- The Yin and Yang of Politicsby Tom Horonzy
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There is an opposite to all things.
The Yin and Yang of Politics by Tom Horonzy
Opinion Piece writing prompt entry

Isn't it amazing the different perceptions people have,
when talking points are presented before them?
The words heard are identical to every set of ears,
yet the mind integrates info to meet our expectations.
Reasoning is oft left out as heartstrings tug in one direction
while intellectually, the mind strains thoughts logically.
In a perfect world, yin and yang would be balanced,
yet all is not black and white regardless of one's desire.
Yin and yang are malleable, made of light and darkness.
There is opposition in everything: always has, always will.
Consider love and hate, good and evil, and peace and war.
There is an incessant ebb and flow to change as inevitable
'There is an incessant ebb and flow to change as inevitable
as the ocean's tides, arriving on shores at different times.
One party will win only to be replaced by the other again.
We seek change with our votes only to discover, what
we had was considerably better than what we exchanged.
History proves change is ongoing. Even friends come and go,
but the longer one sits in power; the more folks find fault.
Our hope is they find common ground by staying refined when
speaking with rather than to the other, defying of party lines.
Yin and yang are as night and day, yet once a year, each share
precisely 12 hours before tomorrow returns out of sync
with either light or darkness favoring one over the other.
That is how the north and south hemispheres switch seasons.
Life should be so easy, but the way it works nowadays dictates
what is yours will be mine, and what is mine will be yours.
That "my friends," as they call each other in Congress,
is the Yin and Yang of Politics.

Writing Prompt
Share an opinion on something that is happening in your world. Here is your soapbox, argue your case. Back it up with examples, scenarios and/or facts. Poem or prose, fiction or nonfiction, author's choice.

Author Notes
Photo by TPH
They say doing the same thing over repeatedly is a sign of insanity. Proof positive is Washington D.C. in both houses of government.


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