- He said, She Patricia Green1
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Constant talking can ruin a nice trip.
He said, She said. by Patricia Green1
Dialogue Only Writing Contest contest entry

"Henry, why are we going on this trip? Where are we going? How long will it take?"
"Pam, I already told you we are going to see my sister, she lives in Brisbane and it will take about 24 hours to get there"
"Well you should have warned me earlier, because i didn't pack nearly enough clothes!"
"How many clothes will you need? It's the middle of Summer, you will only have about four things on at the most!"
"I hope we are going to stop somewhere for tea Henry, I'm starting to get a bit peckish. I didn't have breakfast and only a banana for lunch, so my stomach is growling."
"we'll stop at the next roadhouse, I promise, it's only about another 20 kilometres."
"Henry did you remember to give the keys to our neighbour, so they can feed our dog?"
"Of course I did, we had it all written down on the list, which I followed from top to bottom, to make sure nothing was left out."
"I do hope Scotty will be okay, he gets a bit of seperation anxiety, so I hope it doesn't last too long."
"He'll be fine, he only mopes for the first day, and then he forgets all about us! I made sure to leave plenty of treats, enough for several days, so stop worrying about him."
"Did you remember to ring your brother, so he can pick up the mail? It's not good to have a mail-box full of mail, because it tells everyone you're away, and they know they can break in."
"Will you stop! Yes I remembered, everything is done, so please just try to relax, after all this is supposed to be a relaxing getaway for a few days."
"Have you ever been to Brisbane before Henry? I've been there several times. When my Mum was alive and still living on the Gold Coast, we visited Brisbane a lot. When I lived up there for 3 years, I went up to Brisbane about once a week, to go to the markets."
"Yes, I've been up there. When I was still in the band, we played several gigs up there. Wasn't much of a place back then, but it's very big and modern now.
My sister loves living there, she says the weather is perfect and she's made a lot of new friends.  Here we are, I'll pull into this roadhouse and we can have a bite to eat."
"It's getting pretty late Henry, are we going to stop at a Motel soon? I'm feeling a bit weary, it's been a long day."
"Of course, I'll enquire about the nearest Motel, as soon as we have had our dinner, now what do you want from the menu?"
"I think I'll just have something light. The salmon salad sounds nice, could you order that for me please? I'll just go and order a cuppa for us, be right back."
"waiter! Excuse me waiter! Oh hi! Could we order now please?"
"Of course Sir, is it for two?"
"Yes thanks, I would like the barramundi and chips, and my wife would like the salmon salad, please."
"Thank-you Sir, it shouldn't be too long."
"Boy they know how to charge! Five dollars for a cup of tea! Anyway I hope it tastes okay, careful you don't knock it over with your elbow!"
"Yes, that's a bit steep! But I really needed a refreshing cuppa after all that driving, thank-you!'
"the barramundi for you Sir? The samon salad for your wife?"
"Thank you, it all looks delicious!"
"Oh yes, this salad is scrumptious, I hope your fish is cooked well, not underdone. I find it worse if it's underdone, than if it's overcooked."
"No, it's cooked perfect, just flaking apart like it should be, delicious! Thank-you for that lovely meal, you do take cards? By the way, could you please tell me where the nearest Motel is?"
"Of course Sir, it's just down the road, about ten minutes, on the right. It's called Bone Lazy Motel, you can't miss it!"
"thank-you, okay let's go Pam. Here it is, boy it's well lit up! Lucky there is a vacancy! I'll just pull into the front here. Hi, Henry White, we would like a room for the night please, we will be leaving early in the morning."
"That will be seventy-five dollars, thank-you Sir, here is your key to number fifteen, just pull around to the back into number fifteen bay. Have a nice night Sir and in the morning drop your key into the night slot in the door please."
"Thank-you, you have a nice night as well. Oh boy, I will sleep tonight! All that staring at the road, makes your eyes very tired."
"Yes we were up very early this morning, so it's been a very long day for both of us. Good night Henry, sweet dreams!"
"good night Pam, God Bless!"
"Henry, did you remember to put the bins out before we left? I wouldn't like to have them sitting there in the heat for a week!"
"Pam, please, GO TO SLEEP!"


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