- Rainbow Dreamsby BermyBye50
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a kaleidoscope of wonder
Life's Sweetest Rewards
: Rainbow Dreams by BermyBye50
Loop Poetry Contest contest entry


Rainbows daydream in technicolor hues

Hues splashed color enchanting the skies

Skies full of kaleidoscopic light on high

High above where flocks of red ibis fly


Fly to partake of sweet savoring fruit

Fruit of yellow-gold bright as the sun

Sun that enlivens green newborn life  

Life in oceans where fish swim as one


One dreamy twilit indigo sleepy night

Night wherein purple violets go to sleep

Sleep rebirthing new beginnings fresh

Fresh promises of quietude skin deep


Deep swirls of colors delightfully new  

New memories of sunshine ever bright

Bright beams of happiness ever serene

Serene whispers arousing dawn’s light


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