- Antonio Vieneby Achitka
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Fan Fiction based on the Disney movie 'Encanto'
: Antonio Viene by Achitka

Mirabel forgave her Abuela, but what about everyone else? Will they forgive her as readily? What all happened during the reconstruction? How do you encourage others to move past the past? How will the

Antonio sat with Parce outside the patio walls near the wooded part of the Encanto. While he was excited that he could talk to his friends again, he also realized they were only his friends because of his Gift. His Mamí had made a point of having him spend some time with the other kids in the town. They seemed to like him without it too, except now they were a bit put off by Parce. He tried to show them that Parce wouldn’t hurt them, but Parce was a pretty big jaguar.

Now that everyone was gone, he had been doing his best to not be found. He did not have a room to hide in anymore, and Mira’s room was still empty. Parce suggested he just go to his old room. Antonio did not agree. He wasn’t completely sure that it was safe. What if Casita broke while he’s sleeping? Better to be outside, just in case.

Two of Tío Bruno’s rats were there as well, talking about the story his Tío was working on. Most of it did not make a whole lot of sense, but then the rats broke off when they noticed he was listening. The pair scolded him for eavesdropping, then ran off.

“You should not let those rodents talk to you like that,” the Jaguar he was leaning on said with disdain. Parce’s voice was very deep, accompanied by a low rumble. Deeper than it was a year ago. That made sense since he was bigger as well.

Antonio looked up at the sky and asked, “Why Parce? I was eavesdropping.”

“It’s not right,” was all the Jaguar said in response. The big cat’s head came up and Antonio noticed Parce’s ears swivel, “She comes.”

“Huh? Who?”


“Mira?” Antonio did not know why all the animals called his cousin that. He wasn’t all that sure what the word even meant, or even if it was a word. Parce had said it was something specialness…

“Oh, hi Antonio,” Mirabel said as she came around the side of the house, “I thought I might find you out here.”

“I was gonna go in soon,” he said, and got up to stand near her.

“Were you? Too bad, it is a nice night for star gazing,” she said as she sat down next to him, folding her feet under her skirt. “You know, I never got to ask what the Jaguar’s name is.” She tentatively reached out and Parce graciously moved his head beneath her hand. Mirabel smiled as she gently scratched behind his ears. “So beautiful.”

“His name is Parce,” Antonio said, happy to talk about his friend, “he told me he really likes when you and your Papá sing. And that he should stay away from the bees, and did you know that Camilo’s smell stays the same, no matter who he’s copying? And I’m going to ask Isa to grow some…”

“Hey, slow down there Tonito,” Mirabel said with a giggle, “You can tell me all about it tomorrow.” Mirabel pet the jaguar as she said, “Thank you, Parce. I really like my Papá’s singing too.”

The big cat regarded her for a moment and pushed back against her hand, closed his eyes as he laid his head down near her lap. The sun had dropped behind the mountains and Antonio heard the scattered words of the animals just waking up in the nearby forest. They were all jumbled together, and it was hard to pick out one voice over another. He had forgotten how alarming that could be. Parce told him to pay it no mind, but Antonio backed into Mirabel, and she automatically pulled him into her lap, giving him a reassuring squeeze. She was humming a familiar song he did not know the words to, and Antonio found he could sort the voices better when he wasn’t thinking about it too hard. Maybe that’s what Parce meant when he said to pay it no mind. He was glad that Mira had come looking for him.

Parce rose, and the jaguar looked in the direction of the cracked mountain. “There is something I need to check on, Antonio,” Parce said in his low rumble, and took a few steps away.

“What? Why?”

Parce did not answer the question, he simply looked back at Antonio and said, “Do not fear hijo, I will not be gone long.” Then disappeared silently into the trees.

“I wonder where he’s off to,” Mirabel said.

“He did not say,” Antonio said.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll be back soon. It sure is getting chilly. We should probably go in soon. If you'd like, we can get up early to pick some flowers for our moms’ birthday.”

Antonio smiled and got up from her lap. He yawned without meaning to and said, “That’s a good idea.” Mirabel got up, took his hand, and they walked to the door. Casita opened it as they approached, and Antonio noticed his brother asleep on the sofa nearest the door. He was twitching in his sleep. He then heard a squeak and looked up to see his sister standing in front of her door. He looked at his brother, then back at Dolores.

“Hey, you want to go get a snack?” Mirabel asked.

“Nah, I’m not hungry,” he replied, but stopped, still watching his sister.

Mirabel knelt next to him and said, “You alright Antonio?”

“Yeah. You think she’s scared?” he asked.

Mirabel’s gaze moved from him to the balcony where Dolores was standing, and she said, “She looks like she could use a hug.”

“Yeah, that would be perfect,” Antonio agreed. Hugs were just the thing to chase away jitters.

“Well, then what are you waiting for, hombrecito?” she asked and turned him in the direction of the stairs.

Antonio let out a mischievous giggle and headed for the stairs. He stopped again when he noticed Mirabel was not moving, “You’re not coming?”

“I’m going to the kitchen; I really do want a snack,” she said. “Besides, I think it would be better if it was just you.”

Antonio nodded and continued toward his sister. When he came around the corner, he was surprised that Dolores did not turn to face him. She always heard him coming. She must really be frightened. He wrapped small arms around her legs, looking up at her, and squeezed.

Dolores looked surprised to see him and asked, "Yes, Tonito? What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, you just looked like you wanted a hug," Antonio said and buried his face in her skirt while he squeezed as tight as he could.

"Do I?

Antonio nodded.

Dolores lifted him up and said, "Ah, little brother, you were right about that. Thank you,” she said, hugging him. “Have you been in your room yet?”

"No, I'm kinda worried about what will happen," he said quietly. A large yawn escaped as he rested his head on her shoulder. He was feeling sleepy just then and asked, "Do you think it will be the same as before?"

His sister did not answer, or at least he did not remember if she answered because when he lifted his head again, he was in a bed in his parents’ room. He knew that because he reached out and touched one of the raindrops on the wallpaper. They were wet, but did not drip, so cool.

“Hey Tonito!” a small voice shouted. Antonio sat up to find three rats lined up at the foot of the bed. “We did not want to scare your Mamá, so we came to you,” the first rat said.

“Brunito needs help,” the second one said.

“Needs his other sister,” said the third.

“He’s with the calm one,” the first said.

Alarmed, Antonio slipped out of bed and said, “Okay, I will go get her.” All three rats scampered off and Antonio made his way to his parent’s bedroom. The door was not all the way shut, so he pushed it quietly open. His Papá was a notoriously light sleeper and even though he did not think he was being noisy, he jumped when he heard his Papá say, “Antonio, what are you doing out of bed?”

“Ummm…Bruno’s rats came to get Mamá but did not want to scare her, so they asked me to get her. They said Brunito needs help, that he needs the other sister, oh, and I’m supposed to say he’s with the calm one?” Antonio said all this in a rush.

“Ay no,” his father said, and he gently nudged his mother and said quietly, “Pepi, wake up.”

“Wake up, mi vida.”

Antonio was getting nervous; the rats had sounded anxious and from the look on his father’s face, this was not good news. His mother blinked as she roused from her sleep. She noticed him at the end of the bed and turned to his father, “What’s going on, Félix?”


“Already?” A small cloud formed, and his mother quickly got out of bed. She gestured to Antonio and Félix added, “From what Antonio said, he’s probably in Julieta’s room, the rats did not want to scare you.”

His mother paused as she picked up her robe, she put it on quickly and picked Antonio up and gave him a squeeze. “Thank the…rats…Tonito for their consideration. I’m sure your Tío is fine.” She handed him off to his father, who was now standing nearby and was out the door.

“Papá, is Bruno sick?” Antonio asked.

“No, mi pequeño. Your Tío will be well in the morning.”

Antonio heard the correction and said, “Okay, I like Tío Bruno, he’s fun to talk to,” but why would Mamá be so worried. “Can I go see him?”

“No, it’s best we let him rest. Back to bed for you.”

“But I’m not tired anymore, and I have to go to the bathroom, and can I get a snack?”

His father regarded him for a moment, then shrugged and said, “Why not.”

They only stopped long enough to put on pants and his father picked him up, and together they headed for the stairs. Antonio saw his sister and brother’s doors had people on them. Across the way, his cousins were the same. This made him smile. Things were finally getting back to normal. Maybe things were okay.

Once on the first floor, his father set him down and Antonio ran over to the bathroom. They entered the kitchen, and he caught sight of the pile of cookies. “Can I have some of those?” His father nodded and picked up the small plate Casita provided. He put a cookie on it and Antonio could not hide his disappointment, “Just one?”

“You’ll spoil your breakfast, Toni.”

“But I helped Tía make them…”

His father grunted and added two more before lifting him and the plate to the table.

“Aren’t you going to have some?” Antonio asked after the first few bites.

“No, I prefer Almojábanas and don’t talk with your mouth full of food.”

“Okay,” Antonio said with a mouth full of food.

“I doubt that is what your elder meant,” Parce rumbled below him. Antonio looked under the table. Parce was there looking up at him.

Antonio swallowed the last of his cookie and said, “Sorry, Papá, I won’t talk with my mouth full of food anymore.” Antonio looked out at the plaza, then at Parce, who had come out from below the table.


“Yes Antonio.”

“Do you think it’s safe now, Papá? It won’t break again, like before, right?”

His father came over and sat down next to his son and said, “It’s safe, but it’s not what I think that matters.”

Antonio was still staring at the plaza and asked quite seriously, “Papá, what does egelida mean?”

His father raised an eyebrow and Parce huffed, and Antonio said, “I mean elegida.”

His father raised the other and said, “Chosen.”

Antonio smiled broadly, “Oh! Can we go see Mira’s room?”

“It’s very late, Toni, she’s probably asleep.”

“But can we walk by it?”


Antonio got down from the table and onto Parce back. The jaguar kept pace with his father and stopped by Mirabel's door. Antonio looked up and saw her name written in flowers. The flowers shimmered and sparkled in the darkness, and Antonio reached up to touch them. He did not know Isa’s flowers could be so warm and tingly. They smelled nice too. He was glad to see his cousin’s name there. Things were gonna be okay.

Looking up at his father, he said, “I think I should open my door again. You’ll come with me?”

“Of course.”

Antonio let out a soft sigh, he was a little worried he would have to do it alone. The ‘A’ on the doorknob was the same as before, but the door itself was different. So much more colorful. Antonio looked up at his father, who smiled and gave Antonio a thumbs up. Parce looked back at him and Antonio said, “Okay, I’m ready.” He climbed off and decision made, he reached up and touched the doorknob. He giggled as the magic swept around him from his head to his feet, lifting him gently a few inches. It swept back the way it had come, and he giggled again at the magic whooshing back into the door. Antonio was still giggling as he looked at his hand, it was all tingly and warm like the flowers on Mira’s door. Parce nudged him gently from behind, and Antonio opened the door all the way and moved forward into his room.

His animal friends surrounded him just as they had done before, but only for a moment as they scattered toward the tree. That’s when he noticed there were two trees instead of one. He could almost make out a rope bridge hanging between the two of them. He was curious as to what kind of animal needed a second tree.

Antonio turned back to his father, “Papá, why do you think there are two trees now?”

His father knelt and Antonio came to sit on his knee and he said, “I don’t know Toni, was there something missing from your room before?”

“I don’t think so.”

“The eagles come,” Parce said this as if Antonio should have already known it.

“Papá, Parce says,” Antonio paused to let loose a huge yawn, “the eagles are coming.”

“Well, then perhaps you should leave your door open tonight, until all the animals find their way back.”

Antonio nodded and yawned again.


“Time for you to get back to bed,” Félix said and stood, picked Antonio up and placed him on Parce’s back, “You’ll make sure he finds his bed?”

The Jaguar growled quietly and turned toward the tree, he padded slowly toward the main tree and out of view. Félix looked at the other tree, that had to be the largest Jacaranda he had ever laid eyes on. There was a legend he was not remembering just then, but he was pretty tired too. He made his way to the hall, being careful not to step on any of the many incoming creatures.

In the hall, he noticed Agustín closing Mirabel’s door and heard a commotion on the other side of the plaza. Bruno was standing stock still looking at his door. Pepa was behind him and Juli was off to the side. While it was good that Bruno was up and about, Félix was sure Bruno wanted nothing to do with that door. But if he was already having visions, something was up. There was the sound of distant thunder, Julieta said something, and Bruno took a few steps back. Bruno was spooked, for sure.

Félix came to stand next to Agustín, to watch the drama unfold and decided to stay put, getting in the middle of those three at times like these could be perilous. Julieta said something else, and Félix grimaced when he saw Bruno’s shoulders drop.

“Ay, no,” Félix intoned at the same time, next to him, Agustín said under his breath, “Miércoles…”

Quite suddenly, Bruno stepped up to the door and grabbed the doorknob. Almost as if he were daring Casita to do something to him. The magic hit Bruno hard enough that his hair and ruana fluttered. He immediately pulled his hand off the knob. This caused Juli to jump back a step and Pepa let loose a brief shower. Julieta moved closer and said something else. Bruno only tilted his head slightly, gave the door a cursory glance, he shrugged, then immediately stepped forward and went in. Pepa and Julieta exchanged worried looks and, seeing as Bruno did not shut the door, followed him inside.

“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Félix said and turned around. “I see Mira’s got her own room finally.”

Agustín turned back to the door, “She does, and she doesn’t.”

“Alma?” Félix grunted, as if that front door did not confirm it.


“The wives know yet?” Félix said and scratched his beard.

“I’m guessing no,” Agustín replied as he turned back to the plaza. “You having trouble with errant children too?”

“Antonio, woke up his mother to tell her what the rats, woke him up to tell him.”

“Ah,” Agustín said, “that’s going to be a challenge to navigate.” Together, they looked at Bruno’s still open door and asked, “You think we should go over there?”

“Why not,” Félix said as he started in that direction. Agustín followed, and Félix added, “I’m curious to see what all the ruana flapping was about.”

“Well, let’s at least hope there are not a ridiculous number of stairs. I don’t think my knees can take a climb like that anymore.”

They stepped just inside the door, and Bruno turned around and took both by surprise by not being surprised they were there. Instead, he said, “Close the door, Félix.” Once he had, Bruno gestured for everyone to sit down and said, “This concerns everyone in the Encanto, so I’m going to tell you what I saw.”

Author Notes
The initial chapters were character studies. That being said, a story of sorts popped into me head. Modifications have been made to avoid the inevitable plot holes. Sorry, it is a vagary of my writing method. You should also note - a lot of these scenes will be overlapping and seen from multiple POV's - so if things seem jumpy at times, I suggest we blame Einstein - Apparently time can be funny like that.


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