- Profeta Fallidoby Achitka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Fan Fiction based on the Disney movie 'Encanto'
: Profeta Fallido by Achitka

An almost useful conversation between mother and son, almost. There is actually one swear word in there, so heads up for that...I blame Pepa

Alma sat back in the chair and waited and watched as Bruno set about collecting the 'things' he thought he was going to need. When Juli and Pepa realized what he was about, they both got up.

"Bruno, what are you doing?" Pepa asked, a storm cloud forming, even though she knew full well what he was doing.

"I'm doing what Mamá asked me to," he said and turned around and said to Agustín, "You might want to go sit with Mirabel. This might. No, it will wake her up," he said this in his matter-of-fact way and that caused Julieta's face to go pale.

"What are you going to do, Bruno?" she asked.

Isa was off the sofa and said to her parents, "I will go Papá, Doli can tell you if I need help with Mira."

Dolores nodded, and Isabela was out the door.

"Answer my question, Bruno," Julieta’s voice was now tinged with anger as Bruno continued his gathering.

Pepa answered with a note of fear in her voice, "He's going to do that," her cloud got noticeably darker.

"No discussion? Just like that?"

Agustín and Félix had their heads together, were speaking in low tones. Dolores, still sitting on the sofa, was hugging herself and her knee was bouncing in an attempt to calm her nerves.

Alma got up from the chair and put a hand on both Julieta and Pepa. Both turned to her, and she said, "Do not worry, mis hijas, I don’t believe we will see anything imminently troubling. Bruno, will you really need all that?"

Bruno looked at the small pile of things he had set on a small table near an alcove and shrugged. "I just want to be prepared."

"Maybe you should rely more on your own strength and not the things…"

"What are you saying, Mamá?"

Alma smiled and said, "Perhaps, given the current state of the magic, you should begin again."

Bruno, at first, did not appear to understand what she was getting at, but something caught his eye and he raised an eyebrow and nodded as he said, "Alright, I will try it your way."

"Santa Maria," Pepa said, threw her hands up in the air, a blast of hot wind made Alma and Bruno turn toward her and Julieta. "Were you two even going to bother to ask if we wanted to have any part of this?"

Julieta nodded in agreement, and she said, "Bruno, you still haven't answered my question. Why this?"

"Because, like you've always said, we are strongest together."

Julieta's eyes narrowed and she growled at him. Pepa put a hand on Juli's shoulder and said, "That's bullsh*t, and you know it, Bruno."

Dolores let out a squeak and the husbands were staring, mouths open, and Alma just sighed and said to herself, "Ay, no." She had forgotten how volatile Bruno could be, especially when he was dealing with his sisters.

Bruno paused and seemed to remember something and said, "Fine, will the pair of you, please assist with this vision. I will try not to let happen what happened the last time." Julieta's growl deepened and Pepa, arms crossed, teeth clenched, let loose a lightning bolt that hit the carpeted floor right in front of Bruno. "Let me rephrase that," Bruno said rubbing his arm while looking at the still smoldering spot on the carpet, "I won't let that happen again?"

Julieta spoke first, "No, no, and just no. I've had enough. Good night, Bruno," and she stalked out the door. Agustín got up and gave Bruno an apologetic shrug, then followed his wife. Pepa looked over at Félix, and he too rose from his seat and followed his wife out the door. Dolores, forgotten and alone on the sofa, eyes wide, got up and said, "I guess I will go get Isa," and disappeared into the hallway.

Bruno instantly relaxed, went to the door and closed it. He turned back to his mother and said with a wry smile, "Well, that was easier than expected."

"You know, Bruno, you could have just asked them to go."

"Maybe. But it would not have been nearly as fun. Besides, they've been babying me all day."

He went over to the table and started collecting items, and Alma said, "You won't need those, Bruno."

He looked at the items he was holding and slowly set them back on the table. He gave her a quick nod and opened the alcove door, bringing only the sand he had collected. Alma followed him inside, and again she felt the same pang of regret she had when she had initially entered his rooms. Bruno's original room had an area just like this. Open to the sky and not closed in as it had become in the tower. He had never really found any joy in using his Gift, perhaps there was a chance he would be able to start again. Alma realized she was rubbing her locket again and put her hand back in her lap.

Bruno completed his circle of sand and motioned for her to join him. Alma stepped over the sand line and Bruno helped her to kneel. He sat across from her and took a few deep breaths. His breathing evened out, and he opened his eyes and held out his hands. Alma took them, and Bruno's now glowing eyes closed as he focused on her need. Or at least that's what he had told her happened. The sand circle started to shake a little, but the dome that usually accompanied it did not manifest.

Bruno blinked once as the light went out of his eyes. "Something's off," he said, and looked over at the alcove door.

"Bruno," Alma said gently, "I think maybe you should..."

"What? You think I don’t know how to do this?" There was anger in his voice.

"Of course not, but-"

"But what, Mamá?"

Now impatience. Alma thought back to the boy who, before having a 'Gift' was content, slow to anger, sometime full of mischief. Able to sit and sketch for hours at a time, pictures of the Encanto's church, the flowers that grew around Casita or the clouds as they drifted. Pulling his sisters into his stories, so they could act them out for her before bed to cheer her when she had had a particularly hard day. So giving. It hurt her heart still to realize she had aided in pushing that out of him. Still, he surprised her when he rubbed his temples and said, "Sorry Mamá, guess I'm just a little on edge tonight."

"I'm sorry too, Bruno. I know that I have always been a source of unease for you." Bruno did not even try to deny that, just gave her a small smile. Even now, whenever he was around her, he would fidget. In the past, she would have had no problem calling him to order, but now seeing the room this new miracle had given him it made her wonder if perhaps Bruno would be able to find some joy in it, somehow. Perhaps, he needed what she had not given him back then. A choice. The power to say no and leave it at that. So, she said, "Bruno, we don’t have to do this tonight or at all."

Bruno did not appear to be giving her his full attention as he glanced over at the alcove again, and instead he asked, "Mamá, in that vision I had earlier, there was a woman. She was very similar in appearance to you. But I could tell that it wasn't you. Any idea who she is?"

Alma sighed and looked up at the stars. So stubborn. She thought back to the dream that had pulled her out of her sleep. "Perhaps my sister, Juliet. I believe I was dreaming about her before I came here. Can you remember her face well enough to draw it? You were always good with drawings."

"Not a bad idea," he said, and suddenly got up and held his hands out for her to stand. She took them and together they left the room. Bruno once again led her to the red velvet chair and went over to the desk and sat down and began hurriedly sketching. Alma yawned and adjusted her position in the chair.

Bruno let out a grunt and looked at all the papers in front of him. He had drawn everyone he could remember from the vision. He picked up the one of the older woman and turned to hand his mother the drawing, but stopped when he realized his mother was asleep. How long had he been drawing? He glanced at the clock. After three in the morning. Casita opened a drawer, revealing a soft blanket and some pillows. Bruno collected them and covered his mother to her chin, lifted her from the chair and put her on the bed. She was in fact light compared to the sand he had often used.

He looked then at the sketch he had made and held it up near his mother's face. Very similar indeed. While not being able to 'read' his mother did concern him a little, he had meant it when he said he did not want to use his Gift. But reading her had always been difficult for him. So many emotions tied to that one.

Still, drawing always relaxed him in a way that writing did not. He lost himself in those sketches, and his jumpy brain had an easier time focusing. As he sketched, he realized something important, and he was pretty sure he knew now what Casita had done when he opened his door. Previously, the magic had only considered his mother's needs when doling out Gifts and their rooms reflected that. This time it almost felt like the magic was learning about him and his Gift all over again, perhaps it was. Like adjustments were being made.

Casita while still responsive to his mother, was also different. There were things in here that were completely unrelated to his Gift. Like the desk he was sitting at. The paper and drawing items, the paints neatly stored with an easel nearby that window, and other little things he liked to do just because. Mirabel's influence on her family, Casita, as well as the miracle itself was not wholly unexpected. But the ways in which it manifested…so different. There was no way Mirabel could have known how his room looked in the beginning, but Casita did. Poor kid probably doesn't even know what's happening. Juli was right, Mira was going to need the support of all the Madrigals.

Still, these were all puzzles for tomorrow. Bruno gathered all the sketches and opened the center drawer to put them away, and stopped dead. In the drawer was a small child size teacup and in that was a crudely made rosary. Bruno stared at it for a long time before he carefully picked it up. An object from a time before he became the Encanto's prophet. Something he had made. Something he thought he had loved. Something he was sure was lost. This should not exist, yet here it was. Another reminder of something else he had put off for a long time. He returned the rosary to its teacup, set the sketches on top and closed the drawer, tapping his fingertips five times on the wooden surface. Genuinely tired, Bruno, snatched another blanket, curled up in the chair feeling better than he had for quite some time and quickly fell asleep.

Isabela stopped in front of her sister's door and carefully examined the jacarandas there. They looked different from when she had grown them earlier. The colors were deeper, and the flowers shone in the pale light of the hall. Isa had tried to imitate the design of Mira's name her sister had embroidered on her favorite mochila bag and had to admit it looked pretty good.

Isa quietly opened the door and went inside. Expecting to see Mira's room as it had existed before, her breath caught as she closed the door behind her. Isa pulled a blanket from the drawer that opened nearby, then sat on the sofa. Looking around at all the spaces Casita had created for Mira, it made her wonder what Gift her sister would have gotten if that door had opened for her. How lucky for her, it did not. Mirabel had developed so many other talents in her quest to gain acceptance that Isa felt that old twinge of jealousy that had fueled her previous interactions with her. But the animosity she used to feel was gone, instead all that remained was the love.

The door opened again, and Isa was surprised to see Dolores waving to her. Isa got up and went into the hallway.

"What happened?" Isa whispered.

"Nothing." Dolores shrugged.


"Tío was just trying to get everyone out of his room," she said and started toward her room. "I wonder what he did that got that reaction from our mothers."

"Clearly nothing they'd care to repeat," Isa snorted as she walked next to her.

"Well, our moms have been hovering around him all day, like he might break," Dolores said, rolling her eyes.

"We should just go to bed, parents are exhausting," Isa said, and Dolores nodded.

Author Notes
The initial chapters were character studies...That being said, a story of sorts popped into me head. Modifications were made to avoid the inevitable plot holes. Sorry, it is a vagary of my writing method. You should also note - a lot of these scenes will be overlapping and seen from multiple POV's - so if things seem jumpy at times, I suggest we blame Einstein - Apparently time can be funny like that.


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