- Royally Blessedby QC Poet
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My Purple Irises
Me and You - 40+ years of Poems V2
: Royally Blessed by QC Poet
Haiku Poetry Contest contest entry

kids in bloom
as purple iris
~ termed unique!


Author Notes
Royally Blessed
By; George Martinez
(A.K.A) Chochee Medina / QC Poet
My Purple Irises

For this contest you are challenged to write a Haiku poem.
A Haiku is a form of poetry that only uses three lines. A popular format is to have the first line contain five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line contains five (5) syllables but a strict syllable count is not required.

For this 3-5-3 Syllable Haiku Poem offering I felt moved to include my walkways blooming now royal purple irises and some notes on its color symbology.

As a parent my wife and I feel "Royally Blessed" to have our grown children (now men) and grandkids, and nephew's & niece's in our lives. As with the "Purple Iris" each is dealt with in the unique circumstance we are Blessed with to have them.

Kid's blooming reference; goggled "do kids bloom?"
Purple Iris brings a message of wisdom and compliments (
The Iris flower commonly means wisdom, hope, trust and valor. ( Purple Irises symbolize royalty and wisdom.
A deep purple iris turns color when it matures and begins to die.


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