- A Woman Presidentby Monica Chaddick
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I have wanted to see a woman get this job before I die
A Woman President by Monica Chaddick
Kamala for President writing prompt entry

It is on my bucket list

To see a woman president


Kamala, now, is in the run

To try and get this big job done


We thought Hillary just might succeed

But Trump, instead, did the deed


We need a woman in the house of white

These men can't get the job done right


She may just clean up the mess

And get our country out of stress


Kamala, Kamala, she's our “man”

If she can't do it, no one can


She will be my candidate

I hope that she will tell it straight


It's time to give a woman a chance

To fix up this song and dance


She definitely can't do worse

These men we've had have been a curse


Let's all give Kamala our vote

She may be our country's G.O.A.T.

Writing Prompt

Kamala Harris has announced she is running for President! Write a poem commemorating this historical event.

Author Notes
I have wanted to see this happen before I die. I have a feeling that a woman might do a great job.
DISCLAIMER: This poem only reflects my opinion. Please do not take any offense if you feel differently.
*G.O.A.T. = Greatest Of All Time


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