- Seasons of Faith - Vby JLR
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Poem 17
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Faith - V by JLR
Artwork by Raoul D'Harmental at

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
1 John 1:9

Season of Faith - V

If he only knew then, what he knows
now ...

Through steamy hot days and stormy nights
very few slept soundly during boot camp,
Little did they know their days
would become hellishly steamier,
and those storms would be manmade,
self-made; by madmen.

Sadly he admits, during those dark days
he rolled God up, like a picture on
a canvas, stored on the shelf.
Along with memories of football camp,
pretty girls in bobby socks and
plaid pleated skirts.

In September, when, back on the farm,
the wheat was nearly all cut and the
games on the gridiron, under the lights
were being played, he strayed from
the righteous path he had been taught.

It was then he should've prayed,
But instead, in desperation took
a drink of rotgut whiskey.

Knowing from the very first sip
with a mind tattered and a heart
filled swith childhood pain and
spiritually broken he became numb,
to self, everyone, and everything.
Thinking, surely, God was not nearby.

There came the time,
from the weight of his sins,
that his bottom collapsed.
Into the depths of a dark abyss,
he fell, screaming, "Oh my God, let me die!
Or change me, so that I can really live."

This lost sheep cried a plea,
that sounded like a tumult of voices,
echoing from the peaks of every mountaintop,
My God, oh my God, forgive me!

Instantly, his heart softened,
his mind became tame.
The rigor mortis brought by shame
was unwound.

His soul was made pure, once again.
A righteous life was made certain.
While God, who was never truly gone,
embraced this lost sheep into His arms,
Salvation given, by His Grace, forgiven.


Author Notes
POEM 17 NaPoWriMo contest

Thanks for the use of Contortion by Raoul D'Harmental on


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