- Gateway to Loveby tempeste
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The Bower Bird
Gateway to Love by tempeste
"F" Bomb Poem writing prompt entry

Found in Australia this
satin blue -feathered bird
is quite the nerd.
He loves architecture
and goes to great measures

to lure a
female to his bower.

He decorates it not only with treasures
fruitlets , bright flowers and feathers
but also with flashy discarded items
like rifle shells, glass
fragments and coins
found among the fallen foliage.

The fiesty male will fight off fellow rivals
once a promising partner
visits the vertical  arched tunnel
made of interwoven sticks.

The flirty bird will even dance to impress
fussy female who seeks the foremost match
and if his tactics have success
in the privacy of the bower to mate
he'll take his "catch".

The couple then builds a nest
not far off, on a high branch
and once the chicks hatch
there will be little time to rest
when feeding the hungry bunch.

Writing Prompt
This poem can be any style and any length over twenty words. The only requirement is that you use twenty words that start with the letter "F". Not nineteen and not twenty-one. Twenty.


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