- Seasons of Faith - IIby JLR
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Poem 14
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Faith - II by JLR
Artwork by helvi2 at

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" Genesis 1:28
Seasons of Faith


From the beginning,
mankind was to stand as kings,
and have dominion over all things
God so Divinely brought to the earth.

As men and women were fruitful and multiplied,
they attempted to establish dominion over nature.
Being faithful that all needs would be fully met
for eons and eons they did multiply.

God filled the creeks, streams, rivers, and oceans
with an abundance of fishes.
Birds of all colors and song filled the heavens.
And every animal, beast of burden, and bugs
were made plentiful to sustain mankind.

But man's fall was made manifest
and under Universal law "free will"
was laid on the backs of man.
Choices to do good or evil were born,
causing many to suffer and has driven some mad.

Greed came like locusts to a new field of corn.
Driven by an intense and selfish desire for something,
especially wealth, power, or food,
and this brought about famine.

Far too many lands were raped of their fruits,
Oceans have been overfished,
and too many animals were slain for sport.
More often valued as trophies, not food.

Mother Nature has nearly fallen upon her knees.
Bleeding the sweet nectar of life from the wounds
inflicted, and her response to man's dominion on earth,
has been to unleash Her anger across the four seasons.

Bringing a rage to the four corners of the globe;
violent winds, destructive rain, out-of-control fires 
and air so foul
it then causes lungs to burn.
Earth quakes under man's very feet and shame should
fill every man's heart.

A Good and Gracious God has been slow to anger,
who sent his Son, who offers mankind the opportunity
seek salvation, to be redeemed from our mistakes.

Finally, it seems, mankind is realizing the danger
caused by this unquenchable lust and greed,
and this is Good!
Before God steps in and intercedes!



Author Notes
Poem 14 for NaPoWriMo

Free verse

Thanks for the use of His Love Touched Earth by helvi2 on


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