- Bubbles the Catby Maria Millsaps
Fear no more
Bubbles the Cat by Maria Millsaps
50 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

After much thinking and contemplation, I finally adopted a kitten.  That’s a milestone for me, for I once greatly feared cats. The fear stemmed from a childhood experience. But now I have a furry friend called Bubbles who fills my days with joy and laughter, empowering me with yesterday’s fears.  

Writing Prompt
Write a story that is a dribble. That's 50 words. Title not included in count.

Author Notes
In New York City, the trash cans are stored in a desolate backyard. One day I went to put out the trash when a cat jumped out from inside and attacked me. I suffered deep lacerations to my legs, arms, and face. As a result of this tragedy, I developed ailurophobia.


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