- More Utopiaby Cogitator
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More Utopia by Cogitator
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

In Utopia, where humanity flourishes in symbiosis with advanced technology and the natural world, transportation transcends conventional means.

Picture a worldwide grid of vacuum tubes effortlessly whisking travelers from one part of the globe to another. Timetables, once the rigid backbone of travel logistics, are now relics of a bygone era, replaced by a seamless flow of movement guided by advanced algorithms. One benefit of living in this environment is never being pressured by deadlines. No stress here. It is always NOW, no matter what we choose to do.

Crossing the vast expanse of the oceans, where ships once ruled the waves, now only the gentle sway of vessels can be seen. Air travel has been relinquished in favor of a more sustainable existence. In Utopia, where the principles of sustainability, equality, and interconnectedness flourish, such decisions are not made lightly but with a profound understanding of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. It is always HERE.

Within this idyllic community, nestled amidst the embrace of nature's bounty and the hum of technology, residents live in harmony with their surroundings. Every citizen is but a button away from assistance, fostering a sense of security and interconnectedness that permeates every aspect of life. We become KIN and KITH.

Utopia's landscape tells the story of abundance and cooperation, where hydroponic and aquaponic gardens thrive under the watchful gaze of solar panels and wind turbines. Here, advanced robotics work hand in hand with the forces of nature, ensuring the sustainability of the community's resources and the well-being of its inhabitants.

Equality and collaboration are not just lofty ideals in Utopia; they are the cornerstones of its existence. Ownership gives way to shared responsibility, and resources are managed collectively to ensure that no one is left behind. Each member of the community contributes their unique skills and talents, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose that transcends individualism. Citizens have come to understand that independence never existed, and that individuality is what determines how we view the world. Points of view are presented, not to argue, but to agree.

Utopia stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, not just for its inhabitants but for the world at large. In a time where global unity is more crucial than ever, this community serves as a shining example of what humanity can achieve when we come together with a shared vision of a better future. We must shed the cobwebs of conservatism for progress to be maximized.

Life in Utopia is a testament to the power of innovation, cooperation, and a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living beings. Here, amidst the gentle hum of technology and the rustle of leaves, humanity has found its place in the vast tapestry of the universe, living in harmony with both nature and technology.

The development of the Arts and Sciences is the commitment of all education. It is the discovery of the link to the divine with our evolved brain. Lifelong learning and the evolution of animal consciousness are the focus of all human endeavors. Everyone contributes to what Mother Earth has endowed.

We must commit to a goal before it can influence our lives.

How we think

Let’s imagine waking up in the morning. What do you first bring to your conscious mind? Most folks would probably say: “What time is it?” Perhaps some would wonder: “Where the hell am I?” The thoughts soon merge and create our Here and Now, or moment in time. We now activate our sensing mechanisms and address the direst request from our five physical senses.

If we see a bear heading toward us, we will activate our legs, probably. Urgency will be decided by circumstances.

When we boot our electronic sleepyheads, they do the same thing.

Step 1: Stimuli from the environment or internal states are sensed by the individual as well as computers. They have an internal clock normally in tune with the official atomic clock and they can accept input from various communication tools. We have calendars and other time-keeping equipment to determine when we should produce reports or activate people and/or equipment.

The best stimulus we can get as humans comes up subjectively as a creative idea. From that centered point, we can define and create the environment we choose to occupy. It is our collaborative effort that can create whatever we agree to create.  Regardless of what we decide, we are eternally on the path to our next most important goal. If we make coffee before brushing our teeth, we have made our first decision of the day. Then, breakfast, news, etc.

This sequence of events is usually called our morning routine. Computers run routines as well. They are called programs. Humans who are ignorant of how computers are programmed do not yet realize that they are being programmed. They become sheeple, lemmings, or Pavlov dogs as pawns for those who program them. Their routines are so firmly ingrained by their continual and habitual execution that they wear a trench so deep that they no longer see alternatives. The term has been shortened to RUT and can also be an addiction, or habit.

Information Processing Attitudes: The sensed stimuli are processed through four attitudes or layers, each representing different ways of interpreting and responding to information. These attitudes could be cognitive, emotional, intuitive, and physical, for example. As patterns are being interpreted, they must round the bases before coming home. These relate to the Johari Window, DISC definitions, and the Eastern philosophy of castes. Each “home run” is an acceptance of an AHA! Moment.

Thought Generation: Based on the processing of stimuli patterns through these attitudes, our frontal lobes will issue directives through our nervous system and a new thought is generated. This thought encompasses the individual's perceptions, beliefs, emotions, and physical sensations.

Meaning Making - The generated thought seeks to create meaning from the stimuli. This meaning-making process involves synthesizing the information processed through the various attitudes and integrating it into the individual's understanding of the world.

Expression of Thought: The energy of thought seeks expression in observable forms, whether through actions, behaviors, emotions, or creations. This expression is influenced by the individual's unique perspective and the meaning they have attributed to the stimuli. This is our decision for action.

Thought is dynamic and constantly evolving, driven by the continuous cycle of sensing stimuli, processing information, generating meaning, and expressing itself. This evolutionary process allows for adaptation and growth in response to changing stimuli and circumstances.

Awareness: The individual becomes aware of stimuli from the environment or internal states.

Attention: They focus their attention on specific stimuli, filtering out irrelevant information.

Apprehension: They grasp or comprehend the nature of the stimuli, forming initial impressions or understanding.

Analysis: They break down the stimuli into parts, examining them in detail to gain deeper insights.

Additional or proceed to Evaluation: Depending on the complexity of the stimuli, they may gather additional information or proceed directly to evaluation.

Evaluation: They critically assess the stimuli, considering various factors such as relevance, credibility, and implications.

Assessment: They make judgments or assessments based on their analysis and evaluation of the stimuli.

Decision: They reach a decision or conclusion regarding how to respond to the stimuli.

Action: They act based on their decision, manifesting their thoughts and intentions in observable behavior or outcomes.

Start over to check results: After acting, they reflect on the outcomes, reassessing the situation to determine the effectiveness of their decision and actions. This may lead them back to the awareness stage if new stimuli or feedback are received, initiating another cycle of the thought process.

This cycle represents a continuous loop of cognitive processing, where each stage informs and influences the next, leading to adaptive behavior and learning over time.

Author Notes
This is a continuation of defining the goal of humanity


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