- My Answered Prayerby jim vecchio
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The Way To Find True Love
My Answered Prayer by jim vecchio
Love writing prompt entry

How do you speak to a prayer?
Do you talk? Do you just stare?
Your heart says none can compare
Your soul erupts with much flair

How do you know she’s the one?
A gift from God’s holy Son?
Knowing from Prayer she was spun?
How do you say your heart’s won?

How do you say, God ensures
Your love is mine, and mine yours?
No more game play, no detours
I’ll respect you, have no fears

How can you ever depart
Now that she does own your heart?
Today your new life does start
Your hearts never now apart


Writing Prompt
Write a poem about something or someone you love.

Author Notes
A tale I've told before.
I made every mistaken a young man could make.
I leveled with God, made it a matter of regular Prayer, in accordance with His words, and asked God for a Godly woman, even describing the type of person I desired. God led me miraculously to her, even though she was living in the opposite end of my state and there was no earthly way I could have met her. I knew instantly she was answered prayer. On our first date, I couldn't help staring at her. I proposed early in our relationship. To my soul's delight, she accepted. Then, I had to earn her respect.


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