- Good Samaritan Naaniby jake cosmos aller
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good Samaritan rescued us
Good Samaritan Naani by jake cosmos aller
Naani Poem writing prompt entry

I am grateful today

A good samaritan

Rescued us at Crater Lake

When our car died

Writing Prompt
Write a Naani poem. A Naani consists of 4 lines, the total lines consists of 20 to 25 syllables.

Author Notes
based on a true story that restored my faith in basic humanity. Indeed sometimes, out of all the horrors of the world one realizes that there is still a lot of good and that most people are decent human beings. John came along, saw we were stalled out on the road at highway 51 drove us back to town, waited for the tow truck to come and drove us back to Medford. We bought him lunch and will take him out to dinner soon to show our appreciation.


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