- The Art Showby Douglas Goff
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Everyone has a function.
The Art Show by Douglas Goff
80 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

Jeffrey is fourteen. He decided to help the elderly.  He loves to color beautiful pictures. When he’s finished a collection of twenty, he writes a nice note. He calls it his “Art Show.” The pictures are delivered to nursing homes. 

When Jeffrey was born, doctors said he would need care his entire life and wouldn’t function in society. Jeffrey is special needs with down syndrome. Jeffrey has puts lots of smiles on elderly faces. He’s functioning in society just fine. 

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 80 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 80 words.

Author Notes
There is actually a group of kids who do this for hospital children, hospices, and nursing homes. This was a fictional contest so I made up Jeffrey, who could be any one of the three children who are involved although they are actually 8, 10, and 12. Wallah! Fiction. There is a place for everyone, if only we are willing to look.
(The pictures are part of an actual art show from the group of kids).


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