- Music of the Nightby Debi Pick Marquette
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Was I going Crazy
Music of the Night by Debi Pick Marquette
Alternate Poem writing prompt entry

~ Music of the Night ~

What is causing this music to play?

Every night, a different song 

I never hear it during the day

Am I crazy, or what could be wrong?

The songs don't seem to be in my head

It's like speakers coming from the wall

Oh how I yearn to be sleeping instead

My anxiety has caused sleep to stall

When I wondered  what people would think

Of my two year nightly serenades

Would they suggest, I should see a shrink?

Or laugh that I was dreaming of parades?

So I kept this inside and didn't say a word

Too frightened to tell anyone

I think to myself, this is all so absurd 

Still awake in morning's rise of the sun  

As much as I try, I don't understand

I can't keep this to myself anymore
Why would it play songs by Glen Miller's Band?

"In the Mood," from the Second World War 

So you see, there's no rhyme or reason

Instrumental, Jazz or Rock

And it matters not, what the season

Perhaps it's time, to go see my doc.......


Writing Prompt
Write an Alternate Poem in abab rhyme.
May be any topic and any length

The people along the sand (A)

All turn and look one way. (B)

They turn their back on the land. (A)

They look at the sea all day. (B)


Author Notes
I did go to see my doctor and she told me that it was normal and completely harmless.
That's because I deal with tinnitus, (ringing, pounding, crackling, paper rustling, heart beats etc...) which are definitely heard in my ears. The music I hear is a form of that but is called "Musical Tinnitus."

They don't even know how rare or common it is because so many are like me, and afraid to come forward, because they either fear people laughing or thinking they were crazy.
This is why I wrote this, in case there is anyone else that maybe going through these confusing, musical night terrors. Now that I understand what is happening, I welcome them. The night before telling my husband, there was a beautiful saxophone playing the old WWl tune of, "In the Mood." I don't understand why that one? But I don't get to get to pick them. Other things I hear are beautiful tunes being whistled.

I read about a woman who moved up north to get away from the noise of the large cities.
She now suffers with this, but she hears construction machinery all night long.
I guess I am thankful that mine is lovely music.


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