- Love and Lightby Ramona Agin
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I try to cry but even tears elude me.
The Writings of a Mouse
: Love and Light by Ramona Agin
Free Verse Poetry Contest contest entry

I try to cry but even tears elude me.

There's an ache inside my soul since you left me.

My heart is heavy. My brain so dull.

Each day so dreary. One just like the other.

I long for your voice on the phone. To hear your laughter once again.

To share secrets and stories. To remember the past.

You left so quickly. I had no chance to say goodbye.

All I have left are memories. Somedays if I really try I can see your face.

Are you lost to me forever? Or will we meet again someday?

Will our spirits walk together in that land of love and light?


Author Notes
I wrote this from a place in my heart that still yearns for my best friend who died in 2015, my Mom.


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