- First Impressions by LoniLove
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Kara and Michael finally talk face to face.
I Found My Heart In San Francisco
: First Impressions by LoniLove

I Found My Heart In S.F. Ch. 2 Pt. 2 

First Impressions
Michael went on over to talk to Kara. Being naturally shy, he was feeling just a little nervous. He didn't know what he was going to say to her yet. But he did know one thing, he really did want to want to get to know her. The things that Chey told him about her made him even more curious about her than he already was. If what she told him was true, then he had to go and talk to her. She was his type of woman. He also knew that he wanted to take her to that Valentine's Day party. He had to ask her. He wasn't sure how he was going to do that either, but he knew he had to. He also knew he had better ask her before Cameron did. 
Chey was right about that. Cameron did have his eye on her too, and he was not going to let Cameron have her. She was the girl of his dreams,  and he was out to win her heart. Winner take all. As a matter of fact, Cameron was watching right now as Michael made his approach. Whatever he was going to say to her, it had better be good. It had to be bold enough to get her attention. 
He studied her for a moment. She struck him as the romantic type. She was definitely the type of girl who dreamed of getting married one day. Again, Chey's words came back to his mind. "She should be your wife." Michael walked up behind her. 
Kara sensed his presence before he ever spoke a word. She didn't know how, but she knew it was him standing behind her. Tay Tay saw him and immediately broke off her conversation. 
Kara slowly turned around, and her eyes met Michael's. Instant awareness and physical attraction kicked in. It traveled along her nerve endings causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach. Michael felt it jolt him too. Standing this close to her, she was even more beautiful than he first thought. 
"Hi, I'm Michael Jackson." He spoke. 
Kara's throat was suddenly so dry that she had to swallow before she could speak. 
"Hi, I'm LaKara Rhodes. My friends call me Kara." She told him. 
"Kara, can I ask you one question?" He said. 
"Sure, what is it?" She asked curiously. 
"Is it true?" He asked. 
"Is what true?" 
"That you are supposed to be my wife, but destiny just hadn't brought us together yet." He said. 
"What?" Kara was caught off guard by that question. She wasn't sure if she had heard him right. Did he just say that she was his wife?
Her friend Tay Tay heard him clear enough, and she caught her breath. 
"Oh my gosh!" She mumbled to herself. 
Kara searched his face to see if he was really serious. Michael gave her a sweet smile and her heart melted. She figured that one of her friends must have told him about her. She laughed a little nervously. 
"Yes. It guess it is true." She answered him. 
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. 
He sounded so sexy to Kara. Michael Jackson came all the way from across the room to talk to her! She couldn't believe it! She was so surprised and delighted. Her heart was pounding like crazy in her chest. Maybe he was right, it was her destiny to meet him today.
"Yeah sure." She answered him, trying to sound calm. 
Kara followed Michael across the floor and into the dining room area. The house was crowded with people, and it was getting more crowded by the hour. She and Michael went over to sit on the stairs leading up to the second floor. This put them in close proximity to each other, where they could both hear and see each other very well.
When they were both seated, Kara took advantage of the opportunity to get a good look at him. She took in every detail about him. He looked very handsome to her, from his neatly combed curly black hair with one curl falling over his forehead, to boyishly handsome face, big brown eyes, medium-sized nose, soft lips and and light mustache.
She noticed that he was dressed nice but causal just like the rest of the guys who came with him. There was none of the flash and glitter that she was used to seeing him in or military style garb. Tonight, he was just simply Michael.
His slim figure was dressed in a white open neck shirt pullover sweater black pants, a black belt with a silver buckle, and a pair of black Italian patent leather shoes. The total effect was down right sexy to her.
Kara looked back up to find Michael looking directly at her acessing her with his eyes too. He was aware of her checking him out. He hoped she liked was she saw. He had taken the time to check her out as well. His main impression was, he thought she was gorgeous and very sexy as well.
She too was casually dressed in a designer jean outfit. Her jeans hugged her gently hugged her hips nicely without being too tight. She wore a soft red shirt, a denim jacket, and red low heel boots with them.
Her shoulder length black heir was flowing down her back and she wore silver hoop earrings. Her make-up was natural, not heavy or over done. He noticed her big brown eyes, perfectly arched brows, medium nose, and soft luscious lips too with strawberry lip gloss on them. She looked very well put together.
"So, I hear that you are my biggest fan. Is that true?" Michael got the conversation started between them.
"Yes Michael. I love all of your music. I have been a fan practically all of my life." Kara answered honestly. "You probably hear that all of the time from many of your fans." 
"Yes, I do. But I still like hearing it from you. Thank you." Michael told her. "I was also told that you have wanted to meet e for a very long time." 
"Yeah, that's true too." Kara said. "Who told you all of these things about me?" Kara was curious to know. 
"Someone who is close to you and who knows you pretty well. So, why didn't you come over and talk to me? I've spoken with some of your friends." 
Kara blushed. 
"I don't know. I guess I just didn't know what I was going to say to you yet." 
"Most other girls would have been having a fit as soon as they walked through the door and saw me." Michael said. 
"I didn't want to be acting all crazy. I was going to come and talk to you eventually. I was just a little nervous and I didn't know what to say." Kara said. 
"You don't have to be scared to come and approach me. I won't bite." Michael teased. 
Kara smiled. 
"I know."
"You have a beautiful smile, Kara. It makes me want to get to know you even more." 
Oh my God! She couldn't believe that she was sitting here having this conversation with him. How many times had she thought the same things about him? And she loved the way that he said her name!
"Thank you, Michael." She said. 
"So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do for a living?" Michael asked. He wanted to know everything about her. She definitely intrigued him.
I Found My Heart In S.F. Ch. 2 Pt. 3
"I am a journalist. I work for a local magazine here in San Francisco called Rave. It's a trendy magazine, something like Essence and Ebony Magazine." Kara told him. 
"Oh oh." Said Mike. He was cautious. "Are you a celebrity reporter?" 
"No. I am an Advice Columnist, and I occasionally do Style and Make-up tips. That's my beat. I don't do Celebrity Gossip or Interviews." Kara told him. 
"Oh, I was about to say, Aw man, I've just run right straight into the Press! No offense to you sweetheart , but I do not want them to know that I'm here. My vacation time would be ruined. Every news reporter, paper, magazine reporter, and paparazzi will be camped out around my hotel, and around Chey's house. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere or do anything." Michael said. 
"I understand. I'm not offended. But I'm not a Hollywood Gossip reporter. I'm more of an 'Ask Kara' advice columnist. I've been thinking about extending to other areas of journalism, but I haven't done it yet."
"Okay, just as long as I don't have to worry about being chased down in a Media frenzy. I don't want to have to end my vacation already. That would mean I wouldn't be able to stay and get to know you better. Nobody can know that I'm here except close family and friends, okay?" 
"Okay. Don't worry, I will respect your wishes." Kara promised. "I will not tell a soul that you are here in San Francisco, especially my boss if you don't want me to. I'm still in a mild state of shock over seeing you here myself." 
"Thank you. I appreciate that really." 
"No problem. You really want to get to know me?" Kara asked. 
"Yes, I do. I think you are a very beautiful woman, Kara. And I really would like the opportunity to get to know you better." He answered sincerely. 
Kara blushed again. He though she was beautiful! It's not like she had never been told that she was beautiful before. But to hear it from M.J. It was mind blowing. It gave her butterflies. 
"Michael..." She said. 
"What? You don't believe me?" He smiled. 
"Yes, I do. Thanks. I would love to get to know you too. It has been a dream of mine for a long time." She admitted. 
"Are you seeing anybody else right now?" Michael asked. He knew the answer to that question, but he wanted to hear it directly from her. 
"No. I'm not seeing or dating anyone at the moment." 
"Now I really am surprised." Said Michael. "There should be plenty of men asking for your number, calling you up every night, and knocking on your door trying to get a date with you. I know that I would be. You and I should definitely hook up and get to know each other better. A great way for us to begin would be if you say yes to being my date for the Valentine's Day party on Saturday night." 
Kara looked at him wide eyed. She wanted to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. She was going to wake up at any moment now, open her eyes, and find herself at home in her bed. 
"How did you know about the Valentine's Day party at Lucky's?"
"Chey invited me and the rest of the Crew from Bel Air to come. I don't have a date and I don't want to go alone, so what do you say? Would you be my Valentine?" Michael said. 
Kara was so excited that she felt like she wanted to scream. She didn't want to look like a fool in front of Michael, so she willed herself to calm down. But she couldn't stop the great big smile that spread across her face, or the joy that she felt from showing in her eyes. Michael definitely saw it.
"Yes Michael, I would be honored to be your Valentine's Day date." She answered him. 
"Great!" Michael smiled back. Kara felt her heart skip a beat. She had no idea that she had made Michael's day as well. "I will pick you up on Saturday at 8:00 then. All I need is your address, phone number, and directions how to get to your house." 
"I have a pen in my purse, but I'm going to have to borrow a piece of paper from Chey." She told him. 
"That's fine, go ahead." 
Kara got up and went to find Chey and ask her if she could borrow a sheet of paper. Chey gave her a big grin. She knew what Kara needed the paper for, so she didn't even ask. She saw Kara and Michael walk off together to go find someplace to sit down and talk. Chey always kept a little note pad and pen in her purse, so she looked in there and found it and gave it to Kara. Kara took it and went back into the other room where M.J. was. 
She wrote down her home phone number, her cellphone number, and her address. She tore it off and gave it to Michael. Michael stuck the number in his pants pocket. He would transfer the information into his cellphone later after he got back to his hotel room. 
"Michael, are you staying at one of the major hotels downtown?" Kara asked.
"Yes, me and the whole Crew." 
"Which hotel are you staying in? If you don't mind me asking." She said. 
"I don't mind. I'm at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Do you know where it is?" He asked.
"Yes, it's on Main St. It's easy for you to get to my house from there." Kara answered. 
She wrote the directions down on another sheet of paper, tore it off and gave that one to him also. 
"If you follow these directions, you should have no problem finding my house. If you get lost or you need to talk to me, you can call my cellphone number. You can reach me anytime." 
"Okay, I'll do that." Said Michael. He took the piece of paper and stuck it in his pocket along with her phone number. 
"So you're an Advice Columnist. What do you give advice about?" Michael asked her. 
"I give advice on love and relationships, which is pretty ironic since I just got out of a bad relationship myself." Kara said 
"Well, it takes two people to make a relationship work. Giving advice about love doesn't mean you won't have a few relationship problems yourself." Michael said. 
"That's true. I guess I could look at it this, I've done what I would have advised any other woman to do in my circumstance and ended the relationship if I wasn't happy in it, and I moved on." Kara said. 
"There you go." Michael agreed. 
Kara smiled. He seemed to know the right things to say to her. He was an easy person to talk to. She liked that. 
"So, do you have any particular questions that you want to ask me?" Michael said. 
"Yeah. I read a lot of different things about you in the magazines, but yes, I do have a few questions of my own." Said Kara. 
Michael and Kara sat there talking for a while. She asked him a few questions about himself, and he asked her a few questions about herself. He found that he enjoyed talking to Kara. She was interesting and easy to talk to also, and she had a sense of humor. They were comfortable with each other. Michael liked that. More than a few of their friends noticed them sitting together in deep conversation. Chey and Cupcake definitely noticed that they had been talking for quite a while. So did Michael's family members. 
During that time, Kara's brothers and sisters came in and joined the party. They brought food and added it to the others that was there to be cooked.  They were introduced to Chey's family and guests from out-of-town including the Jackson family. They talked to Michael for a little while too. Of course, they told him about how crazy Kara was about him and his music. Kara was slightly embarrassed, and she blushed about most of it, but they made it their business to tell him about her anyway. 
Michael was enjoying it. He thought the things they were telling him was cute. The more he learned about her, the more he wanted to get to know her. She was a huge fan, but she wasn't totally overwhelmed by him. That intrigued him. 
Soon the food was done, and everybody starting getting their plates as the food was made available. About 7:00 p.m. Chey's brother Marc Kirkland arrived with his family from New York. Chey and the rest of her family greeted them with hugs and kisses. 
Chey got another surprise because her other ex-boyfriend was among that Crew. His name was Michael Stevenson b.k.a. Mike. Just like her visitors from Bel Air, he just wanted to come and visit and see how Chey was doing. He was in another relationship now, but he and Chey were still friends, just like she and Tony G was. She introduced him to Chris M too. Chris' reaction to Mike was the same as it was to Tony Garrison, cordial but cool. Then she introduced them to allo of the other people who were there. They joined in and mingled with the rest of the guests. Everyone was having a good time. 
Michael and Kara got their plate of food, and they found some place to sit down and eat. Kara noticed that Michael only ate a couple of pieces of chicken and some of the side dishes. She remembered that he was a vegetarian, and she asked him about why he made the choice to change his diet. He explained to her, and she listened intently to his story while they ate. 
About an hour later, the Crew from Tucson, Arizona arrived and joined the party. The house was really super crowded with people. Everyone really had a nice time together, and Chey tried to make her rounds and talk with everybody as best she could. 
Soon things started to settle down and some of her friends began to leave little by little. They still had to get up and go to work in the morning. 
Kara too had to leave about 12:00 a.m. herself. She said good night to Michael's and the rest of his family and friends, and then she said her goodbyes to Chey and the rest of her family too. They she left with her own brothers and sisters and went home. Soon afterward, Chey and some of the others helped clean up, and said their goodbyes to her parents. She and Chris went home, and her visitors all went back to their respective hotels. 


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