Spiritual Flash Fiction posted March 12, 2022

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spiritual reflections

God's Benediction

by jake cosmos aller

God's Benediction upon mankind is simply this: that human beings follow his word and guidance and choose peace and love instead of hatred and division, recognizing that all humans are his children and he loves them all equally. God's never-ending fondest dream for humanity is for the war to end in all countries everywhere as God hates division, evil, hatred and war. God wants peace to break out everywhere on the planet, stopping the insanity, the sheer madness of the beginning of world war III unfolding. God is tired of watching the news of the war unfold on Television. God wishes that everyone would get his omnipresent word. God is omnipotent and omniscient and God's will be done on earth.

6 Sentence Spiritual Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
(A) Write a 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction using the following 12 words:
1. Benediction,
2. Countries,
3. Dream,
4. God (use the word God 7 times in your fiction),
5. Mankind,
6. News,
7. Omnipotent,
8. Omnipresent,
9. Omniscient,
10. Television,
11. War,
12. World,

(B) Write no negative, no exclamatory and no interrogative sentences in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(C) Write no name of religions in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(D) Write no words quoting and referring from any religious books, religious scriptures, religious philosophies, and religious doctrines in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(E) Write not, avoid writing the following 9 words in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction:
i) Belorussia,
ii) Destruction,
iii) Heaven,
iv) Lord,
v) Magic,
vi) Miracle,
vii) Russia,
viii) Salvation,
ix) Ukraine,

the prompts were

(A) Write a 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction using the following 12 words:
1. Benediction,
2. Countries,
3. Dream,
4. God (use the word God 7 times in your fiction),
5. Mankind,
6. News,
7. Omnipotent,
8. Omnipresent,
9. Omniscient,
10. Television,
11. War,
12. World,

(B) Write no negative, no exclamatory and no interrogative sentences in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(C) Write no name of religions in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(D) Write no words quoting and referring from any religious books, religious scriptures, religious philosophies, and religious doctrines in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction

(E) Write not, avoid writing the following 9 words in your 6 Sentence 120 Word Spiritual Fiction:
i) Belorussia,
ii) Destruction,
iii) Heaven,
iv) Lord,
v) Magic,
vi) Miracle,
vii) Russia,
viii) Salvation,
ix) Ukraine,

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