- Beneath the Wavesby Boogienights
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The past lies...
Beneath the Waves by Boogienights
Write a Kyrielle writing prompt entry

Background Music
There is an inland sea I know,
where restless spirits cannot sleep.
Its beauty can not be surpassed,
where memories are buried deep.
There is an inland sea I know,
it's peace I find, next to its shore.
When tranquil or whem tempest-tossed,
it always leaves me wanting more.
There is an inland sea I know,
where shipwrecks in the dark, reside,
and only remnants now remain,
of ships that sailed the lake with pride.
There is an inland sea I know,
it's tranquil now, no storms are near.
But once the gales of winter come,
of crashing waves, there's much to fear.
There is an inland sea I know,
where restless spirits cannot sleep.
Its beauty can not be surpassed,
where memories are buried deep.

Writing Prompt
A kyrielle is made of quatrains (four lines) that rhyme (any rhyme scheme can be used). Each stanza (quatrain) has a line that repeats from the previous stanza. That line is usually the last line in the stanza, but it does not have to be. Each line is made up of eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. A Kyrielle is usually made up of three or more stanzas. For this prompt, a minimum of three stanzas is required.

Author Notes
Please click on the Gordon Lightfoot song that inspired this poem. Lake superior is often called an inland sea because of its size.


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