Horror and Thriller Fiction posted May 15, 2008 Chapters: 3 4 -5- 6... 

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More about Beth ~ Jim & Co.

A chapter in the book MADHOUSE

Two For One

by Showboat

The first part of this chapter belongs in chapter four of Beth's scene. Those of you who are reading along will know where it goes. Sorry about that, it's a work in progress and so am I. :-)
Beth awoke with a blinding headache that intensified as she drew in deep breaths of gasoline tainted air. The tape over her mouth made breathing difficult, especially since her nose ran. Numb arms tied behind her back pressed up against what had to be a spare tire although she couldn't really feel anything.

Her mind raged around two thoughts as they fought for precedence. First and foremost, she had to get out of the trunk and run away. Second, if she couldn't get away, would he rape her before he killed her?

She banished those thoughts and tried to figure out where she was and how long she'd been there. Well, obviously in the trunk of a car, but whose?

She faded in and out several times, but each time she emerged stronger. Sam. It had to be him ... this must be his car. Fully conscious now, she thought for a moment, trying to remember what she'd been taught to do in situations like this. Tail lights.

Beth inched her body around, her head and shoulders curled so she could reach the tail lights, maybe kick one out. She gave an ineffectual kick, unable to make hard, direct contact with her toe. She had to turn over so she could use her heels and that would mean rolling on her bound hands. Hunching her shoulders and rocking back and forth, she prepared to roll.

Just then, the car stopped.

Beth began to pray. "Oh, God, why did I ever go outside? Why didn't I just ignore him? Oh, God, help me!"

The car started moving again.

Beth sighed at the momentary reprieve and relived the day, the fun she and Molly had climbing the wall, and the first time she'd seen Sam. The decisions that led to this event, the choices she'd made, caused this to happen. She sealed her own fate when she snuck out of the restaurant and no matter what else happened, she had no one to blame but herself.

She had hurried to the front door of the cafe, expecting to see him standing just outside the entrance. Instead, Sam had moved away from the restaurant and now waited across the lane in the shadows of a huge oleander hedge.

Knowing she didn't have much time, Beth rushed through the crowd of people, curious at his obvious urgency and hoping Danny didn't spot her and nark to his folks.

They had talked a moment, then he muttered something, moved close to her and that was the last thing she remembered except for the painful pin prick in her side.

Her knowledge of drugs was limited to movies, TV, and gossip with her friends. She had no personal experience, but it didn't matter; she knew what had happened. She didn't know how or what he gave her, but somehow Sam had drugged her.

Beth came back to the present with a jerk as she felt the road begin to steepen and the turns become tighter, sharper. They were going into the hills. An overwhelming bolt of fear struck her and her bladder let go. She began to cry.


Jim Sessions drove into the parking garage beneath the building, inserted his pass card into the gate slot and waited for it to lift. He proceeded to the end of the row, turned the corner and pulled into his assigned slot.

He got out of the Suburban and opened the side door. A magnificent Doberman Pincher stepped down onto the garage floor in what seemed like one fluid movement. The short black coat glowed with health, and even if the muzzle now had a fair sprinkling of gray hairs, the dog remained fearsome to behold.

Tony gazed up at Jim, his stumpy tail wagging.

They walked across the garage together and stepped into the waiting elevator. They rode to the penthouse and as the elevator slowed, Tony began to whine.

"That's getting embarrassing, dude. Besides, you're fixed, you both are. What's with this sudden passion for Amy?"

At the sound of the name of his lady love, the great dog began to stamp his front legs together in a fast, staccato beat, all the while staring at Jim and grinning.

"You need taps on your pads, dude, or maybe a mariachi band," Jim said, chuckling. "I'm tellin' ya, Tony, you're setting yourself up for a fall."

Eyes alight, he inserted his key in the lock as a snicker crept up his throat. "Okay, buddy, here we go."

Jim opened the door and stood back.

On the other side stood a Doberman of equal size, lips lifted in a hideous snarl. The dogs stood for a moment motionless, sizing each other up.

Tony dodged to the left, then the right and hesitated. Clamping his stubby tail to his butt, he curled his haunches under his belly and tore down the hall, Amy hot on his trail. He collapsed in a heap in front of the TV and rolled over on his back.

Amy skidded to a stop and began to stalk him. Quivering, grinning, ready to party, Amy jumped at Tony and delivered a body slam to his ribs.

She hopped to her feet and began to prod Tony with her nose. He lay quiet for a moment, wriggling with delight, then leapt to his feet and sprinted back down the hall. They crashed into the door, a panting mess of happy dogs.

"I still can't figure what the hell started that." Jim bent over and kissed Ella on the lips. "Mmm, actually, well, I think Tony's in love."

"So is Amy, believe it. This playing hard to get is just a role. She watches for him all the time. I think it's cute."

Jim sighed and walked across the room to the bar. "You want anything, El?"

"A glass of merlot sounds good. There's an open bottle. Wait until you try it. Really good. Chef has it on his 'highly recommend' list at the restaurant."

He poured a glass, swirled it, held it up to the light and gave the wine a sip. "Good legs. Mmm, plumy, notes of chocolate and cherries."

"Oh, give it a rest, would you? Chef gives me the same song and dance ... hints of licorice and pepper. Chit, dude, does it taste good or does it not? Bottom line."

"Always business with you." He laughed at her comment, eyes crinkled in delight. "I have the rest of the week free, my love. Free, and all devoted to you. What would you like to do, get married?"

Ella laughed. "Sounds great. Maybe we can fit it in between lunch and cocktail hour." She pushed her lower lip out and pouted. "Nothing I'd rather do, but summer is the prime season for the restaurant and business is booming. I can't leave until maybe October or better, November. Hey, how about if we have a November wedding?"

He nodded enthusiastically and grinned at her. "I hate to wait that long, but I agree with your reasoning. Where?"

Her face assumed a dreamy expression and she sighed. "Oh, maybe a cruise. We could get two weeks if we plan it right."

"Two weeks. Sounds like heaven."

She drew a deep breath and chuckled. "Yeah. Do you think maybe Hawaii? What a ball."

Jim's cell rang, shattering the moment. He opened the cell to an unknown number on display, and shrugged. "Hello, Jim Sessions here."

He listened a moment, nodding several times. "Yes, I know a bit about the case, Mr. Chapman. Have the police heard anything yet?" A bleak expression crossed his face and he sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

Jim hesitated a moment, listening. "Yes, we can do that, Mr. Chapman. Please give me your phone number and I'll call you back shortly."

He closed his cell and glanced at Ella, green eyes cloudy. "That was Rob Chapman, a new client. His daughter, Beth, was the girl kidnapped at Sea World on Saturday. We saw the news alerts, remember? Anyway, the cops are stymied and he wants us to investigate, see if we can come up with something before the case gets too cold. Already three days. Not good."

He opened the cell again and called his partner and fellow private investigator, Lenny Browning.

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