As we do all the things that we've done all along,
Let us lift up our voices in new, grateful song.
Let us notice that not many souls get this chance,
To enjoy this Grace, this American Dance.
We can still hug our kids in this season of Thanks.
We can still collect pay from our schools and our banks.
We can still dress ourselves in our Crews, Beans and Gaps.
We can still take our well-deserved, post-dinner naps.
We watch movies, eat steak, make a long distance call,
Take a walk through the woods in the middle of fall.
Our stores have fresh produce, safely imported,
Our meats pass inspection, are cut, wrapped, and sorted.
If we called the police, they'd come right to our door.
If we needed an ambulance, it would be fast and sure.
When we're sick, there's a hospital right down the street.
When we're cold we go downstairs and turn up the heat.
All the problems we dwell on, our sad consternations
Would be welcomed by most of this world's populations.
Is our microwave broken? Are our deadlines too tight?
Most folks would trade up for those problems tonight.
Consider the lifestyles of those not so blessed
And be grateful for this, a far easier test.
For we, out of billions, are offered the chance
To enjoy this Grace, this American Dance.
Author Notes
I wrote this one for Thanksgiving for our family, right after 9/11. Even during our hardest times, we need to stop and appreciate the blessings that have been laid at our feet.