- New Furrowby zanya
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100 word Dash
New Furrow by zanya
100 Word Dash writing prompt entry

James's wrinkled face glowed in the March sunshine.

'Giddy up Ginger, gotta plow to the headland,' he urged.

James's arms ached.

'Damn it,' he muttered,' how long more can I do this, at seventy?'

Nearing the headland, he glimpsed a red van by the iron gate.

A young man in wellington boots opened the gate and strode over.

'Morning Mr Smith,' the man said.
'I'm from the Agri department. Would you oversee young students with their plowing skills?'

Lifting his tweed cap and wiping the sweat from his brow, James replied, 'well, I'll be damned. Diplomas in plowing it is!'

Writing Prompt
Take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story in just 100 words. If so, this is your opportunity to shine. The story can be about any subject you wish, creative approaches are of course encouraged. All stories must have the following: Main Character, Setting, Conflict, Resolution.

Author Notes
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