- The Barnby zanya
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80 word Flash Fiction
Tales of our Times
: The Barn by zanya
80 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

'Grab a fork from the barn. Give your Grandpop a hand. Goat shed needs cleaning.' Joe called to his teenage grandson, Harry, who had arrived from London.

'Aw naw, Pops, dunno nothin 'bout Goat dung,' Harry muttered.
'Time you learned, young man,' Joe answered.

Harry took a selfie at the goat barn.
'Lads will love this,' Harry laughed.

Harry grabbed a fork and began to shovel alongside Grandpa.
Perspiration rolled down his face.

He almost forgot about his computer game.


Writing Prompt
Write a story of 80 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 80 words.

Author Notes
Image from Google


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