- I Found My Heart Ch 1 Pt 3by LoniLove
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Chey schemes to get Michael and Kara together.
I Found My Heart In San Francisco
: I Found My Heart Ch 1 Pt 3 by LoniLove

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
An average girl meets and falls in love with the man of her dreams. The biggest star of all time.

I Found My Heart In S.F. Ch 1 Pt. 3

After Chey was finished with all of the introductions, everybody just spread out and started talking amongst themselves, and Chey made her rounds talking with all of her friends. The other girls started mingling with them too. The girls all called their men at work to tell them to meet them at the Kirkland's family home. Chey mad sure that she called her boyfriend Chris M. too and let him know where she was.

In about 15 minutes, Chey's sisters and brothers all started trickling in one by one with their mates. Bryan and Ryan Kirkland, Shannon Kirkland, Brookes Kirkland , Cheyenne Kirkland, Amber Kirkland, and LaTraya Kirkland b.k.a. Traya. The house was getting super crowded fast.

Chey and her cousins decided to turn the gathering into a little party. The men started talking about going out to the market to buy some food to eat. It was a nice mild day out and Chey's parents had two large barbecue grills out on the back patio. They were used to large gatherings at their house. The Crew decided on getting some ribs, chicken, hamburger, and hot dogs to put on the grill. Jody Kirkland, Chey's brother Bryan, and some of the guys would take turns manning the grill if some of the ladies would prepare the side dishes , Potato Salad, Baked Beans, and a Toss Salad. They tried to keep it simple since it would take a while to prepare and cook all of the food.

The women made a list of all of the things that they needed from the store, and two groups of five men each divided the task of doing the shopping. They took the Vans and the SUV's and headed out to the nearest wholesale store. The whole thing took a good two hours and three stores for them to get everything they needed for a crow as huge as they had. Chey had called up a few more of her friends who wanted to join them and the others and she told them to stop and pick up some extra food too. Therefore, there would be plenty to go around to everybody.

In the meantime, somebody put on some music, and everybody was having a good time, and more people came. Cameron and Michael were standing across the room talking.

"Check her out Mike! She is something ain't she?" Cameron indicated Kara who was over across the room talking to Chey's cousin Cupake.

"Yes, she's very beautiful."

"I've been checking her out ever since she walked through the door." Said Cameron.

Cameron didn't know it, but Michael had been checking her out too.

"Yeah. You can't help but notice a woman like her. She is fine." Said Michael.

"Man, she is off the hook! She's graceful and sexy. She knows she has just what a brother craves for." Cameron observed.

"I won't argue with you about that." Mike agreed.

"What did Chey say her name was again?" Cameron asked.

"LaKara." Michael answered.

"Beautiful name. I'm surprised that you even remembered it." Cameron looked at him.

Mikey grinned. When he saw a woman who captured his attention the way Kara did, he made it a point to know who she was.

Kara looked over in their direction for a brief moment. Michael made eye contact with her. She smiled shyly at him before Chris Hayes walked up to her and Cupake and started talking with them.

"She's looking at me." Said Cameron.

"No way man, she's looking at me." Mikey tossed back.

"I wonder if she's got a man."

Mikey looked at him.

"What are you talking about? I thought you had a thing for Adrian Desai's sister Monet?"

"Yeah, but Monet ain't here right now. She is." Said Cameron.

"I bet I'll get that girl before you do." Mikey challenged him.

"You can't get that girl, Mike."

"I can get that girl Cameron."

"I'll bet you NeverLand you can't get that girl."

"Watch me get her."

"Mike, you ain't got no game."

"What? I've got way more game than you."

"Well go ahead then Casanova, bust a move." Said Cameron.

"Okay. May the best man win."

"Oh, it's on brother." He and Michael shook hands.

"The best man is me." Michael told him.

"We'll see about that." Cameron grinned. "No hard feelings later?"

"No hard feelings." Said Michael. "Whoever gets her, the other one will back off out of respect."

"Okay cool." Cameron agreed, and they shook hands on it. "I'm going first!"

He took off across the room and looked back at Michael laughing.

"Cheater!" Mikey called out after him.

They were both competitive men. They were good friends and they enjoyed teasing each other all of the time, much like he and Chris Tucker did. Damn! He was glad that Chris Tucker was not here with them right now. He would drive me crazy. I would have double trouble on my hands. Mikey thought to himself. Chris was always cracking jokes and making him laugh.

He and Cameron were teasing with each other right now, but Mike was serious. He really intended to go after Kara. He was intrigued by her. He was going to get her too. He was a determined man. Whenever he wanted something bad enough, he didn't stop until he got it. Cameron should know that about him by now. He also knew that he had better take Cameron serious too, because he was attracted to Kara and serious enough to give him some real competition for her attention. Michael backed off of a girl that he wanted once before because he knew that a friend I of his liked her. He did not intend to back off this time.

About an hour later, Chey's boyfriend Chris Martin walked in with a few more of the other girl's men. Chey introduced them to everybody, including Michael. Chris already knew that Michael was a family friend of Chey's anyway because she had told him the story about how she had met the Jackson family through her cousin's show business contacts. He also met her ex-boyfriend, Tony Garrison. Chris was kind of cool towards him at first, but they managed to get along alright because Tony G. had his own woman with him, and he wasn't trying to rekindle a relationship with Chey. But he and Michael hit it off pretty well.

There were not enough drinks to go around so Chris M., Brandon Devonnteno, and D.J. Davenport decided to go make a run to the liquor store themselves since the other guys hadn't made it back from the grocery store yet.

Meanwhile, Kara had moved on and was now talking to one of her friends. Chey was talking to her cousin Cupcake. They both had noticed that Cameron and Michael were checking out Kara.

"Chey, what's up with your boys Mikey and Cameron?" Cupcake asked. "They are looking like a couple of love-struck teenage boys. Do you think those two like your friend Kara?"

"Yeah. I think they may have a little crush on her. I noticed the way they both looked at her when I introduced all of the girls to them earlier."

"I did too. I honestly think they are both attracted to her. I'm surprised at Cameron though. I thought he had a thing for another friend of mine named Monet Desai."

"Why didn't Monet come here with him? All of the other men have their women with them." Chey was curious.

"Monet is a super model. I think her Modeling Agency had her working on a major photo shoot today and tomorrow. That's why she wasn't able to come." Cupcake told her.

"Oh, well what's up with Mikey? Why doesn't he have a woman right now?" Chey asked.

"You'll have to ask him that question. He was dating a model also named Shanna Mangetal for a little while. I'm not sure what happened, but I think he was just a little too busy to nurture the relationship with her. They both have been very busy with their individual careers. Michael has been busy with his Thriller Album, and Shanna has been busy flying back and forth between here and Paris, France with her runway shows." Cupcake explained.

"Oh. Is he still seeing her?" Chey looked over at Michael who was currently in a conversation with his brother Marlon.

"No. I don't think they have been together since October. Michael has gone on with his life, and I think she has too." Cupcake answered.

"Mikey is my boy. I don't know why we never hooked up years ago. I think he kind of liked me as more than just a friend." Said Chey.

"I think he did too. But you were into Tony G. back then. That's why the two of you never got together. He went on to date other women."

"Yeah, that's true." Chey admitted with a smile.

"I'm thinking that your girl Kara might be his next conquest. I haven't talked to him yet, but he seems to be interested in her. Is she a Michael Jackson fan?" Cupcake asked.

"Is she?" Chey laughed. "She is only the biggest M.J. fan out of anybody here that I know."

"I talked with her a little while ago, but I didn't aske her that." Cupcake said.

"Girl, she is absolutely crazy about him. Anybody will tell you that. She listens to his music all of the time, and she has collected a lot of memorabilia about him over the years. She still has old posters and programs and stuff from past Jackson 5 concerts, and photos, not to mention she has a Beat It jacket hanging in her closet that she don't let nobody touch." Chey told her.

"Yeah. She's an M.J. fan alright!" Cupcake agreed. "So, does she have a man in her life?"

No. She's not seeing anybody right now. She just broke up with her last boyfriend a little over two weeks ago. Thank God! He was a complete jackass. He treated her really bad, and we were all surprised that she hung in there with him for six whole months. I think he had her kind of scared to leave him, but she finally did."

"Really?" Cupcake looked over at Kara. "She seems like such a sweet girl."

"She is. She didn't do anything to deserve to be mistreated. She would be perfect for a man like Michael. And Michael would definitely be the perfect man for Kara." Another thought occurred to Chey just as she said those words. He wheels were definitely turning.

She looked over at Kara, then she turned back to look at Michael. Yes! Why didn't she think of this before? Michael and Kara would make a perfect couple if they got together.

Michael was a gorgeous man. He was sweet, generous, kind-hearted, sensitive, caring, and down-to-earth. Not to mention, he was the biggest Pop Star of all time. He would definitely captivate her mind, thrill her body, and his gentleness would soothe her soul and heal her heart.

Kara was a beautiful woman. She was a free spirit, and she was kind, loving, warm-hearted, and easy-going with a sweet personality. Even though she was very aware of his superstar status, she would appreciate and respect Michael for the man that he is, and not try to use him. She could easily steal his heart with her charm and take his breath away with her passion. They each had just what the other one needed. She should definitely hook the two of them up. Chey thought to herself. They would be good together. She could see the two of them dating each other and romancing it up and having a wonderful relationship.

"If she is as crazy about Michael as you say, why isn't she over there talking to him right now?" Asked Cupcake. "I know she has got to be dying to do so. I certainly would be if I were her and my favorite celebrity of all time was standing right here in front of my face."

"I was thinking the same thing myself. I don't know why she hasn't made a move towards Michael yet. Maybe she's just too afraid or something. She might be feeling a little shy. That's all I can figure. This is her big opportunity to meet him and try to get close to him." Chey answered.

Cupcake was thinking the same thing as Chey was. She was thinking that Mikey and Kara would make a nice couple, and that maybe they should hook the two of the up together and let nature take its course.

Yes, that would be a great idea. She could see the two of them getting their romance on and dating each other too. And then, who knows where things may lead from there. Mikey needed a good woman in his life.

"Yes, I agree. I have an idea how to get those two together." Said Chey.

"What do you have in mind?" Cupcake was curious.

"The Crew is having a Valentine's Day party on Saturday. It just so happens that Kara is the only girl in the Crew who doesn't have a date. Just before Mama called me to come over here, my friends and I were talking about that. We were trying to come up with a way for her to get a date for the party. I was going to hook her up with one of my neighbors up the street, two hot Latino brothers, but I think I have just found her someone even better than that." Chey said.


"Yes Michael." She said. "It would be perfect. I will go over there and have a little chat with Michael. I'm sure it will not take much for me to convince him to ask her out to the party."

"That's a good idea. Michael needs a good woman in his life right now. He needs someone who will see past his Pop Star image and love him for who he is. Are you pretty sure that Kara will be able to get past his being a big celebrity and fit into his lifestyle?" Cupcake asked.

"Yes. Kara will no doubt be blown away by the idea of going out on a date with Michael, but I'm sure she will get past him being The King of Pop." Chey answered.

"Okay, You know her better than I do, and if you feel that she can handle him, and you trust her then that's good enough for me. I know that you love him as much as I do and you want to see him happy. I hope this all works out well for both of them. My cousin the matchmaker!" Cupcake grinned. "Go on and do your thing girl! I've got your back."

Chey smiled.

"I'm going to talk to Michael. We have some catching up to do anyway."

With that, Chey went over to find Michael and have a talk with him.



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