- Say You Are Sorry Laterby nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level
Jealousy at its worst
Say You Are Sorry Later by nomi338


You saw me kiss a friend’s cheek in greeting,

Right away you assumed that I was cheating.

You grabbed your phone and began tweeting,

My reputation with your friends took a beating.


They got into your head, I read some of what they said,

“Let him go, just say bye-bye. Girl, you know all men lie!”

Well, if you want to leave, just close the door behind you,

But before you go, allow me to remind you.


I’ve never given you reason, to suspect me of treason,

But suddenly, the first thing you see.

Makes you believe I want to deceive,

Not guilty of deception; I don’t deserve this cold rejection.


If you learn the truth and think about returning,

You can't recross the bridge you are burning.

To return to me, you must swim a sea with a huge alligator,

Better fix things now, than have to figure out how

to say you’re sorry later.


Author Notes
It is not wise to jump to conclusions without giving a chance to hear an explanation.


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