- Sonnet to a Super Moonby BethShelby
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The full moon of July will be at its peak on the 13th
Earth's Magnificent Moon
: Sonnet to a Super Moon by BethShelby
No Rules Poetry Contest contest entry

July’s Buck Moon lights up the evening sky.
A lone stag wanders out to greet the night.
The does he watches over sleep nearby.
Aroused by him, a startled owl takes flight
Nocturnal creatures rise to stalk their prey.
The bright moonlight awakens wild desire.
A passing breeze permits the trees to sway.
On nights like this, who knows what may transpire.
The name `Buck Moon' is ancient tribal lore.
The males lose antlers early in the year,
but in July is when they sprout once more,
and soon those racks they’re proud of will appear.
This month we’ll have a brilliant super moon-
more beautiful than even that of June.


Author Notes
Bucks loose the antlers in rutting season, but grow they back in July. Native Americans of some tribes call July's full moon a Buck moon for that reason. Another name is Thunder moon for storms occurring in July.


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