- Ungratefulby Iza Deleanu
This work has reached the exceptional level
el vaccino
The Corona saga
: Ungrateful by Iza Deleanu

We are such pussies. For the entire year, we screamed and beg for a vaccine. Now we have it, and we are playing the waiting game. It is too early, it is not tested enough, what if it will do more harm than good?

I finally get it! How hard it must be for God with our indecisions: "God, please give me health. Oh, no, rewind, I meant wealth. No! Stop! Can I have both? I guess I am allowed a third wish!"

Right? We treat God like the golden fish that can grant us three wishes. Some are treating God like a genie from the bottle. In this life, we all are acting like badass Aladdin's trying to steal the treasure! I guess no one wants to play the Lab of God, the leave all your riches and follow me. So here you go, part of your heritage now it's one badass Coronella.

For the entire year, the politicians were on a shouting contest: "My country has the vaccine, and we will ask the army to help us to spread it to the whole population!"

So many plans have been joggled on the negotiation table. It is 2021, and the real quest begins. We need those crappy influencers that will convince the masses to take the ultimate sacrifice: EL VACCINO!

I don't need an influencer to tell me what to do. When I was in the ER, I did my thing: get information first hand. So, I asked the ER doctor about my specific concern, that I never had a vaccine in my life for flu. I told him that I am afraid of the secondary reactions. Guess what he did. He started to recite the propaganda: " Well, this is not a flu vaccine, but one specifically designed for Coronella. So I should take it. And if I am afraid I should test myself for the side effects."

Really, smart pants? I have not seen a single clinic that tests for that. I have no idea what's inside that vaccine, and what I heard is scary. So, I am taking my chances and rely entirely on God. He will send me an answer to my questions...I just must pray more, and fear...less!


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