- Triplets (Part Two)by Achitka
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Fan Fiction based on the Disney movie 'Encanto'
: Triplets (Part Two) by Achitka

Mirabel forgave her Abuela, but what about everyone else? Will they forgive her as readily? What all happened during the reconstruction? How do you encourage others to move past the past? How will the

Triplets (part 2)

Pepa glanced up at Camilo's door as she and Félix walked through the courtyard to the steps. He described Camilo's room in amazing detail, but she was surprised when Félix told her that Camilo had gone right to sleep. That wasn't like him, but she was feeling a bit sleepy herself. She decided Juli's polvorosas were made with a bit more chamomile than usual. Well, at least he was in his room, chances were good he had eaten a fair number of those cookies, so he would sleep until morning. The sound of a door opening made Pepa look up in time to see Isa all but dragging Luisa toward her door. Earlier that evening, they'd talked about all the changes in their oldest children. So full of energy and so different from the woman she had been just a year before.

How Isa's initial disappointment in losing her Gift was soon supplanted by a seemingly inexhaustible need to learn all she could about plants. She was even helping her mother with the herbs she grew for her recipes like when she was little. Isa was always a bit of an overachiever and would be fine, Juli said. She was more concerned about Luisa falling back into old habits and Mira.

Pepa remarked how please she was that Dolores’s confidence had grown since she had started dating Mariano. It had been a bit of a shock to find out that Isa never wanted to marry the man picked out for her by their mother. But then Agustín was not their mother’s first choice of husbands for Julieta. Probably the only time Julieta flat out told her mother she would not do what she wanted. Pepa knew that Juli was secretly in love with Bruno’s best friend. She thought about her own husband and felt a shiver. How much would Isa and Dolores have lost if Isabela had gone through with that.

But looking back, there were signs there was tension between the cousins. Born within weeks of one another, they were thick as thieves as children. All but inseparable. After Mamá announced Isa would marry Mariano, they rarely spoke to one another directly and no longer spent time together. This was concerning at first, but Isabela had played the part of dutiful granddaughter to a tee. Doing it for the family, knowing Dolores was smitten with Mariano. Dolores too had said nothing, burying her unhappiness because she knew she could not change it. Still, Mamá had been very set on Isa marrying Mariano and no one except possibly Isabela and Dolores knew that it was not a good thing.

While Pepa initially had not considered Mr. Guzmán as a match for Dolores, her daughter did. The way she talked about Mariano made her nostalgic for the days when she and Félix had nothing better to do than wander alone about the Encanto, so after some discussion, she and Félix decided they would not interfere. Both Dolores and Mariano were happy with that outcome, so why not? She did wonder if Mariano really wanted five babies. Probably not. She had learned later that it was Mariano who had rallied the townsfolk, first to help look for Mirabel and then to help rebuild the Casita. All in all, he seemed a very nice man.

As she and Félix neared the stairs, she heard Julieta then Mira followed by Isabela's voice but could not hear what was said. Everything went quiet by the time they got to the top. She looked at her door, so beautiful as it shimmered. So many more colors than before. Out of nowhere, Pepa was struck by a feeling of supreme anxiety; what would tomorrow bring? For the family, especially the children? Before the downpour her fear inspired could start, she heard the familiar whoosh of an umbrella opening, felt the comforting squeeze around her waist and let the rain fall. She relaxed and Pepa looked up. Huh? Stopped already? Too bad, she thought as Félix released her to close the umbrella. Pepa turned to her husband and said, "Promise me you'll never lose that?"

"Lose what Pepi?"

"The Gift of reading my weather."

"Never mi vida." Félix once again put his hand around her waist, pulling her close. Pepa smiled warmly and thought, this is the magic she believed in and the only magic she needed. On impulse, she took his hand in hers, and together they opened the door. Pepa felt the tingle of the magic and was not surprised to see she looked almost the same. But now her door included the smiling figure of her husband.

"That was weird, Pepi," Félix said, holding her hand a little tighter.

"You felt it too?" she asked, all in a rush. That was new and totally unexpected. Was Casita trying to ease her fears? Their rooms were a little larger and the furniture a little cushier. She checked on Antonio, who was still asleep on the small bed Casita had placed there when Félix brought him here earlier. She wondered then why the door had not changed then…weird. This made her wonder again as to the true source of the magic. But that, she decided, could wait until morning.

Julieta got her laughter under control as she helped Agustín to his feet. Bruno was helping their mother to the bed, she looked disheveled but was still smiling. Isa was helping Mira up and whispered something to her that made Mirabel snort and the pair started to giggle. Both appeared to be fine, so she returned her attention to her mother.

"Are you alright, Mamá?"

"Yes, Juli," she said, but she looked tired. There was a squeak from one of Bruno's rats, and Abuela said, "You should check on Bruno."

Julieta turned to Bruno and froze. Bruno stood unmoving, face blank, eyes glowing. "Already? Agustín, help me."

Her husband immediately went behind Bruno and Julieta touched her brother's face and said in a gentle voice, "Bruno, can you hear me, hermano? Come back to us, Bruno. Despiertas."

Bruno blinked, and the glow faded from his eyes, but Julieta saw the pain and fear there before he closed them and collapsed. Agustín caught Bruno before he slipped too far. Both Isa and Mirabel rushed forward to help, but stopped abruptly when Abuela said, "Your father has Bruno well in hand. Come sit with me, and I will try to explain what just happened. Juli, you'll take care of Bruno?"

Julieta answered with a grim smile, nodded, and she and Agustín left. Once in the hallway, Julieta headed straight for her and Agustín's room. She did not slow as she grasped the doorknob and went inside. Agustín followed behind and placed Bruno gently on the sofa that was now just inside the door.

Bruno stirred but still did not wake, and Julieta knew that was not good. The longer he was unconscious like this, the worse it would be when he woke up. Agustín took the damp cloth Julieta handed him and sat next to his brother-in-law. He picked up the pillows that had fallen and put one under Bruno's feet, the other his knees. Pulled the blanket from a nearby chair and covered Bruno up to his chin. He then used the cloth to pat Bruno’s face, but the beads of sweat immediately popped up to replace those that were wiped away. His breathing seemed shallower than when they first laid him down and his skin felt cold, and Julieta felt a moment of genuine fear.

Her room had always had a series of small shelves and cabinets just near the entrance, and she had overseen the construction of them when they were rebuilding Casita. She had not had the opportunity to arrange her many herbs and premade remedies, but the boxes that they were stored in were gone. As if answering her unasked question, a small cabinet door popped slightly, and Julieta took the small pot it contained out and placed it on the counter. Two others were now ajar, and she removed the contents of those as well. Her fear eased a little, “Thank you, Casita.” Just do what you need to, Juli.

Though the room continued to fill out, Julieta was now completely focused on the task at hand. She heard Agustín grab some wood from a pile nearby and place them in the small stove there. They immediately caught. He took the small kettle, filled it with water and placed it on the stove. Julieta began adding ingredients to her mortar and mashed them furiously.

The kettle rattled to indicate it was ready. She picked up a spoon and removed some of the mixture, then gave it a sniff. Awful and definitely ready, she thought and put the spoon aside. She poured hot water into the mortar and gave it a swirl with her pestle. She poured the contents into a cup and left them to steep. Picking up the spoon, she turned and knelt next to her brother, she nodded to Agustín, who placed his hands on both sides of Bruno's head.

This was the hard part.

Julieta leaned over top of her brother and placed the spoon next to his nose. Nothing happened at first, but she knew this part could take a little time. Bruno suddenly jerked, but Agustín had a good grip on his head. She held the spoon in place until Bruno gasped. He coughed and sputtered, so Julieta put the spoon aside and Agustín released Bruno's head. Nothing to do now but wait.

The minutes seemed to stretch until, after a few groans, Bruno opened his eyes. He looked at her and his brother-in-law, and the look on his face was something Juli could only describe as pure anguish.

"Do not hold it in," Julieta said as gently as she could. She found his hands; they were still like ice. "Please, Bruno, let go of the pain. Whatever you saw, we'll find a way through it."

The door opened just enough to show Pepa's worried face. Though she had a cloud, there was no rain. She squeezed through the opening and closed the door quickly behind her, shutting her cloud in the hall. Agustín rose then and said, "I will go check on Abuela and make sure Mira gets herself to bed. He was out the door before Julieta could say anything, but she never needed to say anything. Bruno seemed to shrink in on himself then, there were tears in his eyes, but he still made no sound.

Julieta helped Bruno sit up slowly, and Pepa adjusted his blanket and sat next to him, taking his hands. She also noticed how cold they were and shot Julieta a worried look. "Are you alright, Bruno?" Pepa asked.

"I guess," was all he said in reply.

Julieta rose and strained the leaves from the drink she made earlier. She sat on her brother's other side and handed him the cup. Bruno took it with slightly shaky hands and took a small sip. He frowned at the cup, "Juli, this tastes like crap."

Julieta smiled, but noted his hands were no longer shaking.

Pepa said, "That's what happens when you scare her half to death. Questionable food. Should I ask why you and Agustín are covered in every shade of the rainbow?"

"You should see Mamá," Bruno said with the beginning of a smile.

"Mamá? You need to tell me what happened." She leaned in and looked at Julieta expectantly.

"I only arrived for the aftermath," Julieta said. "It was pretty funny."


Bruno then told a very colorful and likely extended version of what took place in Isa's room. Julieta could see why the girls had been so interested in his stories. He definitely could spin a yarn. He stopped when he got to the part where he had had that vision, and did not elaborate.

Pepa was giggling like a little kid, but said as she wiped a tear from her eye, "I am sad to have missed that. Sounds like prankster Casita has struck again."

"You don’t really believe Casita had anything to do with all that," Julieta said.

Pepa gave her the side eye and said, "And you think it did not?"

Julieta avoided answering by asking, "Is that what brought you here?"

"No, it was Bruno."


“Of course, why else would I be here?”

Bruno could feel the argument brewing between his sisters as he moved to put his cup down on the table that Casita quietly pushed in front of him and get out of the way. Julieta stopped him and said, "You should drink at least half, Bruno."

Bruno groaned, took another small sip, and asked, "You think you can add anything to help the taste? It's ...unfortunate." He looked down at the dark tea and gave a shiver.

"Fine," Julieta rolled her eyes and said, "I will be right back. Do not move."

When she opened the door, she stopped and fully took in the image, Bruno was guessing she had not had a chance to see before. Clearly, she was not expecting to see Agustín there, so when she did, she covered her mouth with her hands. Her expression changed, and she disappeared, probably to take in Pepa's door. Was Félix there as well?

"Bruno! Come out here!"

Julieta sounded very excited. That was not normal. He looked over at Pepa, but she only shrugged.

He set down his cup and got off the sofa. He tossed his blanket onto the nearby chair, and Bruno poked his head warily out her door. "What now?"

Pepa was right behind Bruno and ushered him out into the hall. Julieta gestured for him to come to where she was standing. Before he moved an inch, he knocked on the wooden rail five times, then once on his head. He made his way slowly to her, and she pointed at the doorknob. The embossed "B" made him take a step back. Why was that there?

Pepa poked him from behind, "You gonna open that or what?"

"Can I go with 'or what'?" He heard the thunder behind him.

"Pepa, please, he's been through enough tonight. Bruno, I just wanted you to see it. I think it's wonderful your room is back where it belongs. You don’t have to open it if you don’t want to."

"Then, where is Mamá's room?" Pepa asked.

"That is a good question," Bruno added as he took a few steps away, "Let's go look." Anything to get away from the glowing nightmare in front of him.

"I'm sure that can wait until tomorrow," Julieta said. "You can always sleep in the guest room, Bruno, no need to come up with excuses as to why you shouldn't open your door."

The way she said it, irked him. Did she think he was afraid to open it? He actually was, but the fact that Juli knew that…she shouldn't just say things like that and out of sheer stubbornness, he stepped forward and grabbed the doorknob. Bruno sucked in air as the magic swept through him and flooded back into the door with a force that made his hair tingle and his ruana flap. He immediately pulled his hand back as if burned. That was unsettling, and he wanted to be angry, but realized he was not even irritated. He almost felt comforted. Something about the magic had definitely changed. His reaction, however, caused Juli to jump back a step and frightened Pepa enough that she let loose another storm cloud.

"Bruno," Julieta said, coming closer, "I'm sorry, I did not mean for-"

"You know what, Juli, I'm good." What was Casita up to? He looked the door up and down; it was just about the same as before. With a shrug, Bruno opened the door and stepped in with a boldness he did not completely feel, but he did always say his real Gift was 'acting'.

Amazingly, there was only one area with flowing sand and no stairs at all. Just rooms that were similar to the ones that had appeared when he had first gotten his Gift. Like Casita had pushed a reset button. Much better furniture though and a window. He walked closer to it and saw there was a window box with the herbs he used to do visions. Near that was a small, dead looking potted tree. He snapped a branch off, and it immediately replaced itself with a new… dead looking branch.

"That's creepy," Pepa said, coming closer.

Bruno realized he forgot to close the door.

"But useful," Julieta commented.

"I really like this chair, Bruno," Pepa said behind him. "Didn't we used to have one like this?"

"Look at the size of that desk. This will be perfect for your writing." Julieta said with a hint of excitement.

Bruno, still facing the window, smiled. He had missed his sisters' pointless chatter so much more than he had ever be able to show them. The change in his mother, real or not, was nothing short of astounding. At that moment, his inaction of more than a decade weighed on him. More information… Julieta was right. Keeping things hidden was not only what caused all the problems they'd had in the past, but made them a hundred times worse.

He knew what he needed to do and was not surprised to see that Félix and Agustín were there when he turned around. Casita had a way of guiding people to where they were needed without you realizing that is what was happening.

"Close the door, Félix." Félix did, and Bruno gestured for everyone to sit down. "This concerns everyone in the Encanto, so I'm going to tell you what I saw."

Author Notes
**Note** Remember a lot is happening know like real life. Now, as long as I don't forget where I put everyone...


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