caribbean.”

“On the cruise?” Emily is still trying to remember her. 

“Yes, that’s right. No one would’ve guessed you’d already been married thirty years the way you two carried on.” 

Emily’s face reddens as she recalls their midnight swims. We may have gotten a bit overexcited." She says, her cheeks turning pink.

“Nothing wrong with that. Anyhow, I ran into Tom in town yesterday, and he happened to mention your party tonight. Said I should drop by and surprise you.” Raising her arms in the air, she smiles and says, “Surprise.” 

“You most certainly did that.” Emily says, still unsure who this woman is. Tom must know her; otherwise, he wouldn’t have told her about the party tonight, she thinks, feeling a little more at ease. Maybe if I keep talking to her, something will come back to me. “So what brings you to Atlanta, business, pleasure, or both?”

“Business, I’m afraid. We’re starting a new branch in Atlanta. It’ll be the seventh one this year. I’m glad my business is doing well." She leans in and whispers, "Between you and me, I’m getting tired of traveling."

“I’m sure you do.”

Tess glances at her watch and says, “Oh, look at the time; I’m afraid I must go.”

“So soon?”

“I have an early business meeting in the morning. But I am free on Friday and would love to catch up. That’s if that day works for you. If not, I’ll be back later in the month, and maybe we could see each other then.”

“I have a tennis lesson in the morning and a meeting later in the day. but I'm free for lunch.”

“Sounds perfect. Where should we meet?”

“Let’s say twelve thirty at The Palm.” 

“I’ll see you there.” Tess opens her arms for a hug.

Why not, Emily thinks.

Tess wraps her arms around her. With a swift, practiced motion, she shoves the lipstick against the woman’s bare back and squeezes the trigger.

“What was that?” Emily questions, pushing her away.

“What was what, dear?” she asks, palming the weapon again.

“Something poked me.”

Tess glances down at her wrist and says, “It must’ve been one of the charms. I keep meaning to take it to the jeweler, but I haven't had the time with all this traveling and all.”

Emily eyes the bracelet. “I’m sure that’s what it was. See you on Friday.”

“I can’t wait.” Tess just makes it to the batwing door when she hears a kerplunk behind her. She turns to find Emily unconscious on the floor. Five down, two to go, she smiles. 

Tess sees that the guests are in deep conversation as she continues across the room. Reaching the door, she turns and glares at her last two victims talking among themselves. Her mother sobbing at the park suddenly comes to mind. I’ll make sure they pay for what they did to you.

Climbing into her car, she pulls up the cam footage from the house. She’d placed a small camera in the flowers as she pretended to admire their heavenly scent. Her anticipation builds as the seconds tick by.

The party continues for a while, and then she hears a woman scream. Tess watches with excitement as the room buzzes with alarm. A few minutes later, the EMTs arrive. Several patrol cars pull in behind them. She watches as the paramedics load Emily onto the gurney. Throwing a sheet over her victim, they wheel her out the door. The guests watch in horror as their lifeless hostess is wheeled out the door.

“Don’t worry, Emily, darling, your friends will be joining you soon.” Smiling, Tess closes her laptop and pulls away. 

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