Like Sun Star's.
In our Ga~lax~y!
Wife's and My prizes on Earth.
Our union made these Comet's.
Making our World Rock!
New gen Galactic,
In a new Time and Space Age!
Air Force Staff Sergeant Stripes Rock!
Younger one's Brilliant!
Author Notes
Shining Bright
By; George Martinez
(A.K.A) Chochee Medina / QC Poet
Old & New Star's of our World
A Joseph's Star Format Submission
(For Potlatch Poetry Club)
For My Cherished and Greatly Appreciated Reviewer's;
I'm now trying to personalize Different Poetic Styles and Forms as I'm now 59, to Leave my future generation's a Range of Personalized Family Mementos.
Blessings for your Time to Read, Rate & Review these offerings.
Our Adult kids have now made additional bright Galaxy's of their own. My Grandson (Manuel's), Gavin is now 25yrs.old and a USAF Veteran.
Granddaughter (Sam's), Autum is a Self taught Anime Artist at (12), Grandson's SammyG (7) and Manny Roy (2) already learn via the Internet. (under Parents and Gran Parents Supervision)
Joseph's Star ~ week of 4-2-2021
Thread Modified April 1 at 1:08PM
The Joseph's Star ~
*no rhyme, written according to syllable counts. Syllables are 1/3/5/7/7/5/1.
*The poem may be written on any subject, be center aligned, has no stanza limit, is unrhymed, and should have complete statements in each. [aim for smooth flow]
See Posted Example;
In (Joseph's Star) Potlatch Poetry Rules Posting under week of 4-02-2021
Definitions of words as used in this poem;
1) Parallels; (noun):B) anything parallel or comparable in direction, course, nature, or tendency to something else.