The ostrich strode across the plains
Plains of Coorong, bushranger small
Small, an Irishman who stole gold
Gold hung down his bare chest, tall
Tall it made the tiny man, bushranger
Bushranger of the Coorong feared
Feared with his pistols holding men
Men who lost their gold, he leered
Leered at the scared men losing gold
Gold was all he took, fascinated look
Look at the tiny man and his steed
Steed tall, ostrich he rode by the book
Book, he learned how to handle the bird
Bird he rode the Coorong stealing
Stealing gold from wealthy farmers
Farmers lost all of their gold dealing
Dealing gold, hidden in the bush
Bush hid his huge fortune made
Made by riding and scaring men
Men were astounded, so they paid
Paid him then horses took chase after bushranger
Bushranger was shot twice, and ostrich dead
Dead steed and he mortally wounded, he slunk
Slunk into the bush never found, full of lead
Author Notes
Contest Entry for a Loop Poem:
John Frances Peggoty born in 1864 in Limerick, Ireland was only the size of a seven-year-old child. He traveled to South Africa to learn how to handle ostriches. With a plan in mind, he had a special saddle made for an ostrich. He then came to Australia. He terrorized the people of the Coorong and after he was shot, crawled into the bush. His body was never found and his 'stash' worth millions still lies unclaimed.
A B C B rhyming. The Coorong is Aboriginal land inhabited by the Ngarrindjeri tribes. Coorong is 150 K from Adelaide SA.