- The Flashby Brenda Strauser
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Story about a girl's experience
The Flash by Brenda Strauser
Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
When Stacie turned 16, she was employed as a cashier at Giant Grocery Store. Some nights it was so busy, while other times the store had few customers and boredom would set in, especially one particular night, when the store was quite empty.
The other cashiers and Stacie had nothing to do so they stood talking  and staring out the windows, which were in front of the store.
All of a sudden, a naked man raced across the front of the windows. Then another man ran by, and two more after that, all naked. The men raced by so fast, like a flash. 
Stacie just stood still, her heart pounding and couldn't believe what just happened. The other cashiers couldn't stop laughing. 
Rumors had been circulating around town about some boys from the high school track team streaking around the city. The streakers were seen in front of the laundromat, the library and other places. 
The police didn't catch them. This became one of the biggest jokes going around town. This is one memory etched in her mind forever. 

Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story that has 500 words or less. Any topic.

Author Notes
Picture from Google


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