- Why I Need Napsby Monica Chaddick
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It's hard with a 6 mth old kitten and a 3 yr old playful pup
Rambling Thoughts
: Why I Need Naps by Monica Chaddick

My dog and my kitty, both snug in my bed
My dog by my side, my cat on my head

I try to sleep, but it's not a done deal
To say the least, the struggle is real

I try many ways for the night to go well
But try as I might, it is usually hell

The cat cries and howls at the door to get out
Once out, she's not happy and of course cries and pouts

She then howls and meows to be let back in
Once she's in, the process starts over again

My night is ruined, my sleep disturbed
This restless cat gets me very perturbed

During the day I may get a nap
Because that's when she falls asleep in a snap

Author Notes
I have had pets my entire life, and I know that this is just typical behavior. However, as I was attempting to sleep last night, I decided that I could make it a bit amusing by putting it in poem. No animals were harmed in the making of this rhyme - LOL. That's what you get when I need sleep - ha ha.


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