- A New Yearby Navada
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An entry in the Name poetry contest
A New Year by Navada
Name writing prompt entry

Right at the start of a brand new year,

Expectations arise among many.

Some people seem to believe they are

Obliged to change their behaviour.

Little do they understand that

Unusual declarations rarely

Turn out to create lasting change.

Intentions are all good and well, but

Ornery stubbornness is required to embed

New habits.  Frankly, in the heat of

Summer, I don’t have the energy!

Writing Prompt
Write an acrostic. Pick a word, any word, and use the letters of that word for the first letter of each line in your poem. See examples here.


Author Notes
I've never been able to keep a New Year's resolution going for more than a few days, but I thought it would be fun to explore the topic anyway. :)

I live in the Southern Hemisphere, so the New Year period coincides with our summer and is always hot and sunny.


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