- Renewedby Liz O'Neill
This work has reached the exceptional level
Bea is renewed from a restful experience
Be Wee With Bea Part 3
: Renewed by Liz O'Neill

Strolling in her search to begin again, Bea has meet an old friend who she joined a group with


Previously: Bea strolling in an area new to her, tires and rests.
“Skidding to a stop to rest the pads of her feet, she began looking around to do her notice exercise. As she did her talk to the maker of tired wee bears who walked too long a distance, she felt strange, yet wonderful. 

A breeze stirred. Something had changed within her, causing her to perceive her surroundings differently. Searching the region, Bea found no mountains nearby, yet the echoes of the birds’ chattering fascinated her.

Brighter colors could be seen in the broad sky with designs of purples, blues, and pinks, no human being could ever create. The singing leaves were in tune with various birds. Bea felt in tune with what could be."


Throughout this entire performance, Dovely was ‘who-who-who-ing’ in a dance rhythm. Brilliant rose-red cardinals exchanged different notes. Branches clicked together, keeping time. The wee mesmerized bear stilled herself.

Taking it all in, ancient tones wove in and through her, strengthening the feeling of being a part of the sights and sounds. She remained in that state for some time, doing her brain exercise, feeling the maker, surrounding her with protection. 

It was glorious, until came the nudge from the maker of searching bears. It was time to proceed, to learn to begin again. Bea did not fully understand the reason for the directive, but followed it anyway. The maker had not let her down yet. 

She sensed a tear or two, sliding down her muzzle. They were tears of joy for the gift of the outstanding experience she’d just had. She was also weeping tears of sadness, to have to leave such a place of safety.   

Renewed and filled with hope, our dear wee bear was certain things could only get better. Elated, Bea danced and hummed a tune of happiness. Imitating some of these delightful sounds surrounding her, carried her back to the sensation of being wrapped in a blanket of comfort. 

Because everyone was at the bridge of rainbows, she and Willow the counseling tree had talked about her needing to branch out in her strolling exercises. She wasn’t certain if the spectacle her eyes beheld was real or part of the dreamy gift she still carried in her heart.

Nonetheless, she was convinced she spied an occupied cave. There were logs and branches piled near the entrance. Someone had clearly worked to collect the curious pile.  

The wee bear shuffled closer, remembering the polite ways her mom taught her. Not desiring to alarm anyone, she gently approached the mystery home. 

Her dancing friend, who made, never a sound, would not create any disturbance. Checking to see if her hide-and-seek friend was still there, Bea was startled to notice her friend had doubled. One dark figure stood right beside the other.

She quickly did her brain exercise. Neither Snakely nor Spidie had a friend like hers who danced. So she wondered whose friend was standing beside hers. As she turned to do her investigation exercise, jaws wide open, a totally stunned Bea, stood there.

Her wee bear heart stood still. She wondered if this was the end of her search. Was this where the maker of bears and old bear friends had led her? Her long lonely stroll with no answers finally had come to a conclusion, and to an end.

She remembered Willow had said searchers sometimes have to carry the question until it is time to lay it down, to hold the answer in their paws. Tiny rivulets of tears ran down her muzzle with an accompanying runny nose as she reflected upon how long she’d carried that question which had wearied, discouraged and frustrated her.

The question, a familiar companion, had grown in size and weight. Bea felt she might crumble under its load, but dared not put it down. Her all too well-known ‘what-if’s’ were splashing around in her head like river fish. Restless bees were growing in number throughout her tummy. She feared the answer to the question she’d been grappling with, was not in front of her. 

Billie bear knew who Bea was at the moment Bea recognized her old friend. Even with time having passed, since they last saw each other, with the heart memory each had for the other, recognition, would be immediate. 

When they had seen nineteen long, dark snows, the duo joined a group of other bears. Their moms reluctantly remained in their cave homes while the two young adventurers left their safety and guidance. 

If bears could smile and hug, we’d see those two longtime friends, hopping up and down hugging with big smiles on their faces. Billie Bear was becoming tangled around Jazzy, her dancing puppy, and Bea had to steady herself as she was ready to tumble along with Billie bear into the high grass. 

They joyfully laughed as they whirled with excitement, both playfully tumbling to the soft lush ground. Billie Bear had to caution her puppy to calm down for a moment. He was about to meet Bea the wee bear, her old best friend about whom she had often told him.

The two ecstatic bears were interrupting each other as they somberly reminisced about the group they had been in together. Its existence was known by many bears like their moms, who had survived many more cold times with iced-up trees, than their young daughters, Billie Bear and Bea. However, little other information was provided. 

They had mixed feeling but knew this is what their daughters believed they wanted. The moms loved them enough to risk letting them go. They were, however, puzzled their little ones wanted to leave their comfortable cave homes to join a group with less than adequate living conditions.

Author Notes
This autobiographical allegory deviates from my actual experiences, however it reflects my appreciation and spirituality in nature. As previously stated, this has an independent reading level of gr. 4+, age 9+. Your inner child can enjoy it.


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