Horror and Thriller Fiction posted May 10, 2008 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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Molly and Beth go to Sea World

A chapter in the book MADHOUSE

Fun Times

by Showboat

Molly Kramer stared out the window of the car, working hard at keeping the bored expression on her face. At fifteen, she was much too grown up to show the excitement she felt. Long, slender fingers twirled a lock of straight blonde hair.

Beth Chapman, co-adventurer and best friend, sat on the middle seat beside Molly, absently plucking at the hem of her pink shorts and tapping her foot. Gray-blue eyes wide with anticipation, she nudged Molly and nodded at a billboard of Shamu jumping high out of the water. They giggled under their breath.

As befitting his inferior age, sex and status, Danny Kramer bounced around the back of the SUV, pointing at signs and giving a running commentary on what he planned to do once they got inside the park.

"First off, I wanna see Shamu. Last time the place was so packed I couldn't see everything. That's why I'm glad we're here early, Mom. Then the polar bears, y'know. They're the coolest and since they're right next to the penguins, I plan to spend lots of time hanging out there." He patted his pocket. "I brought my camera, too."

As he paused to catch his breath, Molly turned around and glared at her brother. "Where's your off switch? You're babbling like an idiot." She crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

Face as straight as a poker, Beth said, "But then again, Danny can't help it, can you?"

"Bite me, dog face," he replied, undaunted. "Sea World is my fave of all the parks, Dad. Even better than Disneyland. I like the animals better than the rides, don't you? I mean, when you think of it, you get both...."

Molly and Beth climbed out of the car, grinning in anticipation. They walked to the admission booth, joined the short line, bought their tickets and entered the park.

Dave Kramer turned to the girls, eyebrows up, prepared with the usual speech.

"Check your cell phones for service." They did so, nodding at him in agreement. "Molly and Beth, you know the drill. Stay together at all times, especially in the restrooms. Buddy system, right? I wish you'd stay with us ..." he cast a quick glance at his son, "but I know you prefer to be alone. We'll have our first meet-up at the dolphin display in two hours. Ten o'clock sharp."

"We'll be there, Dad. See ya later."

Molly breathed a sigh of relief as they walked away from her family. "That kid makes me crazy."

"He makes me glad to be an only child." Beth chuckled as she unzipped her fanny pack and withdrew some money. "I'm starved. I didn't get breakfast this morning."

"I guess this isn't the time to think about diet. I'm gonna get an ice cream waffle."

"Me, too. Chocolate."

Laughing, they got in line, indulging themselves in their favorite pastime - people watching. Molly saw him first.

"Oh, man, look at that guy over there ... the one with the dark wavy hair. Man, what a hottie, huh?"

Beth nodded, chewing on the crispy waffle. She raised a finger, swallowed and said, "Very hot." She studied him a bit longer and nodded. "I think it's really important that a guy look sexy, don't you? I hate that boy next door, squeaky clean look."

"He's got a great ass, that's for sure."

"Definitely a bad boy."

"Uh huh."

By ten o'clock the lines had lengthened as park patrons laughed and cheered and ate and drank. Dave saw the girls first and waved his arms to get their attention.

Beth nudged Molly and nodded. "Parent alert." They picked up speed, weaving in and out of the crowd.

"So, what did you do first?" Susan Kramer grinned at her daughter. "I bet I know ... ice cream waffle, right?"

The girls laughed, nodding in agreement.

"That's just what you needed, bubble butt," Danny said, grinning at Beth and gazing pointedly at her derriere.

She stared at him with wintery blue eyes, refusing to pick up the gauntlet.

Dave's face turned bright red and scowls furrowed his brow. "What kind of talk is that? Knock it off, Danny. Did you leave your manners at home?" Dave pursed his lips and continued to frown at his son.

"He talks to me like that at home, too." Beth continued to stare at Danny.

"He has no manners to leave." Molly shot an uneasy glance at her Dad, then, not wanting to start a discussion of Danny's good and bad points. "So, what did you guys do? Have you seen the climbing wall over at the arcade? I'm going to give it a try."

"Whoa, that sounds like fun," Danny said, easily diverted. "I did that the last time. It's a ball." He turned toward Beth, opened his mouth as though to speak and then closed it.

Dave nodded at the girls. "We're going over to Shipwreck Cafe for lunch. I already made reservations for twelve-thirty. If you're a little early, have them show you to the table. Be good and we'll see you in a couple of hours."

Molly glanced at Beth and shrugged. "I know it's crazy, but I think Danny has the hots for you."

"Gee, ya think? What was your first clue? I could drop kick that little sucker. You never noticed how he looks at me?"

"At first I thought it was funny, actually, but that last remark he made was too much. I swear, I thought Dad would bust a gut. Actually, Danny's lucky he isn't into making a scene in public. And Mom? I mean, it's like she's on another planet or something."

They got in the rock climbing line and glanced around the park as they inched forward.

"There's that guy again, remember? The one with the dark hair? He's so cool." Beth prodded Molly with her elbow as she smiled at the young man. "He's staring at me."

"How old do you think he is?"

"I don't know, seventeen, maybe eighteen? Ya think?"

"Yeah, about that, I guess. Oh my God, he's walking over. Are you gonna talk...." Her voice rose to a squeak.

He stopped at an empty bench about thirty feet from them, sat down and sipped on his soda. From time to time he'd glance at Beth, then away, watching the crowd.

It was finally their turn. The exhibit manager beckoned Molly forward and hitched her into the safety harness. He started to explain how everything worked, but after her quick assurance and his acceptance that she'd done this dozens of times before and knew the drill, he nodded and told her to have fun.

He turned to Beth, helping her adjust the harness. "You, too?"

She grinned. "I'm experienced."

"I bet you are. Have fun."

Being seasoned climbers, they scaled the wall like little spider monkeys and then rappelled down even faster. They got in six climbs before the manager waved them down.

"You gals really are good," he said, helping Molly out of the harness. He moved over to Beth, smiling wide. "Come back later when the crowds are thinned out and I'll let you go for a long run."

"Sweet!" the girls said in unison. "We'll be watching."

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