Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted November 28, 2018

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by michaelcahill

                 I doubt any of my school chums
I imagine I could build
                       a city out of it
                                if I had the time
            or maybe a tropical island hideaway
                                if the ocean decided to finally


I remember when the ocean wasn't out there
                                           at the end of the sand
               or maybe I didn't notice it
I notice it now
               and it calls to me
the sand has its appeal
        but vastness and mystery

                          well …


sometimes I wonder if there ever was
a strip of sand to walk on
                   at the end of the ocean
I'm sure my memory is clear
I wasn't born here at sea


the horizon is thrilling now
           for something pierces it
                     something familiar  

something safe


there is sand everywhere
but still the ocean attacks
              as though it plans to recapture me
I retreat from the greedy hands of the water
                                         as they grasp at me
I hear the ocean cursing at me
for what, I cannot say
          and it's accusations are but whispers
                     as it retreats to regroup its assault
I know I'm safe now
surrounded by sand
far from the sea I once foolishly
I wonder why I would ever enter
                              such a dangerous place


the sand surrounds me but there is
                                                little room

I stare out
just looking
something was out there once
I know that


the space is small and confining
me and a small bit of sand
                            nowhere to go
          no reason to be


I once had school chums

                                     I wonder ...


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