- Chapter 28by Martin Sibley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Leading to the grande finale
Old McDonald
: Chapter 28 by Martin Sibley

The final animals and birds have been dissected. Now the scene is being set for the grande finale.

The Sergeant stretched his legs and walked to the lake. It was dawn and nothing had happened. The park bench was empty. The Sergeant called the officers stationed at the houses. Nothing to report. Then a report came in that a presentation board with a swan on it was on the bench at the duck pond. He gave the Professor a call.

"It's a swan at the duck pond."

"On my way."

The Professor arrived on the scene.

"It's a swan. I think that's the last. I can't think of any other birds or animals, apart from the horse. No. I think we have done. What about the location? I thought you said you had a suspect who lived up the road?"

"Yes. I think I need another search warrant."

The Professor went back home and spoke to his wife.

"It was a swan. Neatly pinned and displayed. I think that is the end. We have had all the farmyard animals and birds. All except for the horse. I think that might have been too difficult."

"I'm not so sure. We have had Old McDonald's farm and birds. There is one thing missing. I think the grand finale is going to be a human!"

"A human! That's a bit of a leap."

"Think of it. All the farmyard animals â?" frog to cow â?" birds â?" pigeon to swan. The one thing missing is a human: Old McDonald himself."

"I don't think so. I think you are wrong."

"Don't be too sure. The dissector is mad. He is a psychopath. My God! He has done all this to get at you, even to performing a dissection on your dog. I tell you; you are next."

The Professor had to agree it was possible. He called the Sergeant.

"Sergeant. It's Professor Stone. I have been discussing the case with my wife and she thinks a human is next and, in particular, me. The theory is that someone deliberately placed the boards where I would find them to increase my stress until I crack. I haven't cracked, and he has run out of animals and birds to dissect. I think it's a possibility."

"You may be right, Professor. I think I will get a search warrant for both suspects and watch your house and theirs tonight."

The sergeant found himself in front of the Judge again.

"I need search warrants for John Brown and Dwayne Lee."

"Why are you coming to me again? I offered you the chance of arrest warrants, and yet here you are demanding more search warrants. Did you miss something? What has changed?"

"The suspect has dissected a sheep and a cow, as well as farmyard birds, pigeon, goose, swan, etc. We think he has finished with farmyard animals and is going after a human next."

"I think that is rather remote. Dissecting a human would take some skill and expertise. What makes you think these two have the skills needed?"

"Well, we have a perpetrator who has dissected a variety of animals. I am sure that both suspects have the skills needed."

"I am still unsure why you need further search warrants. What do you hope to find?"

"Well Judge. These are our prime suspects and we think that one of them is going after a human."

"OK, but why search warrants?"

"In case we missed something the first time around."

"Hmm. I am still not convinced. No search warrants this time. I'm sorry, but you will have to do better than that."

"Oh. In that case, we will have to work with what we have. Thank you, Judge."

The Sergeant rang the Professor again. "You may be right, Professor. I suggest you lock all your doors and windows, and do not answer to anyone until the night is over. He holds a grudge against you, so you are the prime target. I am going to stake out your house. I'll be outside all night, watching for anything unusual. Lock your doors and answer to no-one. I will detail an officer to stake out Lee's house. Might I suggest your wife spend the evening at her sister's?"

"Yes, I will do that. I hope you get him. Suzy! The Sergeant suggests you go spend the evening at your sister's. You should pack an overnight bag and go as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll go, but what about you? I can't leave you alone."

"Oh, I'll be fine. The Sergeant is going to be outside all evening. I'll call if anything happens."

Author Notes
Two more final chapters to come


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