- SeeWorldby jim vecchio
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Inspired by true events-100 words
SeeWorld by jim vecchio
100 Word Story writing prompt entry

Abel’s mother, Anna, placed him in a facility “dedicated” to “assisting” individuals like her autistic son.

Anna believed her son would display talent and find a place for himself in society. To that end, she discovered “facilitated communication”.

A letterboard (some, mockingly, called it a “Ouija Board”) was utilized; eventually she discovered the “SeeWorld” he and others shared, communicating nonverbally.

Frightened staff ended this, citing abuse allegations.

Afterward, Anna held a painting by Abel next to a Winslow Homer. By comparison, Abel’s was lifeless and barren; Homer’s full of life.

To Anna, Abel’s painting was the most desirable of all!

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.


Author Notes
Abel and Anna are made of whole cloth, but the substance of this tale is based on fact. I could write over 100 pages about it; the trick was boiling it down to 100 words. Stemming from a groundbreaking program at Syracuse University, staff at my Agency learned to communicate with nonverbal individuals through use of a letterboard. Soon, other involved staff put an end to it, saying abuse allegations towards them were being made. They weren't! God allows different people to communicate in different ways. We humans are not so tolerant.


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