- Paradise Isleby BermyBye50
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Paradise Isle by BermyBye50
    Write a Kyrielle Contest Winner 


On the island, all is complete,

The pace of life is hard to beat,

The ocean breeze, the sandy shore,

A paradise that I adore.


The sun shines bright and warm all day,

As palm trees gently bend and sway,

The sound of waves, a soothing score,

A paradise that I adore.


The sea is crystal clear and blue,

A peaceful haven tried and true,

The rhythms of life wash ashore,

A paradise that I adore.


On the island, life is slow and sweet,

A place where mem’ries are complete,

A magic place where I explore,

A paradise that I adore.

Writing Prompt
A kyrielle is made of quatrains (four lines) that rhyme (any rhyme scheme can be used). Each stanza (quatrain) has a line that repeats from the previous stanza. That line is usually the last line in the stanza, but it does not have to be. Each line is made up of eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. A Kyrielle is usually made up of three or more stanzas. For this prompt, a minimum of three stanzas is required.
Write a Kyrielle
Contest Winner


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