- Protest Riotsby Leann DS
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Did the destructive rioting bring about the wanted change?
Protest Riots by Leann DS
2-4-6 Poem writing prompt entry

Torn asunder
Did it help? I wonder...

Writing Prompt
Write a 2-4-6 syllable poem. It has three lines. The first line has 2 syllable, the second one 4 syllables and the last line 6 syllable. The subject can be anything. However the three lines have to rhyme

Author Notes
While I 100% agree with peaceful protesting, the recent destructive and sometimes violent BLM "protests" are something I cannot get my head around. Hurting fellow citizens to prove a point or stand up for a belief is just not acceptable in my book. So, my question isā?¦ Did the rioters at least achieve the goal they set out to achieve?

I don't know.


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